É pra ficar com medo?
Apenas observo...
Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.
forget it, the client merely send the items used for refining in your bag (zero index), and the result is 100% generated on the server.
lets say you have the item that you want to refine at the top left position in bag 1, and the refine material next to it, the client used 0 and 1 as the parameters when sending the refine packet. if the server returned a refine success, the game client will play a random "jackpot" slot machine animation.
Gostei da sua iniciativa, porém, isso não passa de client side. Mudando ou não os valores de adress do Aika, o packet que será enviado será um só, fortificar o iten tal, do slot tal e só. O resto será calculado "server side". Para ter certeza, realizei testes e não fez muita diferença.
A roleta do jogo é só uma ilustração, quando você fortifica um item, assim que você clica em ok, demora milésimos de segundos para o seu item ser fortificado, só que só vem a notícia depois daquela "palhaçada". A prova disso é quando você fortifica um iten +9. pra você a roleta vai estar girando ainda, na expectativa, mas outros já receberam a mensagem do +9 antes de você. Quando você coloca para rodar um iten +10~+11, você recebe o título de "patriota" assim que a roleta começa a rodar, antes mesmo de aparecer a mensagem...
Tudo isso não passa de ilustração.
I like your initiative, but this is only client side. Changing values or not adress Aika, the packet will be sent to one, fortify the iten such as slot and only. The rest will be calculated "server side". To be sure, I performed tests and did not make much difference.
The roulette game is just an illustration, when you fortify an item, so you click ok, it takes milliseconds for your item to be fortified, except that only comes after the news that "nonsense". The proof is when you fortify an iten +9. for you will be spinning the roulette still pending, but others have received the message before you +9. When you place to run an iten ~ +10 +11, you get the title of "patriot" so that the wheel starts spinning even before the message ...
All this is mere illustration.
Yes bro. You can manipulate that images that makes sucessfully or not the reinforce, but it would be all client side.
The best thing you can do, is to find out how the reinforce timer works, for different kinds of armors/weapons. Maybe it can be stored inside the client, but very difficult because client doesn't need to know this value.
Even after the things the guys exclaimed up above me, I think it's very much crazy to think that Unrandomizer only works for fortifying.
If it actually works, someone must go outside the town and start killing boars. The drop should always be the same.
Since Unrandomizer is not attached to a certain proccess of Aika, then it should unrandomize all of them.
I can understand that the jackpot image is just an illustration. Though that is where I would like to ask more about the enriched extracts, I assume that the server checks if these items are present in your inventory or not before actually refining. I mean that is if you find a way to tell the server that you are using an enriched extract using the right packet details.
My major concern is if I do manage to send a packet to the server with the right encryption, and with the message saying that I am using an enriched extract which will not allow my weapon to get downgraded or broken. Then would it first check if the enriched extract is present in my inventory using some verification? Because that would involve a great deal more work just to find out how to spoof that validation.