Battle of the Immortals Bot with source
The author doesn’t plan to update this bot any further, so he added the full source of code. Anyone, who has experienced enough in C# can continue development and upgrading this app
- AutoFood: when hp or mana is low
- AutoPot: when hp or mana is low
- AutoDC: when hp is low
- Attack: It attacks and with skills
- Timed Button: Hits button every so often
- Target Filter: only attack what you want it to
- Zone: Stays within a certain zone
- Statistics: simple statistics of predicted time to level
- Works with BOI screen minimized
- Supports multiple accounts, you just need to select a different name on the list and set up the options for that character.
- Crusade Quest ~might be buggy
Options Explained
Current Character: The Character which you are modifying the bot settings for, also which process the bot will run on.
Character Health and Mana
- Hp To DC: The maximum Hp before the bot ends the process, basically a disconnect button.
- Hp Threshold: The maximum Hp before the bot hits p Food Key 1
- Mp Threshold: The maximum Hp before the bot hits p Food Key 1
- Hp Food Key 1: The action bar key that Hp food 1 is on
- Hp Food Key 2: The action bar key that Hp food 2 is on
- Hp Pot Key: The action bar key that Hp pot is on
- Mp Food Key 1: The action bar key that Mp food 1 is on
- Mp Food Key 2: The action bar key that Mp food 2 is on
- Mp Pot Key: The action bar key that Mp pot is on
Attacking Skills
- Normal Attack: The action bar key your normal attack is on
- Skill Key 1-4: The action bar key your desired skill is on
- Wait (ms): The amount of time (in miliseconds) to wait after engaging in a battle before using this skill
- CD (ms): The Cool Down of this skill (in milliseconds), this prevents spamming of buttons, also i would suggest adding some extra time to the actual cool down to compensate for lag
Timed Buttons
- Key 1-4: The desired key of timed button 1-4
- Miliseconds: The amount of time to wait to hit the timed button
- Center X: The X coordinate of where you want to stay around
- Center Y: The Y coordinate of where you want to stay around
- Range X: If your character's current X is outside of (Center X)+-(Range X) then he'll head back into it. If left blank you roam freely
- Range Y: If your character's current Y is outside of (Center Y)+-(Range Y) then he'll head back into it. If left blank you roam freely
- Diamond: When the bot goes out of range and heads back it'll start to attack once its back into range
- Point: When the bot goes out of range and heads back it'll start to attack once it gets to the exact center of the zone.
Target Filter
- Target Names: It won't attack any monster that don't match the inputed text. If nothing is in them then the bot attacks all targets.
- Don't Attack Lords: The bot won't attack lords.
- Don't Attack Already Tagged: The bot won't attack monsters that are already being attacked by someone else.
Pet Health and Mana
- Pet Pot Key: The action bar key that pet pots is located on
- Hp Threshold: The bot will hit Pet Pot key when your pet's Hp is below this
- Mp Threshhold: The bot will hit Pet Pot key when your pet's mana is below this
Bot Timeout
Close BoI After X Miliseconds: The bot will end the BoI process after this many seconds
Crusade Order Quest
Bag Slot: The Slot Number of the scroll, if your not smart enough to read this then your going to put a number higher than it needs to be, its index based meaning that the first bag slot is 0 the second is 1, third is 2 and so on.
Target Name Exact: The exact target name, Case sensitive... just copy from the target name filter using the "this" button
- Made by a person who plays berserk, it may work for other i just haven't tried
- NOTE: Doesn't Loot...
- NOTE: almost all of the options can be left blank if you don't need them, just mess around with it and find out what works for you
- NOTE: you probably need to run this with "run as admin"
- Requires: .Net 4.0 Framework
Author: 0xDEC0DE
Замечательная реализация бота для Battle of the Immortals. Единственное, автор больше не собирается поддерживать данный проект, но был благосклонен к страждущим и добавил к программе ее исходный код с описанием.
- Автоматическое поедание банок и т.п. при определенном уровне HP/MP
- Использование простой атаки и скиллов
- Нажатие клавиш через заданный промежуток времени
- Фильтр целей
- Радиус атаки (бот остается в заданной зоне)
- Статистика
- Бот работает независимо от положения окна клиента
- Поддержка нескольких клиентов
Детальное описание настроек вверху.
- Хорошо подходит для берсеркера
- Не способен подбирать лут
- Большая часть параметров могут быть пустыми; достаточно использовать только те, которые нужны
- Требует запуска с правами администратора
- Требует наличия .Net 4.0 Framework
Автор: 0xDEC0DE
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