#Include <File.au3>
#include <Timers.au3>
#Include <Misc.au3>
#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
;#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
;#include <StaticConstants.au3>
;#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
;#include <GDIPlus.au3>
;#include <ScreenCapture.au3>
#include <WinAPI.au3>
;#include <ComboConstants.au3>
$version = 1.77
Global $language = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "language", "english")
Global $txtchk1,$txtchk2 ,$txtchk3, $txtchk4 , $txtchk7, $txtchk5, $txtchk6
Global $txtui1, $txtui2, $txtui3, $txtlab8, $txtg2, $txtlab3, $txtlab4, $txtlab5, $txtlab6, $txtg3, $txtlab7
Global $txtttui1,$txtttui2, $txtttui3, $txtttui4, $txtttui7, $txtttui8, $txtttui9, $txtttui5, $txtttui6, $txtttbutsetup, $txtttbutlang, $txtttbutlog, $txtttbutquick, $txtttbutrndfish, $txtttbuttausch
Global $txtbut1, $txtbutsetup, $txtbutlang, $txtbutlog, $txtbutquick, $txtbutrndfish, $txtbuttausch
Global $txtmsghead1, $txtmsghead2, $txtmsghead3, $txtmsghead4, $txtmsghead5, $txtmsghead6
Global $txtmsgbox1, $txtmsgbox2, $txtmsgbox3, $txtmsgbox4, $txtmsgbox6
Global $txtttig1, $txtttig2, $txtttig3, $txtttig4, $txtttig5, $txtttig6, $txtttig7, $txtttig8, $txtttig9, $txtttig10, $txtttig11, $txtttig12
Global $txtttcreator1, $txtttcreator2, $txtttcreator3, $txtttcreator4, $txtttcreator5, $txtttcreator6, $txtttcreator7, $txtttcreator8, $txtttcreator9, $txtttcreator10
Global $txtscan1, $txtscan2, $txtscan3, $txtscan4, $txtscan5, $trimskillup
Global $txtnamelogfile, $txtchooselog, $txtfishestriedtocatch
;funktion für alle sprachvariablen!
Func loadlanguage($lang)
Case $lang = "english"
$txtchk1 = "Use lure"
$txtui1 = "Matze's Fishbot " & $version & " General Settings"
$txtttui1 = "Do you want to use lures? You can also make a macro to use different ones (type: use name of the lure)"
$txtchk2 = "Use Tent"
$txtttui2 = "Don't you like camping in a river? There is nothing more fun than being afk fishing in a water drenched bedroll or tent and getting rested bonus XP at the same time ;-)"
$txtchk3 = "Wait after catch for"
$txtttui3 = "I don't even know if there any automatic scripts by Trion to find bots and scripts. This should help to fool them. The bot waits randomly after each catch for 0-X seconds"
$txtchk4 = "Enable Tooltips"
$txtttui4 = "Tooltips are your friends, they tell you what to do. Only uncheck if you know what you are doing. So... YOU better keep them enabled. Yes, YOU! :P"
$txtchk7 = "caught fishes"
$txtttui7 = "If you enable this option you see all the caught stuff ingame in a tooltip in the upper left corner. Only works with activated tooltips for some special reasons, not sure why."
$txtttui8 = "If you only want to use a certain number of lures write it down here. Otherwise just use a big number, it should be fine, however if you are unlucky you could destroy your fishingpole (no kidding this time)"
$txtttui9 = "Insert the duration of your tent or bedroll, fire or whatever. This is for the EXP Bonus that you get while standing on those things"
$txtui2 = "Tent Duration"
$txtbut1 = "Help"
$txtui3 = "How many lures"
$txtchk5 = "Auto /log"
$txtttui5 = "Automatically enables log. Also checks, if log is enabled or not. To test this the bot will start and aborting fishing once or twice. Just don't do anything and especially don't try typing anything while you start the bot"
$txtchk6 = "PC shutdown after"
$txtttui6 = "PC shuts down after X Minutes! This is a force shutdown, so save your stuff if you use this! This PC is goin' down!"
$txtlab8 = "minutes"
$txtg2 = "Keybindings and Setup"
$txtlab3 = "Lure"
$txtlab4 = "Tent"
$txtlab5 ="Bagpack"
$txtlab6 = "Fishing pole"
$txtlab7 = "seconds"
$txtbutsetup = "Setup Lure"
$txtttbutsetup = "Saves the position of your fishing pole in your inventory to use lures. You need to do this once before you want to use lures. If you change the position of your fishing pole in your inventory you have to do this again"
$txtbutlang = "Language"
$txtttbutlang = "Change the Language of the Fishbot! You NEED to set the correct language for Rift or the bot can't read the log."
$txtbutlog = "Change log path"
$txtttbutlog = "The rift log path should be correct on default. If the path is wrong use this to set it up correctly"
$txtg3 = "Start"
$txtbutquick = "Quickfishing"
$txtttbutquick = "Always fish at exactly the same position."
$txtbutrndfish = "Randomfishing"
$txtttbutrndfish = "Mark the upper left and bottom right corner of a square. You will randomly fish in this area."
$txtmsghead1 = "Quickfishing"
$txtmsgbox1 = "LEFT CLICK on the spot where you want to fish. The game needs to in windowed or fullscreen(windowed) mode. The Rift window will open automatically."
$txtmsghead2 = "Random Fishing: Fishing in an area"
$txtmsgbox2 = "Mark the area where you want to fish by LEFT clicking on the upper left and then on the bottom right corner of an area. The game needs to be in windowed or fullscreen(windowed) mode. The Rift window will open automatically."
$txtttig1 = "LEFT click on the top left corner of your fishing area"
$txtttig2 = "LEFT click on the bottom right corner of your fishing area"
$txtttig3 = "LEFT click on the spot where you want to fish"
$txtttig4 = "F10 = exit" & @crlf & "F9 = continue" & @crlf & "F8 = toggle Tooltips"
$txtttig11 = "Paused"
$txtttig12 = "Testing if log is enabled, don't type anything!"
$txtttcreator1 = "F10 = exit" & @crlf & "F9 = pause and unlock mouse" & @crlf & "F8 = toggle Tooltips"
$txtttcreator2 = "Fishing"
$txtttcreator3 = "Shutdown in "
$txtttcreator4 = "LOG not enabled, wrong LANGUAGE, misuse of Bot or path to the log wrong!"
$txtttcreator5 = "ERROR"
$txtttcreator6 = "Auto /log failed to enable LOG"
$txtttcreator7 = "waiting for "
$txtttcreator8 = " seconds"
$txtttcreator9 = "You have caught: "
$txtmsghead3 = "Setup fishing pole position"
$txtmsgbox3 = "Click once with the RIGHT mousekey on the position of your fishing pole in your inventory!"
$txtmsghead4 = "Very good"
$txtmsgbox4 = "The lures should now be put correctly on your fishing pole. If not, then you have to repeat this setup. Now you can start fishing with Quickfishing and Randomfishing. Have fun ;-)"
$txtmsghead5 = "Instructions"
$txtmsghead6 = "Matze's Fishbot " & $version & " Help"
$txtmsgbox6 = "This is a short summary what you have to do:" & @crlf & "1. you have to play in windowed or fullscreen(windowed) mode! Just fullscreen won't work!" & @crlf & "2. Autoloot has to be enabled" & @crlf & "3. When you start for " & _
"the first time there should pop up window where you can set the language. You can always change the language by clicking on the language button (Yeah, really, who would" & _
" have thought!)" & @crlf & "4. The ingame log has to be enabled, while you are fishing or there will be long breaks after each catch. You can just let the bot enable the log automatically" & @crlf & "5. If you want to use a lure you have to " & _
"show the bot where the fishing pole is in your inventory. Click on the Setup Lure Box to show him" & @crlf & "6. Put lures, your fishing pole and tents if you want to use any in your action bar and set the keybindings accordingly"& @crlf & "7. Get "& _
"next to some water and start the fishing by clicking on the quick or randomfish button. Everything should be explained in some very smart tooltips. " & @crlf & @crlf & "Most of the stuff is explained in tooltips if you move the mouse over " & _
"the Bot's GUI. Just read it, that should explain most questions" & @crlf & @crlf & "Some questions:" & @crlf &"Why can't I move the mouse?" & @crlf & "If a fish is biting your mouse icon changes and the Bot uses this to detect that he has " & _
"to reel in. If you would move the mouse the bot would always reel in at once and start fishing again repeatedly. You wouldn't want that. Instead you can just push F9 to pause the bot and unlock the mouse. Do whatever you want and push F9 " & _
"again if you want to continue. It will resume automatically" & @crlf & @crlf & "Can I type or do anything while the bot is running?" & @crlf & "Yes, but you have to be carefull. There are two " & _
"states: One is: you have just clicked on one of the start buttons. Now the bot waits for some special input, for example he waits for a Left click after pressing the quickfishing button. As long as you don't click that, the bot "& _
"won't do anything and you can run around, type whatever you want. If the bot is already fishing I would recommend to push F9 to pause the bot. You could type in the chat, but it's likely that the bot will write the fishing key" & _
" or something in your chat at some point." & @crlf & @crlf & "What's with this weird random name of the window??? Is that a bug???" & @crlf & "Some people asked if I couldn't name the bot something else or at make a random name to avoid detection." & _
"So no worries, the name of the window will always change after each start. However, I don't think Trion scans names of windows to detect the bot and the name of the program is always autoit, can't do anything about that."
$txtscan1 = "has decayed from"
$txtscan2 = "You received:"
$txtscan3 = "The fish got away"
$txtscan4 = "You stop fishing"
$txtscan5 = "You now have a skill of "
$txtnamelogfile = "fishes caught"
$txtchooselog = "Choose the Rift log file"
$txtfishestriedtocatch = " fishes were tried to catch."
$txtttcreator10 = "Your fishing skill was improved from "
Case $lang = "deutsch"
$txtchk1 = "Köder"
$txtui1 = "Matze's Fishbot " & $version & " Allgemeine Einstellungen"
$txtttui1 = "Möchtest du Köder benutzen? Du kannst auch ein Makro mit verschiedenen Ködern ingame erstellen(use Fischköder)"
$txtchk2 = "Zelt benutzen"
$txtttui2 = "Zelten oder Bettrollen macht Laune! Es gibt doch nichts besseres, als ein Zelt in einem See aufzuschlagen, zu fischen und dabei noch Bonus XP zu bekommen! ;-)"
$txtchk3 = "Nach Fang warten"
$txtttui3 = "Kann sinnvoll sein, wenn man die Chance senken möchte, dass automatische Scripte von Trion den Bot entdecken. Der Bot wartet immer nach jedem Fang zufällig 0-X Sekunden"
$txtchk4 = "Aktiviere Tooltips"
$txtttui4 = "Tooltips sind toll! Keine Wiederrede! Du magst Tooltips! Nur ausschalten, wenn du weißt was du tust. Also, naja, DU lässt sie besser an, ok? :P"
$txtchk7 = "gefangene Fische"
$txtttui7 = "Zeigt ingame im tooltip oben links wieviele Fische schon gefangen wurden. Funktioniert aus bestimmten Gründen nur mit aktivierten Tooltips. Merkwürdig, nicht wahr?"
$txtttui8 = "Wenn du nur eine bestimmte Anzahl an Ködern nutzen möchtest, trage hier die gewünschte Anzahl ein. Ansonsten trage eine sehr große Zahl ein, sollte schon passen, es kann dabei jedoch passieren, dass man seine Angel zerstört, " & _
"wenn man auf dem OK button angelt"
$txtttui9 = "Trage die Dauer von Zelten, Bettrollen, Lagerfeuern oder was auch immer du benutzt ein. Diese Gegenstände geben einem einen XP Bonus"
$txtui2 = "Zeltdauer"
$txtbut1 = "Hilfe"
$txtui3 = "Wieviele Köder"
$txtchk5 = "auto /log"
$txtttui5 = "Aktiviert den Log automatisch. Testet auch, ob der Log schon eingeschaltet ist oder nicht. Dafür wird die Angel 1-2 mal ausgeworfen und direkt wieder eingezogen. Einfach nichts machen und ganz wichtig: nicht versuchen " & _
"irgendwas zu tippen, wärend der Bot startet, sonst steht irgend was merkwürdiges im chat"
$txtchk6 = "Pc herunterfahren nach"
$txtttui6 = "PC fährt nach X Minuten runter. Dabei nimmt er keine Rücksicht auf noch nicht gespeicherte Daten, also alles sichern! Wat wech is, is wech und dieser PC is in X Minuten wech!"
$txtlab8 = "Minuten"
$txtg2 ="Tastaturbelegung und Setup"
$txtlab3 = "Köder"
$txtlab4 = "Zelt"
$txtlab5 ="Rucksack"
$txtlab6 = "Angel"
$txtlab7 = "Sekunden"
$txtbutsetup = "Köder Setup"
$txtttbutsetup = "Speichert die Position der Angel im Inventar um Köder anzubringen. Muss einmal durchgeführt werden, wenn man Köder benutzen will, danach ist die Position gespeichert. Wenn man die Position der Angel " & _
"verändert muss die Position logischerweise erneut festgelegt werden."
$txtbutlang = "Sprache"
$txtttbutlang = "Ändere die Sprache des Fischbots. Die Sprache muss mit der von Rift übereinstimmen oder der Bot kann den Log des Spiels nicht korrekt auslesen!"
$txtbutlog = "Ändere den Log Pfad"
$txtttbutlog = "Der Pfad des Rift Logs sollte schon per Voreinstellung korrekt sein. Sollte der Pfad aus irgendwelchen Gründen trotzdem falsch sein, dann hier klicken und den richtigen Pfad einstellen."
$txtg3 = "Start"
$txtbutquick = "Schnell Fischen"
$txtttbutquick = "Werfe die Angel immer an der gleichen Stelle aus"
$txtbutrndfish = "Randomfishing"
$txtttbutrndfish = "Werfe die Angel zufällig in einem Bereich aus, wobei du vorher die obere linke und die untere rechte Ecke makierst"
$txtmsghead1 = "Schnell Fischen"
$txtmsgbox1 = "Klicke mit der linken Maustaste an die Stelle wo du angeln willst. RIFT muss im Fenstermodus oder Vollbild(Fenstermodus) sein! Das Rift Fenster öffnet sich jetzt automatisch."
$txtmsghead2 = "Randomfishing: Zufällig in einem Gebiet fischen"
$txtmsgbox2 = "Markiere das Gebiet in dem du angeln willst, indem du erst mit einem LINKSKLICK die obere linke und dann die untere rechte Ecke angibst. RIFT muss im Fenstermodus oder Vollbild(Fenstermodus) sein! Das Rift" & _
"Fenster öffnet sich jetzt automatisch."
$txtttig1 = "Klicke mit LINKS auf die obere linke Ecke von deinem Gebiet, in dem du fischen möchtest"
$txtttig2 = "Klicke mit LINKS auf die untere rechte Ecke von deinem Gebiet, in dem du fischen möchtest"
$txtttig3 = "Klicke mit LINKS auf den Punkt, wo du aneln möchtest."
$txtttig4 = "F10 = Beenden" & @crlf & "F9 = weiter angeln" & @crlf & "F8 = Tooltips an/aus"
$txtttig11 = "Pausiert"
$txtttig12 = "Auto /Log: teste, ob Log eingeschaltet ist. Nichts machen und insbesondere nicht tippen!"
$txtttcreator1 = "F10 = Beenden" & @crlf & "F9 = Pause und Maus entsperren" & @crlf & "F8 = Tooltips an/aus"
$txtttcreator2 = "Fischen"
$txtttcreator3 = "PC herunterfahren in "
$txtttcreator4 = "möglicherweise LOG nicht eingeschaltet, falsche Sprache, falsche Bedienung oder Pfad zum Log falsch"
$txtttcreator5 = "ERROR"
$txtttcreator6 = "Auto /log konnte LOG nicht aktivieren"
$txtttcreator7 = "warte "
$txtttcreator8 = " Sekunden"
$txtttcreator9 = "Du hast folgendes gefangen: "
$txtmsghead3 = "Setup Angel Position"
$txtmsgbox3 = "Klicke mit der RECHTEN Maustaste auf deine Angel in deinem Inventar"
$txtmsghead4 = "Sehr gut"
$txtmsgbox4 = "Die Köder sollten nun korrekt auf der Angel benutzt werden. Sollte sich die Position der Angel ändern, muss dieses Setup für Köder erneut ausgeführt werden. Viel Spass! ;-)"
$txtmsghead5 = "Anweisung"
$txtmsgbox5 = "Zeige dem Bot wie er die Fische eintauschen soll. Folge einfach den Anweisungen der Tooltips. Am Ende kannst du dich entscheiden, ob du die Belohnungen direkt automatisch benutzen willst, oder ob du einfach nur eintauschst."
$txtmsghead6 = "Matze's Fishbot " & $version & " Hilfe"
$txtmsgbox6 = "Das hier ist eine kurze Anleitung, wie man den Bot bedient:" & @crlf & "1. Rift muss im Fenster- oder Fenstermodus(Vollbild) sein! Nur Vollbild wird nicht funktionieren!" & @crlf & "2. Autoloot muss " & _
"aktiviert sein!" & @crlf & "3. Wenn man das erste mal den Bot startet sollte ein Fenster aufpoppen wo man die Sprache einstellen kann. Man kann die Sprache jederzeit wechseln." & @crlf & "4. Der ingame log muss angeschaltet sein, wärend man fischt, andernfalls gibt es sehr! lange Pausen nach jedem Fang. Man kann ab jetzt" & _
" den Log automatisch aktivieren lassen, indem man das entsprechende Häkchen bei auto /log macht" & @crlf & "5. Wenn man einen Köder verwenden will muss man vorher dem Bot zeigen wo die Angel im Inventar ist. Dafür einfach" & _
" auf Setup Köder klicken und den Anweisungen folgen." & @crlf & "6. Die Angel und außerdem Köder und Zelte (wenn man sie benutzen will) müssen in die Leiste gezogen werden und die Tasten müssen entsprechend belegt " & _
"werden" & @crlf & "7. Nun kann man zum nächsten Tümpel rennen wo man angeln möchte. Dann klickt man auf Schnell Fischen oder Randomfischen und folgt den entsprechenden Anweisungen" & @crlf & @crlf & "Das meiste ist in " & _
"den Tooltips erklärt, wenn man mit der Maus über die entsprechende Stelle im Bot Fenster fährt" & @crlf & @crlf & "allgemeine Fragen: " & @crlf & "Warum kann ich die Maus nicht bewegen?" & @crlf & "Wenn ein Fisch anbeißt, " & _
"dann verändert sich das icon der Maus und daran erkennt der Bot, dass ein Fisch angebissen hat und zieht die Angel ein. Wenn man die Maus bewegen würde, würde das einziehen jedes mal ausgelöst werden. Deswegen habe ich die" & _
" Mausbewegung beim Fischen gesperrt. Man kann jedoch einfach F9 drücken (wie im Tooltip erklärt) und damit den Bot pausieren und die Maus entsperren. Drückt man F9 wieder, springt die Maus dorthin wo sie vorher war und der " & _
"Bot arbeitet ganz normal weiter." & @crlf & @crlf & "Darf ich irgendwelche Tasten drücken, wärend der Bot läuft, zB zum chatten oder so?" & @crlf & "Ja, aber man muss aufpassen. Dabei muss man 2 Sachen unterscheiden: Wenn man " & _
"gerade auf Schnell Fischen oder so gedrückt hat, dann erwartet der Bot eine bestimmte Eingabe, die immer in den Tooltips steht, z.B. in dem Fall, dass man mit der linken Maustaste irgendwo hinklickt. Solange man nicht diese " & _
"bestimmte Eingabe durchführt, wird der Bot nicht anfangen zu angeln und auch nichts machen. Solange kann man chatten, rumlaufen, etc, wie man will. Ist der Bot am arbeiten, zB Fischen oder Fische tauschen, dann wird er nach einer " & _
"bestimmten Abfolge Tasten drücken oder mit der Maus herumfahren. Wenn man es geschickt timed kann man ohne Probleme chatten oder so, es ist allerdings besser wenn man kurz F9 für Pause drückt." & @crlf & _
"Warum ist da so eine komische Buchstaben/Zahlenkombination beim Name von dem Fenster??? Ist das ein Bug???" & @crlf & "Nein, der Name des Fensters wird ab 1.74 immer zufällig festgelegt. Einige Leute haben sich das gewünscht, falls " & _
"Trion nach Namen von Fenstern scant, um Bots zu erkennen. Ich glaub allerdings nicht, dass sie das tun."
$txtscan1 = "ist vom Gegenstand "
$txtscan2 = "Ihr erhaltet:"
$txtscan3 = "Der Fisch ist entwischt"
$txtscan4 = "Ihr fischt nicht mehr"
$txtscan5 = "Ihr habt nun in der Fertigkeit Fischen Stufe"
$txtnamelogfile = "Fische gefangen"
$txtchooselog = "Wähle die Rift Log Datei"
$txtfishestriedtocatch = " Fische wurden versucht zu fangen"
$txtttcreator10 = "Eure Fähigkeit Fischen hat sich verbessert von "
Case $lang = "francais"
$txtchk1 = "Util. un leurre"
$txtui1 = "Matze's Fishbot " & $version & " Paramètres généraux"
$txtttui1 = "Voulez-vous utiliser des leurres? Vous pouvez également faire une macro pour utiliser différents leurres (use leurre magnétique temporaire, next line, use nom de leurre, etc)"
$txtg1 = "Util. un leurre"
$txtchk2 = "Util. une tente"
$txtttui2 ="Vous n'aimez pas camper dans une rivière ? Il y a rien de plus drôle que d'être afk en pêchant dans un sac de couchage ou une tente gorgé d'eau et reçevoir des points d'experience bonus pour avoir dormit en même temps ;-)"
$txtchk3 = "Attendre après chaque prise"
$txtttui3 = "Je ne sais pas si Trion vérifie les bots et les scripts. Celà devrait les tromper. The bot waits randomly after each catch for 0-X seconds"
$txtchk4 = "Enable Tooltips"
$txtttui4 = "Tooltips are your friends, they tell you what to do. Only uncheck if you know what you are doing. So... YOU better keep them enabled. Yes, YOU! :P"
$txtchk7 = "caught fishes"
$txtttui7 = "If you enable this option you see all the caught stuff ingame in a tooltip in the upper left corner. Only works with activated tooltips for some special reasons, not sure why."
$txtttui8 = "If you only want to use a certain number of lures write it down here. Otherwise just use a big number, it should be fine, however if you are unlucky you could destroy your fishingpole (no kidding this time)"
$txtttui9 = "Insert the duration of your tent or bedroll, fire or whatever. This is for the EXP Bonus that you get while standing on those things"
$txtui2 = "Durée de la tente"
$txtbut1 = "Help"
$txtui3 = "How many lures"
$txtchk5 = "Auto /log"
$txtttui5 = "Automatically enables log. Also checks, if log is enabled or not. To test this the bot will start and aborting fishing once or twice. Just don't do anything and especially don't try typing anything while you start the bot!"
$txtchk6 = "PC shutdown after"
$txtttui6 = "PC shuts down after X Minutes! This is a force shutdown, so save your stuff if you use this! This PC is goin' down!"
$txtlab8 ="minutes"
$txtg2 = "Raccourcis clavier et Setup"
$txtlab3 = "Leurre"
$txtlab4 = "Tente"
$txtlab5 = "Sac à dos"
$txtlab6 = "Canne à pêche"
$txtlab7 = "seconds"
$txtbutsetup = "Setup Lure"
$txtttbutsetup = "Saves the position of your fishing pole in your inventory to use lures. You need to do this once before you want to use lures. If you change the position of your fishing pole in your inventory you have to do this again"
$txtbutlang = "Language"
$txtttbutlang = "Change the Language of the Fishbot! You NEED to set the correct language for Rift or the bot can't read the log."
$txtbutlog = "Change log path"
$txtttbutlog = "The rift log path should be correct on default. If the path is wrong use this to set it up correctly"
$txtg3 = "Start"
$txtbutquick = "Pêche rapide"
$txtttbutquick = "Toujours pêcher à la même position"
$txtbutrndfish = "Pêche aléatoire"
$txtttbutrndfish = "Cliquer sur le coin supérieur gauche et le coin inférieur droit du carré. Vous allez pêcher de manière aléatoire dans cette zone."
$txtmsghead1 = "Pêche rapide"
$txtmsgbox1 = "LEFT CLICK on the spot where you want to fish. The game needs to in windowed or fullscreen(windowed) mode. The Rift window will open automatically."
$txtmsghead2 = "Pêche rapide"
$txtmsgbox2 = "Mark the area where you want to fish by LEFT clicking on the upper left and then on the bottom right corner of an area. The game needs to be in windowed or fullscreen(windowed) mode. The Rift window will open automatically."
$txtttig1 = "LEFT click on the top left corner of your fishing area"
$txtttig2 = "LEFT click on the bottom right corner of your fishing area"
$txtttig3 = "LEFT click on the spot where you want to fish"
$txtttig4 = "F10 = exit" & @crlf & "F9 = continue" & @crlf & "F8 = toggle Tooltips"
$txtttig11 = "Paused"
$txtttig12 = "Testing if log is enabled, don't type anything!"
$txtttcreator1 = "F10 = exit" & @crlf & "F9 = pause and unlock mouse" & @crlf & "F8 = toggle Tooltips"
$txtttcreator2 = "Fishing"
$txtttcreator3 ="Shutdown in "
$txtttcreator4 = "LOG not enabled, wrong LANGUAGE, misuse of Bot or path to the log wrong!"
$txtttcreator5 = "ERROR"
$txtttcreator6 = "Auto /log failed to enable LOG"
$txtttcreator7 = "waiting for "
$txtttcreator8 = " seconds"
$txtttcreator9 = "You have caught: "
$txtmsghead3 = "Setup fishing pole position"
$txtmsgbox3 = "Cliquez une fois avec le bouton DROIT de votre souris à la position où se trouve votre canne à pêche dans votre inventaire!"
$txtmsghead4 = "Very good"
$txtmsgbox4 = "Les leurres se mettront à présent correctement sur votre canne à pêche. Si c'est n'est pas le cas, vous devez répéter cette opération. vous pouvez maintenant commencer à pêcher avec la pêche rapide ou aléatoire. Amusez-vous bien ;-)"
$txtmsghead5 = "Instructions"
$txtmsgbox5 = "Montrez au marchand de poissons ce qu'il y a à échanger! Just follow the tooltips. At the end you can choose to use the rewards automatically or just keep trading"
$txtmsghead6 = "Matze's Fishbot " & $version & " Help"
$txtmsgbox6 = "Je ne parle pas francais!" & @crlf & "Really, I don't. Thats why this is have in french and half in english. If you want to you can translate all this stuff for me just write me and I will be happy to integrate " & _
"everything(in the epvp forums). Up untill then this stays in this english/french mix. However, if you use the french version of Rift, you have to set the language to francais!" & @crlf & @crlf &"This is a short summary what you have " & _
"to do:" & @crlf & "1. you have to play in windowed or fullscreen(windowed) mode! Just fullscreen won't work!" & @crlf & "2. Autoloot has to be enabled" & @crlf & "3. When you start for the first time there should pop up window where " & _
"you can set the language. You can always change the language by clicking on the language button (Yeah, really, who would have thought!)" & @crlf & "4. The ingame " & _
"log has to be enabled, while you are fishing or there will be long breaks after each catch. You can just let the bot enable the log automatically" & @crlf & "5. If you want to use a lure you have to show the bot where the fishing pole " & _
"is in your inventory. Click on the Setup Lure Box to show him" & @crlf & "6. Put lures, your fishing pole and tents if you want to use any in your action bar and set the keybindings accordingly" & @crlf & "7. Get next to some water and " & _
"start the fishing by clicking on the quick or randomfish button. Everything should be explained in some very smart tooltips. " & @crlf & @crlf & "Most of the stuff is explained in tooltips if you move the mouse over the Bot's GUI. Just " & _
"read it, that should explain most questions" & @crlf & @crlf & "Some questions:" & @crlf &"Why can't I move the mouse?" & @crlf & "If a fish is biting your mouse icon changes and the Bot uses this to detect that he has to reel in. " & _
"If you would move the mouse the bot would always reel in at once and start fishing again repeatedly. You wouldn't want that. Instead you can just push F9 to pause the bot and unlock the mouse. Do whatever you want and push F9 again " & _
"if you want to continue. It will resume automatically"& @crlf & @crlf & "Can I type or do anything while the bot is running?" & @crlf & "Yes, but you have to be carefull. There are " & _
"two states: One is: you have just clicked on one of the start buttons. Now the bot waits for some special input, for example he waits for a Left click after pressing the quickfishing button. As long as you don't click that, the bot " & _
"won't do anything and you can run around, type whatever you want. If the bot is already fishing I would recommend to push F9 to pause the bot. You could type in the chat, but it's likely that the bot will write the fishing key or" & _
" something in your chat at some point."& @crlf & @crlf & "What's with this weird random name of the window??? Is that a bug???" & @crlf & "Some people asked if I couldn't name the bot something else or at make a random name to avoid detection." & _
"So no worries, the name of the window will always change after each start. However, I don't think Trion scans names of windows to detect the bot and the name of the program is always autoit, can't do anything about that."
$txtscan1 = "été détruite par"
$txtscan2 = "Vous avez reçu"
$txtscan3 = "Le poisson s'est échappé"
$txtscan4 = "Vous arrêtez la pêche"
$txtscan5 = "Votre compétence Pêche est désormais la suivante"
$txtnamelogfile = "fishes caught"
$txtchooselog = "Choose the Rift log file"
$txtfishestriedtocatch = " fishes were tried to catch."
$txtttcreator10 = "Votre compétence Pêche est désormais la suivante: "
Case $lang = "russian"
$txtchk1 = "С наживкой"
$txtui1 = "Бот для рыбалки от Matze " & $version & " Основные настройки"
$txtttui1 = "Хотите использовать наживку? Вы так же можете создать макрос для использования разных её видов (type: use name of the lure)"
$txtchk2 = "Палатку раз в"
$txtttui2 = "Нравится ли Вам сидеть на берегу реки? Нет ничего более прикольного, чем отойдя от клавиатуры ловить рыбу, получая бонус отдыха от палатки или спального мешка ;-)"
$txtchk3 = "Ожидать заброса"
$txtttui3 = "Я даже не представляю, есть ли у Триона какие-нибудь антиботы. Эта опция должна помочь обмануть их. Бот ожидает произвольное время от 0 до Х после поимк рыбы"
$txtchk4 = "Показывать подсказки"
$txtttui4 = "Подсказки - полезная вещь. В них Вы найдёте напоминание по поводу горячих клавиш(как минимум). Отключайте ТОЛЬКО если уверены, что знаете, что делать... В общем, на всякий случай врубите, не пожалеете :P"
$txtchk7 = "пойманная рыба"
$txtttui7 = "При включении в левом верхнем углу экрана будет отображаться информация обо всех выловленных предметах. Почему-то работает только при включённых подсказках, не совсем понимаю, почему"
$txtttui8 = "Если желаете использовать не очень много наживок, вводите их количество сюда. Советуем использовать как можно больше. Правда, если не повезёт, Вы сломаете удочку(без шуток, но маловероятно)"
$txtttui9 = "Сюда вводим продолжительност действия палатки, спального мешка, костра или чего-либо подобного. Необходимо для своевременной замены предмета, закончившего своё действие. Палатки, костры и т.д. позволяют получать бонус опыта"
$txtui2 = "минут"
$txtbut1 = "Помощь"
$txtui3 = "штук"
$txtchk5 = "Включить /log"
$txtttui5 = "Автоматически включает ведение небоевого журнала. Так же проверяет, получилось ли. Для этого бот пару раз прервёт процесс рыбалки. В это время не рекомендуется делать ничего. В особенности не стоит писать что-либо в чат во время работы бота"
$txtchk6 = "Выключить компьютер через"
$txtttui6 = "Компьютер бедт выключен через Х минут! Сохраните всю необходимую информацию или она будет утеряна!"
$txtlab8 = "минут"
$txtg2 = "Настройка программы и горячих клавиш"
$txtlab3 = "Наживка"
$txtlab4 = "Палатка"
$txtlab5 ="Сумки"
$txtlab6 = "Удочка"
$txtlab7 = "секунд"
$txtbutsetup = "Настройка наживки"
$txtttbutsetup = "Укажите, где лежит удочка в Вашей сумке. Это необходимо для применения наживки. Если не хотите применять, настройка не нужна. При изменении позиции удочки в сумке придётся повторить настройку"
$txtbutlang = "Язык"
$txtttbutlang = "Укажите язык клиента игры! Это необходимо для правильной работы бота"
$txtbutlog = "Указать /log файл"
$txtttbutlog = "Путь к файлу небоевого журнала должен определиться автоматически. Если этого не произошло, жмём сюда и настраиваем вручную"
$txtg3 = "Начать"
$txtbutquick = "Быстрая рыбалка"
$txtttbutquick = "Всегда закидывать удочку в одно и то же место."
$txtbutrndfish = "Рыбалка в области"
$txtttbutrndfish = "Отметьте левый верхний и правый нижний угол зоны, в которой хотите рыбачить"
$txtmsghead1 = "Быстрая рыбалка"
$txtmsgbox1 = "Нажмите левую кнопку мыши на том месте, куда хотите забрасывать удочку. Игра должна быть в режиме окна или полноэкранного окна. Окно Рифта будет открыто автоматически"
$txtmsghead2 = "Рыбалка в случайном месте: заброс производится в случайное место из выбранно зоны"
$txtmsgbox2 = "Отметьте зону рыбалки, нажав левую кнопку мыши на левом верхнем и правом нижнем углу. Игра должна быть в режиме окна или полноэкранного окна. Окно Рифта будет открыто автоматически"
$txtttig1 = "Нажмите левую кнопку мыши в левом верхнем углу зоны рыбалки"
$txtttig2 = "Нажмите левую кнопку мыши в правом нижнем углу зоны рыбалки"
$txtttig3 = "Нажмите левую кнопку мыши в том месте, куда необходимо производить заброс"
$txtttig4 = "F10 = выход" & @crlf & "F9 = продолжить" & @crlf & "F8 = скрыть подсказки"
$txtttig11 = "Приостановлено"
$txtttig12 = "Проверяем, включено ли ведение небоевого журнала. Не пишите ничего в чат!"
$txtttcreator1 = "F10 = выход" & @crlf & "F9 = приостановить и высвободить мышь" & @crlf & "F8 = скрыть подсказки"
$txtttcreator2 = "Рыбачу"
$txtttcreator3 = "Компьютер выключится через "
$txtttcreator4 = "Ведение боевого журнала не включено, возможно указан неверный язык, неправильно настроен бот или неверно указана папка с файлом небоевого журнала!"
$txtttcreator5 = "Ошибка"
$txtttcreator6 = "Не удалось автоматически включить ведение небоевого журнала"
$txtttcreator7 = "Ждём "
$txtttcreator8 = " секунд"
$txtttcreator9 = "Вами поймано: "
$txtmsghead3 = "Укажите место, где в Вашей сумке лежит удочка"
$txtmsgbox3 = "Нажмите один раз правую кнопку мыши на удочке в сумке!"
$txtmsghead4 = "Отлично!"
$txtmsgbox4 = "Если программе не удастся верно насадить наживку на удочку, повторите настройку. Можно начинать зонную или быструю рыбалку! Удачи ;-)"
$txtmsghead5 = "Описание настройки"
$txtmsgbox5 = "Show the Fishtrader how to turn in the fish for rewards! Just follow the tooltips. At the end you can choose to use the rewards automatically or just keep trading"
$txtmsghead6 = "Бот для рыбалки от Matze " & $version & " Помощь"
$txtmsgbox6 = "Небольшая подсказка по настройке:" & @crlf & "1. Переведите игру в режим окна или полноэка! В обычном полноэкранном режиме не работает!" & @crlf & "2. Включите автосбор добычи в настройках игры" & @crlf & "3. При первом запуске " & _
"должно появиться окно предложение выбрать язык клиента. Язык может быть изменён нажатием на кнопку Язык (Кто бы мог подумать?!:)" & _
" )" & @crlf & "4. Ведение внебоевого журнала должно быть включено или перерывы между забросами будут значительны. Бот, в принципе, может и сам его включить:)" & @crlf & "5. Для применения наживки надо " & _
"указать боту, где в сумке лежит удочка. Кликните на кнопку Использовать наживку." & @crlf & "6. Поместите удочку, наживку, палатку на панель заклинаний(кидаем только то, что нужно из списка, удочка обязательна) и внесите в бота соответствующие клавиши"& @crlf & "7. Теперь "& _
"подойдите к какому-нибудь водоёму и рыбачьте на здоровье, нажав на быструю или случайную рыбалку. Команды боту и пойманные вещи будут показываться в подсказках. " & @crlf & @crlf & "Большая часть того, что здесь описано, можно посмотреть, наведя курсор на соответствующую кнопку." & _
" Просто прочитайте, лишним не будет." & @crlf & @crlf & "Короткое FAQ:" & @crlf &"Почему мышь не слушается?" & @crlf & "Во клёва курсор меняется, чтоб бот мог определить, что пора дёргать удочку. " & _
"При перемещении мыши, бот будет постоянно дёргать и закидывать удочку, что не есть хорошо:) Высвободить курсор можно нажав F9. Сделав то, что Вам необходимо, нажмите снова F9? чтоб продолжить рыбалку " & _
"" & @crlf & @crlf & "Могу ли я писать или делать что-нибудь ещё во время работы бота?" & @crlf & "Да. Но есть пара тонкостей: " & _
"если ещё не указана позиция удочки, точка или зона для рыбалки, но соответствующая кнопка уже нажата, Вы можете продолжать играть, не кликая мышью. "& _
"А вот если бот рыбачит, советую сначала приостановить рыбалку кнопкой F9. В чат, в принципе, писать можно, но периодически в чате будут появляться символы, соответствующие забросу удочки" & _
" или другому совершаемому действию." & @crlf & @crlf & "Что случилось с названием окна??? Это баг???" & @crlf & "Всё нормально, просто некоторые пользователи бота попросили сделать случайное имя для окна, формируемое при каждом запуске, потому что для некоторых систем защиты от ботов это помогает." & _
"Так что не дрейфим, имя окна меняется, и это нормально:) В принципе, я не думаю, что антибот будет проверять имя, но, как говорится, лишним не будет."
$txtscan1 = "прекращают взаимодействие"
$txtscan2 = "в ваших руках"
$txtscan3 = "Рыбалка прекращена"
$txtscan4 = "Рыба сорвалась. Какая досада."
$txtscan5 = "Теперь вы Рыболов"
$txtnamelogfile = "поймано предметов"
$txtchooselog = "Выберите файл небоевого журнала"
$txtfishestriedtocatch = " рыб сорвалось."
$txtttcreator10 = "Уровень вашего навыка изменился "
#cs für andere sprachen
Case $lang = X
$txtchk1 =
$txtui1 =
$txtttui1 =
$txtg1 =
$txtchk2 =
$txtchk3 =
$txtttui3 =
$txtchk4 =
$txtttui4 =
$txtchk7 =
$txtttui7 =
$txtttui8 =
$txtttui9 =
$txtui2 =
$txtbut1 =
$txtui3 =
$txtchk5 =
$txtttui5 =
$txtchk6 =
$txtttui6 =
$txtlab8 =
$txtg2 =
$txtlab3 =
$txtlab4 =
$txtlab5 =
$txtlab6 =
$txtlab7 =
$txtbutsetup =
$txtttbutsetup =
$txtbutlang =
$txtttbutlang =
$txtbutlog =
$txtttbutlog =
$txtg3 =
$txtbutquick =
$txtttbutquick =
$txtbutrndfish =
$txtttbutrndfish =
$txtmsghead1 =
$txtmsgbox1 =
$txtmsghead2 =
$txtmsgbox2 =
$txt$txtttig1 =
$txtttig2 =
$txtttig3 =
$txtttig4 =
$txtttig11 =
$txtttig12 =
$txtttcreator1 =
$txtttcreator2 =
$txtttcreator3 =
$txtttcreator4 =
$txtttcreator5 =
$txtttcreator6 =
$txtttcreator7 =
$txtttcreator8 =
$txtttcreator9 =
$txtmsghead3 =
$txtmsgbox3 =
$txtmsghead4 =
$txtmsgbox4 =
$txtmsghead5 =
$txtmsghead6 =
$txtmsgbox6 =
$txtscan1 =
$txtscan2 =
$txtscan3 =
$txtscan4 =
$txtscan5 =
$txtnamelogfile =
$txtchooselog =
$txtfishestriedtocatch =
$txtttcreator10 =
;updates ui
Func updateui()
GUICtrlSetData ($Checkbox1, $txtchk1)
GUICtrlSetData ($Group1, $txtui1)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox1, $txtttui1)
GUICtrlSetData ($Checkbox2, $txtchk2)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox2, $txtttui2)
GUICtrlSetData ($Checkbox3, $txtchk3)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox3, $txtttui3)
GUICtrlSetData ($Checkbox4, $txtchk4)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox4, $txtttui4)
GUICtrlSetData ($Checkbox7, $txtchk7)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox7, $txtttui7)
GUICtrlSetTip($inpAnzahlkoeder, $txtttui8)
GUICtrlSetTip($inpdauerzelt, $txtttui9)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label2, $txtui2)
GUICtrlSetData ($buthelp, $txtbut1)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label1, $txtui3)
GUICtrlSetData ($Checkbox5, $txtchk5)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox5, $txtttui5)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label7, $txtlab7)
GUICtrlSetData ($Checkbox6, $txtchk6)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox6, $txtttui6)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label8, $txtlab8)
GUICtrlSetData ($Group2, $txtg2)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label3, $txtlab3)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label4, $txtlab4)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label5, $txtlab5)
GUICtrlSetData ($Label6, $txtlab6)
GUICtrlSetData ($butsetup, $txtbutsetup)
GUICtrlSetTip($butsetup, $txtttbutsetup)
GUICtrlSetData ($butlang, $txtbutlang)
GUICtrlSetTip($butlang, $txtttbutlang)
GUICtrlSetData ($butlog, $txtbutlog)
GUICtrlSetTip($butlog, $txtttbutlog)
GUICtrlSetData ($Group3, $txtg3)
GUICtrlSetData ($butquick, $txtbutquick)
GUICtrlSetTip($butquick, $txtttbutquick)
GUICtrlSetData ($butrndfish, $txtbutrndfish)
GUICtrlSetTip($butrndfish, $txtttbutrndfish)
;random name für den bot:
$rndname = ""
Dim $aSpace[3]
$rnddigits = Random(3, 15, 1)
For $i = 1 To $rnddigits
$aSpace[0] = Chr(Random(65, 90, 1)) ;A-Z
$aSpace[1] = Chr(Random(97, 122, 1)) ;a-z
$aSpace[2] = Chr(Random(48, 57, 1)) ;0-9
$rndname = $rndname & $aSpace[Random(0, 2, 1)]
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=c:\autoit\autoit eigene scripts\fishbot\form1_1.kxf
GUISetFont(9, 1000, 0, "Times New Roman")
$Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup($txtui1, 8, 0, 329, 225)
GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0x000000)
$Checkbox1 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($txtui1, 16, 56, 113, 25)
GUICtrlSetTip($Checkbox1, $txtttui1)
$Checkbox2 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($txtchk2, 16, 88, 113, 25)
GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $txtttui2)
$Checkbox3 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($txtchk3, 16, 149, 161, 33)
$Checkbox4 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($txtchk4, 16, 115, 150, 33)
GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $txtttui4)
$Checkbox7 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($txtchk7, 200, 115, 120, 33)
GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $txtttui7)
$inpAnzahlkoeder = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Anzahl Köder zum benutzen", 1000), 136, 56, 49, 23)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Times New Roman")
GUICtrlSetTip(-1,$txtttui8 )
$inpdauerzelt = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Zeltdauer", 15), 136, 88, 49, 23)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Times New Roman")
GUICtrlSetTip(-1,$txtttui9 )
$Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtui2, 192, 88, 136, 23)
$buthelp = GUICtrlCreateButton($txtbut1, 248, 16, 83, 25)
$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtui3, 192, 56, 111, 23)
$Checkbox5 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($txtchk5, 16, 24, 137, 25)
GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $txtttui5)
$inpwartezeit = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "wartezeit", 5), 192, 152, 49, 27)
$Label7 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtlab7, 248, 155, 74, 23)
$Checkbox6 = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox($txtchk6, 16, 192, 140, 17)
GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $txtttui6)
$inpshutdown = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "shutdowntime", 120), 192, 184, 49, 27)
$Label8 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtlab8, 248, 190, 76, 23)
$Group2 = GUICtrlCreateGroup($txtg2, 8, 232, 329, 129)
$Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtlab3, 24, 256, 62, 23)
$Label4 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtlab4, 24, 280, 30, 23)
$Label5 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtlab5, 24, 304, 71, 23)
$Label6 = GUICtrlCreateLabel($txtlab6, 24, 328, 100, 23)
$inpkoederkey = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Köder", 7), 104, 256, 97, 23)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Times New Roman")
$inprucksackkey = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Rucksack", "b"), 104, 304, 97, 23)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Times New Roman")
$inpangelkey = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Angeltaste", 6), 104, 328, 97, 23)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Times New Roman")
$inpzeltkey = GUICtrlCreateInput(IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Zelt", 9), 104, 280, 97, 23)
GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 800, 0, "Times New Roman")
$butsetup = GUICtrlCreateButton($txtbutsetup, 208, 256, 123, 33)
$butlang = GUICtrlCreateButton($txtbutlang, 208, 288, 123, 33)
$butlog = GUICtrlCreateButton($txtbutlog, 208, 320, 123, 33)
$Group3 = GUICtrlCreateGroup($txtg3, 8, 368, 329, 65)
$butquick = GUICtrlCreateButton($txtbutquick, 16, 384, 153, 41)
$butrndfish = GUICtrlCreateButton($txtbutrndfish, 176, 384, 145, 41)
GUICtrlSetTip(-1, $txtttbutrndfish)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
Func setlanguage()
#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=C:\autoIt\AutoIt eigene scripts\fishbot\language.kxf
$Form2 = GUICreate("Choose Language", 138, 230, 480, 282)
GUISetFont(9, 800, 0, "Times New Roman")
$Buteng = GUICtrlCreateButton("english", 8, 32, 121, 41)
$Butdeu = GUICtrlCreateButton("deutsch", 8, 80, 121, 41)
$Butfr = GUICtrlCreateButton("francais", 8, 128, 121, 41)
$Butrus = GUICtrlCreateButton("русский", 8, 176, 121, 41) ;russisch
$beschriftung1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Rift language", 8, 8, 121, 19)
#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###
While 1
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg
Case $Buteng
$language = "english"
Case $Butdeu
$language = "deutsch"
Case $Butfr
$language = "francais"
Case $Butrus
$language = "russian"
Global $file = ""
Global $oldlines, $newlines
Global $nFilesize, $nFilesize_new
Global $fishing = 0 ;start und abbruch der fishroutine
Global $c1, $c2 ; compare für _WinAPI_GetCursorInfo()
;skillup, zeigt ob gelevelt wurde und das alte level
Global $skillup = False
Global $oldskill, $skill
Global $zeltzeit = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Zeltdauer", 15)
Global $zelt = 0
Global $zzpassed
Global $koederuse = 0 ;laden aus checkbox!
Global $koederactive = 0
Global $anzahlkoeder = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Anzahl Köder zum benutzen", 1000)
;tasten aus ini zugeordnet
Global $fishingkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Angeltaste", 6)
Global $zeltkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "zelt", 9)
Global $koederkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Köder", 7)
Global $bagkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Rucksack", "b")
Global $qmposi[2]
Global $fishingpoleposi[2]
Global $olposi[2]
Global $urposi[2]
Global $movement[2] ;für pixelbewegung speicherort
Global $Paused = 0
Global $rndfish =0
Global $timetofish[2]
Global $fischdauer
Global $Looping = 1
Global $nachfischwarten = 0
Global $fischloglist [100][2]
Global $possiblelogerror = True
Global $tooltips
Global $Combolanguage = "English"
Global $autolog
Global $logenabled = False ;für autolog, wenn falsch auch tooltip, dass autolog nicht funktioniert
Global $ttnfw = False ;nachwiscwarten für tooltips
Global $waitaftercatch ;for tt und nachfischwarten
Global $tttext
Global $livestatistics = 0
Global $fishroutine = False ;wird auf true gesetzt wenn quickfish oder randomfish benutzt wird -> quit erstellt die log datei
Global $correctlang = False ;check, ob richtige sprache bei autolog
Global $shutdown
Global $shutdowntime
Global $shutdown_timer = TimerInit()
Global $logfile
;Daten laden
if (IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Köderbenutzen", False) = "True") Then
if (IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Zeltbenutzen", False) = "True") Then
if (IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "nachfischwarten", False) = "True") Then
if (IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Tooltips", True) = "True") Then
if (IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "autolog", True) = "True") Then
if (IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "shutdown", False) = "True") Then
if (IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "livestatistics", True) = "True") Then
$fishingpoleposi[0] = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Angelposi", "X",0)
$fishingpoleposi[1] = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Angelposi", "y",0)
;leere liste erstellen:
For $i = 0 to 99
$fischloglist [$i][0] = "leer"
$fischloglist [$i][1] = 0
Func firstlangsetup()
$test = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "language", "none")
If $test = "none" Then setlanguage()
;statistik log, $txtnamelogfile wird abhängig von der sprache geändert
Global $namelogfile = $txtnamelogfile & ".txt"
$logfile = FileOpen($namelogfile, 2)
While 1
HotKeySet ("{F10}", "_Quit")
HotKeySet ("{F9}", "togglePause")
HotKeySet ("{F8}", "disabletooltips")
$nMsg = GUIGetMsg()
Switch $nMsg
Case $butquick
saveini ()
setfunctions ()
quickfish ()
Case $butrndfish
saveini ()
setfunctions ()
rndfish ()
Case $butsetup
saveini ()
angelposi ()
Case $buthelp
MsgBox(0,$txtmsghead6 ,$txtmsgbox6)
Case $butlang
Case $butlog
$probpath = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT\"
$var = FileOpenDialog($txtchooselog, $probpath, "(*.txt)", 1 , $probpath & "log.txt")
If $var = "" Then
IniWrite(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Pfad", "log", $var)
$file = $var
Func disabletooltips()
$tooltips = Not $tooltips
;alle Einstellungen speichern:
func saveini()
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Anzahl Köder zum benutzen", GUICtrlRead($inpAnzahlkoeder))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Zeltdauer", GUICtrlRead ($inpdauerzelt))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Köder", GUICtrlRead ($inpkoederkey))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Zelt", GUICtrlRead ($inpzeltkey))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Rucksack", GUICtrlRead ($inprucksackkey))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Angeltaste", GUICtrlRead ($inpangelkey))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "köderbenutzen", (GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox1)= $GUI_CHECKED))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "zeltbenutzen", (GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox2)= $GUI_CHECKED))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "nachfischwarten", (GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox3)= $GUI_CHECKED))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "tooltips", (GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox4)= $GUI_CHECKED))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "autolog", (GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox5)= $GUI_CHECKED))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "shutdown", (GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox6)= $GUI_CHECKED))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "livestatistics", (GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox7)= $GUI_CHECKED))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "language", $language)
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "wartezeit", GUICtrlRead ($inpwartezeit))
IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "shutdowntime", GUICtrlRead ($inpshutdown))
If Not ($file = "") Then IniWrite (@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Pfad", "log", $file)
;set functions
Func setfunctions ()
Global $fishingkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Angeltaste", 6)
Global $zeltkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "zelt", 9)
Global $koederkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Köder", 7)
Global $bagkey = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Tastaturbelegung", "Rucksack", "b")
Global $zeltzeit = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Zeltdauer", 15)
Global $anzahlkoeder = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "Anzahl Köder zum benutzen", 1000)
Global $wartezeit = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "wartezeit", 6)
Global $shutdowntime = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "allgemeine Einstellungen", "shutdowntime", 120)
if GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $koederuse = 1
if GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $zelt = 1
if GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $nachfischwarten = 1
If GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox4) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $tooltips = 1
If GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox5) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $autolog = 1
If GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox6) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $shutdown = 1
If GUICtrlRead ($Checkbox7) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $livestatistics = 1
$file = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\fishbotconfig.ini", "Pfad", "log", @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT\log.txt")
;quickfish und randomfish neu:
func quickfish ()
MsgBox (64, $txtmsghead1 , $txtmsgbox1)
WinActivate ("RIFT")
$Looping = 1
$rndfish = 0
func rndfish ()
MsgBox (64, $txtmsghead2, $txtmsgbox2)
WinActivate ("RIFT")
$Looping = 1
$rndfish = 1
func superfish()
$fishroutine = True
;angelposition im wasser
If $rndfish Then
If $tooltips Then ToolTip($txtttig1)
While $Looping
If _IsPressed(01) then
$olposi = MouseGetPos()
While _IsPressed(01) ;pause wärend gedrückt ist
If $tooltips Then ToolTip($txtttig2)
While $Looping
If _IsPressed(01) then
$urposi = MouseGetPos()
While _IsPressed(01) ;pause wärend gedrückt ist
If $tooltips Then ToolTip($txtttig3)
While $Looping ;save quickfishing mouse position
If _IsPressed(01) then
$qmposi = MouseGetPos()
While _IsPressed(01) ;pause wärend gedrückt ist
If $autolog Then autolog()
;alles löschen in der log file
FileOpen($file, 2)
$oldlines = 0
If $zelt Then
$zzpassed = TimerInit()
Send ($zeltkey)
If ($koederuse And (Not $koederactive) And ($anzahlkoeder > 0)) Then
Send ($bagkey)
MouseMove ($fishingpoleposi[0], $fishingpoleposi[1])
Send ($koederkey)
Sleep (300)
MouseClick ("left")
Sleep (3000) ;castime checken!
Send ($bagkey)
$anzahlkoeder = $anzahlkoeder -1
$koederactive = 1
;fishroutine startet
$fishing = 1
;nachfisch warten +tt
Func warten()
If $nachfischwarten Then
$ttnfw = True
$waitaftercatch = Random($wartezeit)
Sleep($waitaftercatch * 1000)
$ttnfw = False
Func fishing ();fishroutine, die immer wiederholt wird
While $Looping
;unlockt die maus
If ($shutdown And (TimerDiff($shutdown_timer) > $shutdowntime *1000*60)) Then shutdownfunction()
;nachfisch warten +tt
If (Not WinActive("Rift")) Then WinActivate ("RIFT")
If ($zelt And (TimerDiff($zzpassed)) > $zeltzeit * 60 * 1000) Then
Send ($zeltkey)
Sleep (1000) ;castimecheck
$zzpassed = TimerInit()
If ($koederuse And (Not $koederactive) And ($anzahlkoeder > 0)) Then
Send ($bagkey)
MouseMove ($fishingpoleposi[0], $fishingpoleposi[1])
Send ($koederkey)
Sleep (300)
MouseClick ("left")
Sleep (3000) ;castime checken!
Send ($bagkey)
$anzahlkoeder = $anzahlkoeder -1
$koederactive = 1
;wenn quick, dann isqmposi immer gleich, ansonsten wirds random ausgewürfelt
If $rndfish = 1 Then
$qmposi[0] = Random($olposi[0], $urposi[0], 1)
$qmposi[1] = Random($olposi[1], $urposi[1], 1)
;else rndfish
Send ($fishingkey)
MouseMove ($qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
MouseClick ("left")
$fishing = 1
_mousetrap($qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
$fischdauer = TimerInit()
Func fishgogo()
If Not $fishing Then _mousetrap()
$c1 = _WinAPI_GetCursorInfo() ;fürs $c1[2] handle fürs fischen
While $fishing
If (Not WinActive("Rift")) Then WinActivate ("RIFT")
$c2 = _WinAPI_GetCursorInfo()
If $c1[2] <> $c2[2] Then
Send ($fishingkey)
$fischdauer = TimerInit()
$nFilesize_new = FileGetSize($file)
If $nFilesize < $nFilesize_new Then
logscan (); funktion mit neue lines count, aus$nFilesize = $nFilesize_new
$nFilesize = $nFilesize_new
If (TimerDiff($fischdauer) > 25000) Then
$fishing = 0
Func pixelscan()
If Not $fishing Then _mousetrap()
While $fishing
; sleep(400) ; sleeping it, save your CPU auf newcompare
Local $boole = newcompare()
If (not $boole) Then
If (Not WinActive("Rift")) Then WinActivate ("RIFT")
;angel einziehen
Send ($fishingkey)
$firstpicture = True
$fischdauer = TimerInit()
$nFilesize_new = FileGetSize($file)
If $nFilesize < $nFilesize_new Then
logscan (); funktion mit neue lines count, aus$nFilesize = $nFilesize_new
$nFilesize = $nFilesize_new
If (TimerDiff($fischdauer) > 25000) Then
$fishing = 0
Func newcompare()
Local $mposi = MouseGetPos()
If $firstpicture Then
_ScreenCapture_Capture(@ScriptDir & "\compare1.jpg", $mposi[0] + 3, $mposi[1] + 7, $mposi[0] + 4, $mposi[1] + 8, True)
$firstpicture = False
Return True
Else ;mach 2. bild und vergleich es mit dem ersten, 1. bild machen
_ScreenCapture_Capture(@ScriptDir & "\compare2.jpg", $mposi[0] + 3, $mposi[1] + 7, $mposi[0] + 4, $mposi[1] + 8, True)
;2. bilder vergleichen
$bm1 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & "\compare1.jpg")
$bm2 = _GDIPlus_ImageLoadFromFile(@ScriptDir & "\compare2.jpg")
$test = CompareBitmaps($bm1, $bm2)
If $test = True Then
Return True
Return False
Func CompareBitmaps($bm1, $bm2)
$BitmapData1 = _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits($bm1, 0, 0, 2, 2, $GDIP_ILMREAD, $GDIP_PXF32RGB)
$Stride = DllStructGetData($BitmapData1, "Stride")
$Scan0 = DllStructGetData($BitmapData1, "Scan0")
$BitmapData2 = _GDIPlus_BitmapLockBits($bm2, 0, 0, 2, 2, $GDIP_ILMREAD, $GDIP_PXF32RGB)
$Stride = DllStructGetData($BitmapData2, "Stride")
$Scan1 = DllStructGetData($BitmapData2, "Scan0")
$call = DllCall("msvcrt.dll", "int:cdecl", "memcmp", "ptr", $Scan0, "ptr", $Scan1, "int", $stride +4)
_GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits($bm1, $BitmapData1)
_GDIPlus_BitmapUnlockBits($bm2, $BitmapData2)
Return ($call[0]=0)
Func logscan ()
$newlines = _FileCountLines($file) ;count the txt filelines...
Local $howmanynewlines = 0
If $newlines > $oldlines Then
$howmanynewlines = $newlines - $oldlines ; counts new lines to analyse
ScanLastLines ($howmanynewlines, $oldlines)
$oldlines = $newlines
Func ScanLastLines(ByRef $a, ByRef $old)
For $i = 1 To $a
$linetoread = FileReadLine ($file, $old +$i)
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, "]:")
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, $txtscan1)
$koederactive = 0
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, $txtscan2)
$fishing = 0
$possiblelogerror = False
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, $txtscan3)
$fishing = 0
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, $txtscan4)
$fishing = 0
;level up in fishing
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, $txtscan5)
Func skillup($line)
$trimedline = StringTrimLeft($line, 14) ; 14 sind 4 extra, sicherheitsgründe
$newskill = StringRegExp($trimedline, '([0-9]{1,3})', 1)
If $skillup Then
$skill = $newskill[0]
$skillup = True
$oldskill = $newskill[0] -1
$skill = $newskill[0]
Func addtolist($line)
;$insert = StringTrimLeft($line, $trim) ;alte methode
$insert = findfish($line)
$b = True
For $i = 0 To 99
Case $i = 99 ;abbruch
Case $fischloglist[$i][0] = "leer"
$fischloglist[$i][0] = $insert
$fischloglist[$i][1] = 1
$i = 99
Case $fischloglist[$i][0] <> $insert ;nix machen
Case $fischloglist[$i][0] = $insert
$fischloglist[$i][1] = $fischloglist[$i][1] +1
$i = 99
;für addtolist mit 1.75
;wenn "[" und "]" gefunden werden, posi und dazwischen ausschneiden -> ergebnis, wenn nicht ergebnis = line -9 buchstaben
Func findfish($line)
Local $found
Local $pos1 = StringInStr($line, "[")
Local $pos2 = StringInStr($line, "]")
If $pos1 And $pos2 Then
$found = StringMid($line, $pos1, ($pos2 - $pos1 +1))
$found = StringTrimLeft($line, 10)
Return $found
Func writefishlog()
Local $namelogfile = $txtnamelogfile & ".txt"
$logfile = FileOpen($namelogfile, 2)
$anzahl = 0
For $i = 0 To 99
If $fischloglist[$i][0] = "leer" Then
$i = 99
FileWrite($logfile, $fischloglist[$i][1] & " x " & $fischloglist[$i][0] & @CRLF)
$anzahl = $anzahl + $fischloglist [$i][1]
FileWrite($logfile,@CRLF & @CRLF & $anzahl & $txtfishestriedtocatch)
Func _Quit()
If $fishroutine Then writefishlog()
Func shutdownfunction()
If $fishroutine Then writefishlog()
Func TogglePause()
If $fishing Then
If $tooltips Then ToolTip($txtttig4, 0, 0, $txtttig11)
$Paused = Not $Paused
While $Paused
_mousetrap($qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
If (Not WinActive("Rift")) Then WinActivate ("RIFT")
If $tooltips Then tooltipcreator()
$Paused = Not $Paused
While $Paused
If (Not WinActive("Rift")) Then WinActivate ("RIFT")
EndFunc ;==>TogglePause
;angelposi setup
Func angelposi ()
MsgBox (0,$txtmsghead3 ,$txtmsgbox3)
WinActivate ("RIFT")
While 1
If _IsPressed(02) then
$fishingpoleposi = MouseGetPos()
IniWrite(@ScriptDir &"\fishbotconfig.ini", "Angelposi", "X", $fishingpoleposi[0])
IniWrite(@ScriptDir &"\fishbotconfig.ini", "Angelposi", "Y", $fishingpoleposi[1])
MsgBox(64,$txtmsghead4, $txtmsgbox4)
Func sortfishlist()
For $i = 0 To 98
If $fischloglist[$i][0] = "leer" Then
$i = 98
ElseIf $fischloglist[$i][1] < $fischloglist[$i+1][1] Then
Local $sortfisch = $fischloglist[$i][0]
Local $sortanzahl = $fischloglist[$i][1]
$fischloglist[$i][0] = $fischloglist[$i+1][0]
$fischloglist[$i][1] = $fischloglist[$i+1][1]
$fischloglist[$i+1][0] = $sortfisch
$fischloglist[$i+1][1] = $sortanzahl
$i = -1
;neu: file, und beide standart pfade files werden geöffnet mit write und folder erstellen
;zeilen gezählt
;angeln abgebrochen
;gelesen, korrekte file gewählt
;-> /log oder ok, wenn log repeat schritt 1-2
Func autolog()
;check ob log an ist, angel auswerfen, direkt einziehen, log überprüfen
;quickfischen autolog scan
;variablen für alle möglichen log files
Local $filelog = $file
Local $stdlog = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT\log.txt"
Local $betalog = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT Beta\Log.txt"
Local $PTSlog = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT PTS\log.txt"
;zähl von allen files die zeilen, wenn veränderung -> $file einstellen! und scanlastlinesforautolog
; wenn keine veränderung -> log anmachen und nochmal
Local $filelog_old = _FileCountLines($filelog)
Local $stdlog_old = _FileCountLines($stdlog)
Local $betalog_old = _FileCountLines($betalog)
Local $PTSlog_old = _FileCountLines($PTSlog)
;$oldlines = _FileCountLines($file)
;klick irgendwo hin und brich ab
If $rndfish = 0 Then
Send ($fishingkey)
MouseClick ("left", $qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
$fishing = 1
_mousetrap($qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
;rndfishing autolog scan
$qmposi[0] = Random($olposi[0], $urposi[0], 1)
$qmposi[1] = Random($olposi[1], $urposi[1], 1)
Send ($fishingkey)
MouseClick ("left", $qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
$fishing = 1
_mousetrap($qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
Sleep (1000)
;logscan abgewandelt, alle files durchscannen, bei veränderung wird das neue $file
Local $howmanynewlines = 0
If $filelog_old < _FileCountLines($filelog) Then
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($filelog) - $filelog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $filelog_old)
ElseIf $stdlog_old < _FileCountLines($stdlog) Then
$file = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT\log.txt"
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($stdlog) - $stdlog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $stdlog_old)
ElseIf $betalog_old < _FileCountLines($betalog) Then
$file = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT Beta\Log.txt"
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($betalog) - $betalog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $betalog_old)
ElseIf $PTSlog_old < _FileCountLines($PTSlog) Then
$file = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT PTS\log.txt"
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($PTSlog) - $PTSlog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $PTSlog_old)
;standart scannen:
$newlines = _FileCountLines($file) ;count the txt filelines...
Local $howmanynewlines = 0
If $newlines > $oldlines Then
$howmanynewlines = $newlines - $oldlines ; counts new lines to analyse
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $oldlines)
$oldlines = $newlines
;schreibt /log und drückt enter
If not $logenabled Then
$possiblelogerror = False
;2. part, wenn log an ist, ist $possiblelogerror = false und das hier wird übersprungen
If $possiblelogerror Then
;quickfischen autolog scan
If $rndfish = 0 Then
Send ($fishingkey)
MouseClick ("left", $qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
$fishing = 1
_mousetrap($qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
;rndfishing autolog scan
$qmposi[0] = Random($olposi[0], $urposi[0], 1)
$qmposi[1] = Random($olposi[1], $urposi[1], 1)
Send ($fishingkey)
MouseClick ("left", $qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
$fishing = 1
_mousetrap($qmposi[0], $qmposi[1])
Sleep (1000)
;logscan abgewandelt
$newlines = _FileCountLines($file) ;count the txt filelines...
If $newlines > $oldlines Then
$howmanynewlines = $newlines - $oldlines ; counts new lines to analyse
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $oldlines)
$oldlines = $newlines
;logscan abgewandelt, alle files durchscannen, bei veränderung wird das neue $file
If $filelog_old < _FileCountLines($filelog) Then
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($filelog) - $filelog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $filelog_old)
ElseIf $stdlog_old < _FileCountLines($stdlog) Then
$file = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT\log.txt"
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($stdlog) - $stdlog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $stdlog_old)
ElseIf $betalog_old < _FileCountLines($betalog) Then
$file = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT Beta\Log.txt"
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($betalog) - $betalog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $betalog_old)
ElseIf $PTSlog_old < _FileCountLines($PTSlog) Then
$file = @MyDocumentsDir & "\RIFT PTS\log.txt"
$howmanynewlines = _FileCountLines($PTSlog) - $PTSlog_old
ScanLastLinesforautolog ($howmanynewlines, $PTSlog_old)
;2. part erfolgreich -> log eingeschaltet -> startet fischen, wenn nicht, possiblelogerror
If $logenabled Then
$possiblelogerror = False
$possiblelogerror = True ; ist so oder so auf True
Func ScanLastLinesforautolog($a, $old)
$logenabled = True
For $i = 1 To $a
$linetoread = FileReadLine ($file, $old +$i)
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, "]:")
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, $txtscan4)
$correctlang = True
If not $correctlang Then lngcheck($a, $old)
;language check bei autolog, $txtscan4 einfügen bei neuer Sprache!
Func lngcheck($a, $old)
For $i = 1 To $a
$linetoread = FileReadLine ($file, $old +$i)
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, "]:")
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, "You stop fishing")
$language = "english"
$correctlang = True
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, "Ihr fischt nicht mehr")
$language = "deutsch"
$correctlang = True
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, "Vous arrêtez la pêche")
$language = "francais"
$correctlang = True
Case StringRegExp ($linetoread, "Рыба сорвалась. Какая досада.")
$language = "russian"
$correctlang = True
;tooltipcreator macht bei jeder fishingroutine den tooltip neu
Func tooltipcreator()
If $tooltips Then
;tt text allgemein
$tttext = $txtttcreator1
$tthead = $txtttcreator2
; tt text shutdown
If $shutdown And $fishroutine Then
Local $sd = Round($shutdowntime - TimerDiff($shutdown_timer)/1000 /60 )
$tttext = $tttext & @crlf & $txtttcreator3 & $sd
;log error
If $possiblelogerror And $fishroutine Then
$tttext = $tttext & @crlf & $txtttcreator4
$tthead = $txtttcreator5
;autolog fail check, wenn log nicht angeschaltet werden kann, also Not
If Not $logenabled And $fishroutine Then $tttext = $tttext & @crlf & $txtttcreator6
;nachfischwarten, ja nein
If $ttnfw And $fishroutine Then $tttext = $tttext & @crlf & $txtttcreator7 & Round($waitaftercatch) & $txtttcreator8
;skillup in fischen
If $skillup Then $tttext = $tttext & @crlf & @crlf & $txtttcreator10 & $oldskill & " - " & $skill
If $livestatistics And $fishroutine Then $tttext = $tttext & @crlf & @crlf & $txtttcreator9
For $i = 0 To 99
If $fischloglist[$i][0] = "leer" Then
$i = 99
$tttext = $tttext & @crlf & $fischloglist[$i][1] & " x " & $fischloglist[$i][0]
;tooltip wird so dargestellt
ToolTip($tttext, 0, 0, $tthead)
Func _ExitLoop()
$Looping = NOT $Looping
Or just go here if you want to normal version without anything else: