Набор для работы с .vdk файлами.
Внимание! Консольный интерфейс.
Update 2010-09-05: Unpacker for vdk 1.1
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Набор для работы с .vdk файлами.
Внимание! Консольный интерфейс.
Update 2010-09-05: Unpacker for vdk 1.1
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I cant seem to get the VDK packer to re pack the files
ADACH спасибо за пакеранпакер
как обратно запаковать ?
using: VDKPacker.exe <compression> <input dir> <output file name>Originally Posted by mysteryksan
VDKPacker.exe 5 C:/requiem/VDKU/myHacks C:/requiem/myHacks.vdk
<compression> - compression level 1 - 9
<input dir> - packed directory
<output file name> - output VDK file path-- 2010-09-05, 08:45 --Update:
unpacker for vdk files v1.1
Шлите мыло зухелем
i think this one is not workin
this is what I get
C:\Program Files\Requiem>vdkpacker.exe 5 extracted/dat extracted/DAT.vdk
ADACH`s Requiem Online .VDK Packer(Version 1.0)
creating output file: extracted/DAT.vdk
making files tree from dir (extracted/dat)
header initialization...
writing file header...
After that it is hanging
I have tried Compression level 1 - 9 and it is all the same
If is making the .vdk file but the app is hanging at writing file header...
whats VDK? please need a lil explain![]()
Night will come and I will follow
For my victims, no tomorrow
Make it fast, your time of sorrow
On his trail, I'll make you follow...
use this, it work very well, anyway thanks a lot ADACH
dVDK - vdk files Packer/Unpacker