Hey guys,
After involvement of players with gm, set edited, benefiting specific nations, many players are starting in aika gPotato.
Video with explanation on the subject.
Algumas Verdades sobre o AIKA Online - Ongame - YouTube
After these events, gPotato has released the ip for Brazilians, Canadians, Mexicans, With a hot reception, and promising many benefits to beginners, as marshals players leveling, items, and triple exp, every Wednesday through Friday until 00:00.
[img] http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/6501/ae2u.jpg [/ img]
[img] http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/619/ae3k.jpg [/ img]
Gm all the time in the game
[img] http://img521.imageshack.us/img521/9416/50474258.jpg [/ img]
exp rate higher
[img] http://img32.imageshack.us/img32/7432/expq.jpg [/ img]
Players in ts, playing gPotato ...
[img] http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/9373/ipts2.jpg [/ img]
TS3 download:
TeamSpeak - Downloads
After installing, click on the tab connections
Put the ip and his nickname, Scroll down to the last room!
[img] http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/9826/ts333.jpg [/ img]
Após envolvimentos de players com gm, set editados, beneficiando nações especifícas, muitos jogadores estão iniciando no aika gpotato.
Video com explicação sobre o assunto.
Algumas Verdades sobre o AIKA Online - Ongame - YouTube
Após esses acontecimentos, gpotato liberou o ip para brasileiros, canadenses, mexicanos, Com uma recepção hot , e prometendo muitos beneficíos, aos iniciantes, como marechais upando players, itens, e triplo exp, todas quarta a sexta feira até 00:00.
Gm on tempo todo no jogo
exp rate maior
Players no ts, jogando gpotato...
download ts3:
TeamSpeak - Downloads
Após instalar, clique na aba connections
Coloque o ip e seu nickname, Desça até a ultima sala!