Described game structures, offsets and base address
Описание игровых структур Jade Dynasty, смещения для HP, MP и других величин, базовые адреса
Russian Client ver.
[hidden]Base Address: $00b03064
Base game structure +
- $01C: Main game structures (PTR, 4b)
$3BC: server name (char, 255b)
$4BC: Server port? (dword, 4b)
[BA] + $1C: Main game structures
- $004: Controls (PTR, 4b)
$028: Player structure (PTR, 4b)
$030: Chat Messages count (dword, 4b)
$048: Chat Messages count (dword, 4b)
[BA] + $1C + $04: Controls
- $008: Ptr (PTR, 4b)
[BA] + $1C + $04 + $08: Controls, wnd
- $02C: Current Active Wnd (PTR, 4b)
$03C: Current Wnd (PTR, 4b)
$040: Current Wnd (PTR, 4b)
$1F4: Current Active Wnd (PTR, 4b)
$1F8: Wnd element under cursor (PTR, 4b)
$240 - : Game Wnds (PTR, 4b)
$385: Inv wnd (PTR, 4b)
$2A0: Char stats (PTR, 4b)
[BA] + $1C + $04 + $08 + wnd PTR: Wnd description
- $078: If drag (bool, 1b)= 1 if dragging
$079: is draggable (bool, 1b)1]$080-84:[/b] Mouse point, drag point (dword, 4x2b)
$088: Is wnd opened (bool, 1b)
$090-94: Wnd Pos XY (dword, 4x2b)
$0D0: Usable control (PTR, 4b)
$0D4: Wnd element under cursor (PTR, 4b) = 0 if button, same as [BA] + $1C + 04 + 08 + 1F8
[BA] + $1C + $20 + $114C: Inv
- $00C: Cells PTR array (PTR, 4b)
$010: Cells Count (dword, 4b)
$012: Cells Count (dword, 4b)
[BA] + $1C + $20 + $114C + $C + 4*I + : Inv cell
- $008: Id (dword, 4b)
$014: Item Count (dword, 4b)
$018: Max item count (dword, 4b)
$01C: Price (dword, 4b)
$029: Is usable? (bool, 1b)
[BA] + $1C + $28 + $1244: Skills array
[BA] + $1C + $28 + $1244 + 4*I + : Skills description
- $008: Id (dword, 4b)
$00C: Cool down (dword, 4b)
$010: Max cooldown (dword, 4b)
$014: Is available? (bool, 1b)
[/hidden][BA] + $1C + $28: Player structure
- $2C-34: XZY поворот чара (float, 4b)
$3C-44: XZY (float, 4b)
$4C-54: XZY поворот чара (float, 4b)
$5C-74: XZY поворот чара (float, 4b)
$6C-84: XZY (float, 4b)
$190: Helm ptr? (PTR, 4b)
$224: Helm ptr? (PTR, 4b)
$25C: WID (dword, 4b)
$268: Lvl (dword, 4b)
$26C: Status (dword, 4b)
$270: HP current (dword, 4b)
$274: MP current (dword, 4b)
$284: Skill points (dword, 4b)
$288: HP max (dword, 4b)
$28C: MP max (dword, 4b)
$2C0: Phys attack min (dword, 4b)
$2C4: Phys attack max (dword, 4b)
$2C8: Accuracy (dword, 4b)
$2CC: Def (dword, 4b)
$2D0: Evasion (dword, 4b)
$2EC: Attack speed (float, 4b)
$320: Money (dword, 4b)
$324: Money max value (dword, 4b)
$328-38C: Equipments (dword, 4b)
$390-404: Equipments (dword, 4b)
$4B0: Current action (dword, 4b)
$4D0-4D8: XYZ (float, 4b)
$4E8-4F0: XYZ (float, 4b)
$4F4-4FC: XYZ (float, 4b)
$500: Meditation (, b)
$528-53C: Camera (float, 4b)
$6DC-754: Camera (float, 4b)
$798-7BC: Camera (float, 4b)
$1090: Mob Target WID (dword, 4b)
$1094: Mob Target WID temp (dword, 4b)
$1098: Res target WID (dword, 4b)
$109C: Res target WID under cursor (dword, 4b)
$10A0: Trader WID (dword, 4b)
$10A8: Target WID under mouse (dword, 4b)
$10AD: Is trading (bool, 1b)
$10DC: Jump counter (bool, 1b)
$10E0: Jump on (1) (bool, 1b)
$2??: Money in bank (dword, 4b)
$114C: Inventory (PTR, 4b)
$1150: Equipment package PTR (PTR, 4b)
$1154: Quest inventory (PTR, 4b)
$1158: Pet array (PTR, 4b)
$1228: Activated skill (PTR, 4b)
$1244: skills array (PTR, 4b)
$1248: skills count (dword, 4b)
$14A0: Is pet? (dword, 4b)
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