Hi evrybody This is L2Control 4.0 Pro. it is cracked seclink.in - secure linkin' it work on interlude client !!on kamael or Gracia Client i havent test it!! so have fun with it
The program has the following functions:
Graphic display of characters to a radar with the instruction of height
Display of characters by the list(class, sub, nobless/hero) and a clan
Switching of a mode "radar" / "list"
Sorting by class/range/animosities
The hotkey "the first target" - chooses the first target from the list of a radar
Flexible setting AutoCP/GHP/QHP/Soul/SOE and so for all cases
Sound preventions
A choice from the list of the character of a radar
Lists of characters(KOS)/clans for definition of enemies
Lists of NPC/mobs for autodetecting
Display of characters which hold you on "target"
The option to show died characters
Record of a chat
Record of title of treaders
"Auto-assist" - a choice of the purpose set on by assist
"Auto-target" - from the list on a hotkey or automatically
Built in Multiwin
Algorithm "RECHARGE" and "HEALER" for the second character
Display equipment of the enemy
Detect and display "Player killer" with karma
Built "Expometr" to evaluate the efficiency of location
Function of "pilot"
Extract all in one folder
At the first start in parameters to load a configuration from a file default.ini
Choose port Game of a server and to overload the program
Run programm before run game client or before select game server
Here it is: L2Control 6.3 pro
- Support LineageII of chronicles Interlude, Kamael, Hellbound, Gracia.
- Supports simultaneously some the loaded clients.
Extract all in one folder
At the first start in parameters to load a configuration from a file default.ini
Choose port Game of a server and to overload the program
Run programm before run game client or before select game server
1.It was downloaded from l2control.stelife.com! So I don´t want to read that there is a virus! NO VIRUS! I tested it for 100 times.
2.Read how to use HERE!
3.If the older version of L2Control worked on your server, the new one will also work! If not, the new version also won´t work.