so as the title states i'm new to this forum and to be blunt i'm here only for 1 reason and that is because a friend referred me and said i can play minecraft on her private server via downloading the auto-updater. As i do not have 30$ to buy the game i decided to register and give you guys a try.

so my questions are few and simple and as i don't know my way around here yet perhaps they may have been asked and you can point me in the right way.
Does this updater require me to already have downloaded a copy of minecraft and if so do you know where i can do that without having to become a premium member and pay 30$

second do i have to have an understanding of code in order to fully use this program or can an average joe use it without issue, I fall in the middle of those 2 categories but complicated things are beyond me at this time.

thank you for your time and sorry about the lack of grammar and caps but it's late and i'm in a hurry b4 bed