Resident Evil: Revelations shows what happened in the plot of the franchise titles between Resident Evil 4 and 5. Originally released for the 3DS, Revelations now returns to consoles in HD and fully, thus stunning graphics and immersive sound experience. But that's not all: this version brings additional content and a new enemy that you will have terrifying nightmares. A new difficulty makes the game even more challenging, also accompanied by new weapons, equipment and ability to play with other characters in the plot. The Raid Mode is still present, allowing cooperative play online or solo, facing hordes of enemies through various missions as your character evolves in the way. The plot reveals the truth behind the T-Abyss virus, taking the favorite characters like Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine and their partners Parker Luciani and Jessica Sherawat. Everything begins aboard a ship cruseiro that supposedly was abandoned: the famous Queen Zenobia. But it did not take long to discover the horrors that lurk every aisle of this place sober, everything getting worse when the group arrives at the devastated city of Terragrigia. Resident Evil: Revelations is a race for survival that will challenge you until the last moment!
Platform: PC, PS3, 3DS, XBOX 360, Wii U.
Release Date: 05/21/2013
Game Type: Action
Developer: Capcom
Number of players:
Offline: 1
Online: 2
Coop: 2