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Games Research Community

Welcome to the Games Research Community.

    1. Rules/Announcements

      Important announcements, the Concept and the Rules of

      Threads: 31  Posts: 146

      It's 2022... And it's Dwar again

      by nikitods , 2022-02-24, 07:47 PM
    2. General Talk

      Questions on life, discussion of current events, software and hardware chatting etc.

      Threads: 1,709  Posts: 3,905

      Hello again

      by ocarinas , 2021-10-01, 10:26 AM
    3. Forum Development

      Password and activation problems, improvements, questions and suggestions about forum usability

      Threads:Posts: 0

    1. Games Lounge

      MMO's News, OBT / CBT, General Game Chatting

      Threads: 265  Posts: 492

      Xbox One Error E200?

      by Npofwel , 2020-06-23, 04:08 PM
    2. Aika Online

      Discussion about Aika and related themes

      Threads: 2,175  Posts: 22,292

      [Hack] FreeHunting - Aika BR/EN/RU

      by claudson , 2022-06-01, 01:05 AM
    3. Forsaken World

      Discussion about Forsaken World and related themes

      Threads: 127  Posts: 548

      Question [Bug] Seeing fashion correctly on a character.

      by vesnokka , 2021-08-09, 04:09 AM
    4. Perfect World

      Discussion about Perfect World and related themes

      Threads: 70  Posts: 342

      [Soft] PW Window Renamer

      by mahalka , 2021-11-25, 09:52 AM
    5. Requiem Online

      Discussion about Requiem Online and related themes

      Threads: 258  Posts: 4,904

      Requiem emulator

      by Szabii , 2022-10-12, 07:43 AM
    6. Dragon Nest

      Discuss everything related to Dragon Nest

      Threads: 207  Posts: 1,012

      Cool Dragon nest Cheat Engine Hacks + Entries

      by zsullivan , 2019-07-23, 05:41 AM
    7. Lineage II

      Discussion about Lineage II and related themes

      Threads: 47  Posts: 108

      [Release] Unthemided (unpacked) nwindow.dll,...

      by tester1245 , 2021-01-02, 09:49 AM
    8. World of Warcraft

      Discussion about World of Warcraft and related themes

      Threads: 61  Posts: 106

      How to buy the cheapest Bless Unleashed...

      by smithgill , 2021-09-04, 07:14 AM
    9. Aion

      Discussion about Aion and related themes

      Threads: 81  Posts: 297

      [Bot] Free Aion AngelBot + Source

      by arazaic , 2021-10-12, 10:04 AM
    10. MMO Server Developments

      Anything related to MMO server creation and private servers

      Threads: 51  Posts: 132

      [Dumping] (old) Cosmic Break Beta files

      by Zero , 2022-06-06, 01:57 AM
    11. Threads: 65  Posts: 171

      [Bot] Grepolis Auto farming, building,...

      by Power911 , 2017-10-09, 03:32 AM
    1. Threads: 29  Posts: 61

      Cool combat arms aim bot tele kill new needed

      by acaudilll133 , 2019-09-15, 11:54 PM
    2. Counter Strike

      A Counter Strike community forum for everyone that is interested in CS. Join our discussions related to everything about Counter-Strike.

      Threads: 44  Posts: 85

      Lightbulb AK47 Aiming tactic

      by al1mert , 2016-05-19, 02:43 PM
    3. CrossFire

      Find everything pertaining to Crossfire Hack, Aimbots, Cheats all in one place!

      Threads: 103  Posts: 261

      Thumbs up [Tutorial] How To Make Hack CrossFire...

      by HACKCF , 2018-02-21, 03:26 PM
    4. Threads: 80  Posts: 223

      [Hack] Loader (Beta)

      by Chuck , 2014-12-23, 10:59 PM
    5. Threads: 18  Posts: 30

      Lightbulb [Release] [Kiraa] Chams, ESP, Invisible,...

      by AkiRaa , 2013-06-24, 09:36 AM
  1. Game Research and Programming

    Generic programming information
    1. General Game Research

      Researching and analyzing. Discussing and creating useful addons, hacks for any other game

      Threads: 626  Posts: 2,381

      [Tool] Digimon Masters Online DMOP Packer /...

      by LiangT , 2022-09-30, 08:17 AM
    2. General Programming

      C++/C, Java, Visual Basics, Assembly, PHP/HTML, Delphi etc.

      Threads: 469  Posts: 1,217

      Question [Help] Can help me for this Script, What is...

      by savasfan , 2022-04-14, 10:27 PM

      [Delphi] Memory Search Function

      by RiiStar , 2022-02-10, 10:42 PM
    3. Threads: 11  Posts: 27

      [C#] aika remastered

      by elienblog , 2020-07-07, 12:14 PM
    4. Anti-Cheat Systems

      Making and breaking anti-cheats. Share info on bypassing PB, VAC, GameGuard, XTrap and other game guards.

      Threads: 72  Posts: 560

      Question [Help] How to track which file trigger Game...

      by malfolozy , 2016-12-13, 02:33 AM
    5. Files & Tools

      Tools for hacking, analyzing, debugging and other useful development tools

      Threads: 82  Posts: 186

      [Memory Scanner] Psych Tool (Modified...

      by darkmindbr , 2022-04-16, 03:08 PM
  2. Graphics Zone

    Graphics discussion, showoff and requests
    1. Graphics Lounge

      Chat about design and graphics: signatures, avatars etc. Spice up your posts with these sexy images. Discuss them here.

      Threads: 25  Posts: 43

      how to convert .dds or .msh so that can...

      by Kizzol , 2016-11-20, 05:31 PM
    2. GFX ShowCase

      Got something you made you want to show? You have an awesome design you wish to share? Post it here!

      Threads:Posts: 5

      Toaster Boss Showcase

      by Snow7L , 2014-12-08, 06:37 PM
    3. Graphics Tutorials

      Learn how to make your own graphics or post your GFX Tutorials here

      Threads: 27  Posts: 62

      Photoshop - White balance tutorial

      by Gforse , 2015-03-04, 12:41 AM
    4. Game Models and Graphic

      3D Models, Arts and Graphic from and for any Games

      Threads: 57  Posts: 181

      [Release] [Silkroad] PK2 Extractor-Editor +...

      by vanngoclong , 2021-09-23, 09:36 PM
    5. Renders

      Made your own game or movie render? Share your work with others!

      Threads: 28  Posts: 45

      [Game] Render crossed art.

      by hopetail , 2013-07-29, 06:49 PM
    1. V.I.P zone

      Where secrets can be discussed. General VIP section: talk, ideas and fun

      Threads:Posts: 0

    2. Threads:Posts: 0

    3. Threads:Posts: 0

    4. Underground Advanced

      Disassembly, debugging, programming at all

      Threads:Posts: 0

  3. International Zone

    Use this forum to discuss topics in any language.
    1. Português

      Este fórum é moderado e está sobre as mesmas regras que os restantes fóruns.

      Threads: 569  Posts: 3,474

      Wink [Tutorial] Como Ter Sua Conta Ativada

      by xataum , 2021-10-17, 06:22 AM
    2. Español

      Este foro sigue las mismas reglas que los demás y será moderado por los moderadores de estos foros.

      Threads: 17  Posts: 34

      [Help] Grand Fantasía, mala optimizacion?

      by Celeron , 2020-03-14, 01:14 AM
    1. Buying Place

      Buying Accounts, Keys, Items etc

      Threads: 46  Posts: 79

      Hack for Steam Game Miscreated!! I Pay...

      by ShadowBeast , 2017-05-21, 06:13 PM
    2. Selling Place

      Selling Accounts, Keys, Items etc

      Threads: 91  Posts: 148

      Re: [Sell] Hades - Royal Server -...

      by Hades ✔ , 2018-07-08, 02:51 PM

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