Can you make the warrior skills (the starting ones) no cooldown?
Can you make the warrior skills (the starting ones) no cooldown?
Does anyone know what have i to change for use scud and ambush withouth stealth?
(And BTW, what's the scud name in SkillAsset?? I can't find it).
Update: DAT Eng - for Requiem: Memento Mori patch 392
Update: DAT SEA - for Requiem SEA patch 212
Please, post your questions on forum, not by PM or mail
I spend my time, so please pay a little bit of your time to keep world in equilibrium
its seem not working for me..just paste the dat.vdk(hacked) to the data folder right??tried many ways but wont work any1 can help?
Did u renamed the repacked one and removed the original one form the data folder?
yes i did...and i did it many times
the Success rate did not work
please link original dat.vdk
Have you not read some of the other posts????? Somethings are now server evasion has alot to do with missing on pvp! This will make the game much easier for casting classes...doesn't do much for melee class..biggest advantage is movable casting, best casting time possible(server has to do with this also) and the fact u can cast from a 360 degree versus a limited faced angle!...calm down and enjoy the hard work of some! U will have to play to get better gears and if you want to be the best player here over night this isn't the game for you!