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Oii the people here and Vargas! Today I will teach you my refining technology Aika BR
1-Create a one-step char Nv in a basilica in PvE Time 15:00 17:00 Ah, Iram Your chances increase by around 10%.
2-When talking to NPC ARDODIN Grissom, I will listen for speech enhances your equipment with success!
3-Place the item you want to refine up to +5 +5 to arrive but stop refining and refining close the flap and return, I will carefully listening to the message improves intemal so successfully!
4-Before that, you will go with an item to refine up to 16 lb break!
5 - +6 Oa each item is refining close the flap, and come back until you hear The message will apromora successfully!
So for many folks and it may be nonsense! But I have put many items +11 will try to follow the order of guys step you can IRAM!