It's been really fun but mind boggling. I found some more function addresses and commands. I haven't written down all the commands/packet's id, just the function's address but it shouldn't be hard to find (in the function, it should appear like this: mov word ptr [ebx],0031).

Here are some of the ones I found:
00798840 = Warps to a dung
00798DA0 = sell items
00798d20 = buy items
00798CD0 = Talk to npc?
00798C90 = Chief
00798BB0 = Call pet
00798BF0 = Recall pet
00797DD0 = Picking (plants)
00797280 = running?
00797220 = Accept Quest
00797c71 = Cancel Skill
00797350 = hitting ground stopping (?)
00797440 =select target
00797490=Normal Attack
00797cb0=Social Action

I thought 00A0FBB0 was an encryption function but I was wrong and I wish I knew what it does because it seems to appear in other functions as well as all the function listed.