Code:28201 Khaos' Armor (Soul) 28202 Khaos' Gloves (Soul) 28203 Khaos' Pauldrons (Soul) 28204 Khaos' Boots (Soul) 28205 Khaos' Greaves (Soul) 28206 Khaos' Helm (Soul) 28207 Khaos' Belt (Soul) 28211 Eros' Armor (Soul) 28212 Eros' Gloves (Soul) 28213 Eros' Pauldrons (Soul) 28214 Eros' Boots (Soul) 28215 Eros' Greaves (Soul) 28216 Eros' Helm (Soul) 28217 Eros' Belt (Soul) 28218 Eros' Shield (Soul) 28221 Tartarus' Armor (Soul) 28222 Tartarus' Gloves (Soul) 28223 Tartarus' Pauldrons (Soul) 28224 Tartarus' Boots (Soul) 28225 Tartarus' Greaves (Soul) 28226 Tartarus' Helm (Soul) 28227 Tartarus' Belt (Soul) 28231 Nyx' Armor (Soul) 28232 Nyx' Gloves (Soul) 28233 Nyx' Pauldrons (Soul) 28234 Nyx' Boots (Soul) 28235 Nyx' Greaves (Soul) 28236 Nyx' Helm (Soul) 28237 Nyx' Belt (Soul) 28241 Erebus' Armor (Soul) 28242 Erebus' Gloves (Soul) 28243 Erebus' Pauldrons (Soul) 28244 Erebus' Boots (Soul) 28245 Erebus' Greaves (Soul) 28246 Erebus' Helm (Soul) 28247 Erebus' Belt (Soul) 28248 Erebus' Shield (Soul) 28301 Primal Khaos' Armor (Soul) 28302 Primal Khaos' Gloves (Soul) 28303 Primal Khaos' Pauldrons (Soul) 28304 Primal Khaos' Boots (Soul) 28305 Primal Khaos' Greaves (Soul) 28306 Primal Khaos' Helm (Soul) 28307 Primal Khaos' Belt (Soul) 28311 Primal Eros' Armor (Soul) 28312 Primal Eros' Gloves (Soul) 28313 Primal Eros' Pauldrons (Soul) 28314 Primal Eros' Boots (Soul) 28315 Primal Eros' Greaves (Soul) 28316 Primal Eros' Helm (Soul) 28317 Primal Eros' Belt (Soul) 28321 Primal Tartarus' Armor (Soul) 28322 Primal Tartarus' Gloves (Soul) 28323 Primal Tartarus' Pauldrons (Soul) 28324 Primal Tartarus' Boots (Soul) 28325 Primal Tartarus' Greaves (Soul) 28326 Primal Tartarus' Helm (Soul) 28327 Primal Tartarus' Belt (Soul) 28331 Primal Nyx' Armor (Soul) 28332 Primal Nyx' Gloves (Soul) 28333 Primal Nyx' Pauldrons (Soul) 28334 Primal Nyx' Boots (Soul) 28335 Primal Nyx' Greaves (Soul) 28336 Primal Nyx' Helm (Soul) 28337 Primal Nyx' Belt (Soul) 28341 Primal Erebus' Armor (Soul) 28342 Primal Erebus' Gloves (Soul) 28343 Primal Erebus' Pauldrons (Soul) 28344 Primal Erebus' Boots (Soul) 28345 Primal Erebus' Greaves (Soul) 28346 Primal Erebus' Helm (Soul) 28347 Primal Erebus' Belt (Soul) 115套装的武器: 19621 Khaos' Blade (Soul) 19622 Eros' Halberd (Soul) 19623 Tartarus' Blade (Soul) 19624 Nyx' Staff (Soul) 19625 Erebus' Wand (Soul) 19626 Primal Khaos' Blade (Soul) 19627 Primal Eros' Halberd (Soul) 19628 Primal Tartarus' Blade (Soul) 19629 Primal Nyx' Staff (Soul) 19630 Primal Erebus' Wand (Soul) 奥义首饰(项链,戒指,护身符) 37750 Eloquent Ring (Brzk) 37751 Eloquent Ring (Chmp) 37752 Eloquent Ring (Slyr) 37753 Eloquent Fingerband (Mgus) 37754 Eloquent Fingerband (Hrtc) 37755 Eloquent Necklace (Brzk) 37756 Eloquent Necklace (Chmp) 37757 Eloquent Necklace (Slyr) 37758 Eloquent Necklace (Mgus) 37759 Eloquent Necklace (Hrtc) 37760 Eloquent Charm (Brzk) 37761 Eloquent Charm (Chmp) 37762 Eloquent Charm (Slyr) 37763 Eloquent Charm (Mgus) 37764 Eloquent Charm (Hrtc) 顶级圣杯 20470 Sparkling Platinum Chalice LV 20 20491 Sparkling Platinum Chalice LV 20 15级宝石 5015 Rock of Tyr LV15 5035 Materia of Thor LV15 5055 Shard of Heimdallr LV15 5075 Runstone of Balder LV15 5095 Diamond of Frigga LV15 5115 Crystal of Mimir LV15 5135 Stone of Flame LV15 5155 Stone of Frost LV15 5175 Stone of Light LV15 5195 Stone of Darkness LV15 5215 Jewel of Flame LV15 5235 Jewel of Frost LV15 5255 Jewel of Light LV15 5275 Jewel of Darkness LV15 5295 Stone of Strength LV15 5315 Stone of Dexterity LV15 5335 Stone of Stamina LV15 5355 Stone of Intellect LV15 5375 Stone of Spirit LV15 5395 Gem of Hel LV15 5415 Luckstone of Bragi LV15 5435 Soulgem of Hoder LV15 5455 Wondergem of Artemis LV15 5475 Stone of Helios LV15 5495 Selene's Lunarstone LV15