This is old, but maybe useful example of packet sniffer application written on C#
Author defines a structure using struct to store IP header in it.
StructLayoutAttribute attribute has been used to arrange the members of this structure in the necessary positions.Code:[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)] public struct IpHeader { [FieldOffset(0)] public byte ip_verlen; // IP version and IP Header length [FieldOffset(1)] public byte ip_tos; // Type of service [FieldOffset(2)] public ushort ip_totallength; // total length of the packet [FieldOffset(4)] public ushort ip_id; // unique identifier [FieldOffset(6)] public ushort ip_offset; // flags and offset [FieldOffset(8)] public byte ip_ttl; // Time To Live [FieldOffset(9)] public byte ip_protocol; // protocol (TCP, UDP etc) [FieldOffset(10)] public ushort ip_checksum; //IP Header checksum [FieldOffset(12)] public long ip_srcaddr; //Source address [FieldOffset(16)] public long ip_destaddr;//Destination Address }
After that a socket using the Socket class has been created:
It should be Raw socket and bind socket to defined IP And called function IOControl(it must be called after you call Bind) IOControl it's analogue of WSAIoctl API function.Code:socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.IP);
Author put first parameter of IOControl to SIO_RCVALL(0x98000001). After packets have been received, they should be analyzed.
Author calculates length of the data in packets as follows: "protocol header length (TCP, UDP, ICMP etc)" + "data" without length "ip header length". Total length is "ip header length" + "protocol header length(TCP, UDP, ICMP etc)" + "data"
Author: Leonid Molochniy
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