My question is probably stupid, but I was very worried.
I want to write a small trainer for online game, but I do not know how.
In these sreens I have described an algorithm that would be realized in life.
All I know is that you need to work with functions ReadProcessMemory and WriteProcessMemory...
If anyone ever encountered such an example, could you please help me.
Excuse me for my bad English
Sincerely JonRamzes.
P.S. I know I need to use the length of the text string to indicate the number of symbols.
I tryed used this:
WindowName:= Find(nil, WindowTitle);
If WindowName = 0 then
MessageDlg('!!!', mtwarning, [mbOK], 0);
ThreadId:= GetWindowThreadProcessId(WindowName,@ProcessId);
HandleWindow:= OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, ProcessId);
buf:= length(Edit1.Text);
WriteProcessMemory (HandleWindow, ptr($007E1DAC), @buf, 4, write);