1) Extracting the bot
Create a folder on the Desktop, or anywhere in your computer.
Open "iBot .rar" file and extract it in that folder.
2) Patching the Media.pk2 Automatically
Its highly recommended using Manual Patch instead of the Automatically Patch (Step 2.5)
Go to "iBot_Necessities", in the folder "iBot - Media Patcher" install "dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe".
Put "iBot - Media Patcher.exe" in your "SilkroadR" Folder.
Open "iBot - Media Patcher.exe" as admin
Click "Silkroad Online Revolution"
Click "Use custom address"
Press "Search for Address" and wait a few seconds/minutes (Program might go to "Not responding" its normal, don't worry), when a message pops up just press ok.
Press "Show Current Settings" and "Patch Now".
3) Using Hackshield
Go to "iBot - Hackshield Server" and copy "Hackshield.jar" and the "Run SROR Hackshield.bat" to your "SilkroadR" Folder.
Open "Run SROR Hackshield.bat" and it will open the "Hackshield" and the "Silkroad Launcher" will also open.
Press the "Start" button on the launcher, and wait for the client to load completely.
If it says you need to download java check here: Java Downloads for All Operating Systems
Do not CLOSE the Hackshield or the SRO_Client, this client has to be opened without doing anything to it !
4) Using the iBot
Open "edxSilkroadLoader6.rar" and extract it into your "SilkroadR" folder.
Open iBot Folder -> Init -> r_iphs.ini and replace for the IP that its on the Hackshield
Make a shortcut for the "iBot.exe" and the box next to "Target:" at the end of the text put LS:5, Example:
Open the Shortcut of the "iBot", and it should say HS Successfully connected.
Open "edxSilkroadLoader6.exe" make sure its on the SilkroadR folder, and the only options that should be ticked on the loader should be this: "Multiclient", "NOP Hackshield (isro/ksro)", "Redirect Gateway Server:", IP: "" with Port:"16000", Patch Seed. and press Launch!
On your iBot it should say that its connecting to login server etc, and you are ready to bot now.
Remember not to close the other client, that client and hackshield should be open without touching !!
credit to iNiperx
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