Jade Dynasty Auto-Potter with GUI
Автохл****ель банок для Jade Dynasty
Editable! Offsets, click coordinates, delays, keys, client title, the whole package (not working with multi-client yet).
It’s pretty easy to use... You must have the configs.ini (inside the .rar file) in order to use it since it has all the stuff you need. All the clicks coordinates are set to 1024x768, any other resolutions will NOT work! Also you can change the click coordinates on the configs.ini file
I tried to comment as much as possible in order to make it easier to understand without being too much comments there xD so the source code is at the attachments to download aswell as the config.ini!
In the downloads there will be the compiled version plus the configs.ini, an .au3 file of the source code and of course the includes: NomadMemory.au3, MouseClickPlus.au3
In order to make it work with the last client version open configs.ini and substitute those addresses (note that you can’t erase the title or it won’t work):
Author: xkidra
Простой полу-бот для питья банок и автоматического восстановления HP/MP при достижении критического уровня. Написан на AutoIt товарищем xkidra.
В использовании прост:
- Настроить configs.ini : использовать базовый адрес и смещения для текущего клиента
- Установить размер окна клиента 1024x768, иначе «хл****ель» работать не будет
В приложении находится скомпилированная версия, а также исходный код.
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