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Well guys beauty?
I've been through this topic, say that I found a solution for the error after the close aikaBr sub senha.o error is happening to all users who were online during the error that happened in the 29 days + / -00:10 that after the Disconect, the screen was flashing black, do not know if after that they were all with the same error, most of my friends who were online for the error, got the same problem.
Solution: The only solution was as follows, Re-install (uninstall and install) the AikaBr, was the only way I found, if anyone knows of other posts here.
Note: The No-Xtrap Day 28/03, is working perfectly
Bom galera beleza?
Venho por meio deste topico, dizer que encontrei uma soluçao para o erro do aikaBr fechar apos a sub senha.o Erro esta ocorrendo a todos os usuarios que estava online durante o erro que deu no dia 29 as +/-00:10 que apos o disconect, a tela ficou piscando de preto, nao sei se depois disso todos ficaram com o mesmo erro,mais amigos meus que estavam online durante o erro, ficaram com o mesmo problema.
Soluçao: A unica soluçao foi a seguinte, Re-instalar(desinstalar e instalar) o AikaBr, foi a unica maneira que encontrei, se alguem souber de outra posta aqui.
Obs: O No-Xtrap do dia 28/03, está funcionando perfeitamente