Hm, trial reset... It's not a warez or program crack, you just clean registry of your OS. Ok, this stuff is not forbidden
Hm, trial reset... It's not a warez or program crack, you just clean registry of your OS. Ok, this stuff is not forbidden
Couldn't find the key you mentioned above.
I'm using Win 7 64 bit, BEM installed.
Digging inside regedit but couldn't find the CLSID file under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\.....
I uninstalled the BE, delete the two keys, cleaned up with Ccleaner.
But when you reinstall the BE, the two keys reappear. And still expired.
É pra ficar com medo?
Apenas observo...
Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.
this did'nt function here...i just find the second that you spoke, the firts i couldn'n find
<---- If I helped, click the button thanks!
That's not very nice.
Circumventing application security and publishing steps to do so, is (apart from being illegal) an invitation for stronger security measures in future versions, potentially introducing added complexity for legitimate users, shame on you
but i do not found it in the regedit ..
my window 7 32 bit
Ola Eu segui corretamente todos os passos (HKEY_CURRENT_USER , Software , Classes , Wow6432Node , CLSID
So que nao encontrei os arquivos que devem ser apagados
Meu computador e Windows 8, 64bits
Hello I followed all the steps correctly (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Classes, Wow6432Node, CLSID
So you do not find the files that should be deleted
My Computer and Windows 8 64bit