Hello guys today i release my hack of L2Tower here is the site to download the L2Tower:Lineage 2 Tower
ADDED NEW VERSION Fixed bug with potions![/FONT]
How to download:
1.Click up left there the "DOWNLOAD HERE" then save it.
2.Go to the Local Disk and create there a new file with name L2Tower.
3.Extract the files at the L2Tower file.
4.Now, open the L2Tower.exe (if you have windows 7 OR windows vista run it as admin). When you opened the L2Tower.exe it will appears a message!! Click "Yes" then click Accept Update" and wait for updating. When it finished it will appears the hack OR if it didn't open it again (Windows 7 - Windows Vista run it as admin.)
5.Now, the hack opens!! Now, go to the L2Tower.eu site and create an forum account. When you finished your register you have now to click on "License" and then write your L2Tower Forum account and your L2Tower Forum password and click on "Create License File"
6.When it said "[COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]License file created[/COLOR]" click on "OK" and click at "Base" and now click "Select" and find your L2.exe.
7.Now, click at "Inject into next active game window" and "Run & Inject 1x"
READ THIS IT'S IMPORTAND!: Don't click on OTHERS run & inject 2x/3x/4x! IF you click THIS 2x for example YOUR Lineage will crash for ever and you must download again the H5 for example.
8.You are at ingame right? Write /cfg and choose what you want to do your player.![]()