If you have just run an intensive or specifically large application or game, you know about that groggy feeling your system can have. That's usually because of the leftovers taking up your valuable memory. You can free it, however, by clicking your heels together 3 times and saying: "Let my memory go." Er, I mean, using a program to free that trapped memory.

Depending on how much memory you have, put the appropriate values in...
Under 256mb Ram:
Mystring = (16000000)

128mb or More:
Mystring = (80000000)

All this does is allocate a chunk of memory while the script is running, and then the VB runtimes deallocate it. The Value needs to be set according to the amount of memory you have (i.e. it will probably need increasing in order to be effective if you have 1Gb), but forces any currently unused memory to be paged to the swapfile, thus freeing that memory in order to be used by the rest of the system. i.e. if you are working on a large image file in PSP and then minimize PSP, you can temporarily regain physical memory by swapping currently unused ram out to the pagefile.

It does actually work. By using this method, any memory leaks can be paged out to your swapfile, thus freeing physical memory (since memory leaks will never be accessed again). Additionally, this will reduce the (admittedly very small) overhead of trying to allocate memory blocks, as it is quicker to allocate a contiguous block than several uncontiguous blocks.