hello. first of all, i can't see the screens you add to your post (they were deleted from the hosting server).
However, i assume i can help you anyhow.
The addresses are changed because you didn't find the right pointer. I mean, finding the offset which the game runs by permanently.
How would you do that? first, find a value and it's real address (with pointer scan or so) then, check the assembly command. It has to be something like mov [ebx+***.dll+0142], eax. the offset is NOT the ebx but the added value (in my example 0x0142). now, knowing the offsets, in CE go to memory view>debug>Dissect Data\Structures and build the data structure with the offset you have and the address you found first. navigate through the values while playing your game to identify another valueable addresses in the data structure.
i hope this helps,