Hi all,
So my holidays have arrived, and i decided to start a small personal project, to create a simple (but efficient) mat farming bot. I'm using AutoIt, it seemed the language with more examples and source codes i could find (don't know the language, but knowing many other programming languages the language won't be a problem).
Used CE and read some stuff, and already can read all the player info from my char
Before starting of working on actions i was planing to create a function to allow the search for mats/loot in general. Using some examples, i managed to get this:
$pointer = _MemoryRead(_MemoryRead(_MemoryRead(_MemoryRead($Mem_Address, $Mem_Open)+0x8, $Mem_Open)+0x28, $Mem_Open)+0x14, $Mem_Open) ;reads value at memory address
$item = _MemoryRead(_MemoryRead($pointer+$i*4, $Mem_Open) + 0x4, $Mem_Open)
$ITEM_NAME = _MemoryRead(_MemoryRead($item_base + 0x164, $Mem_Open), $Mem_Open, 'wchar[30]') ;Item-Name
My problem is that it seems i don't find any mats/loot :/ For what i'm seeing i must be looking at the wrong addresses
Any help would be appreciated