Very good, would still be working today? I'll test here in br.
Very good, would still be working today? I'll test here in br.
I have a problem when I try to open the NoxTrap appears the following message: The program can not start because missing fmod.dll
How can I resolve this?
É pra ficar com medo?
Apenas observo...
Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.
I tried to open the cheat computer at my work here and not have Aika Installed srsrss, so this is why the gave the error.
Thanks for the help.
thanks! It's very usefull to freekill
and now that we're going to epic 3 in BR, I certainly will use this no-xtrap
Probably does not work in this epic 3 but is very ultio for those who have old pc that not mine.
good job leo
thank leonardo meu ingles é horrivél
obrigado pelo belo trabalho rumo ao epic 3 tem meus agradecimentos.
thanks for the beautiful work toward epic 3 has my thanks.