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    Mafia DTA files format. Reversing encryption and packing algorithm

    Mafia DTA files format. Reversing encryption and packing algorithm. Creating DTA Unpacker on C++.

    Skills: Asm, C++, basics of OllyDbg and hex editing
    Time: ….
    Tools: OllyDBG, Ida (if you have Ida…) , Hex Editor (e.g. 010Editor)
    Affected: Mafia, Chameleon, Hidden & Dangerous 2

    This tutorial was written by Dwar and Genz
    Special thanks to h4x0r for his patience


    • Prologue
    • Preparation
    • Part I. Basics
    • Part II. Code tracing. Unpacking data
    • Part III. Structure analyzing. Coding the dta unpacker


    At the beginning I could say that this document should be a detailed guide, aimed to show basics aspects of understanding unknown file formats, reversing encryption and packing algorithm inside executable file, creating unpacker on C++.

    Second note: We will base our analyzing on Chameleon. I don’t know what this game actually is, but the executable file and dll are quite small, so I can provide them with this tutorial. Anyway, Mafia or Hidden & Dangerous 2 has same (nearly same) dll’s, and doesn’t matter which game I used.

    Assume that you have already took a quick look at our aim – Chameleon’s setup files, which consists of .dta archive, executable module ChameleonSetup.exe and rw_data.dll (there was other files, but they are not interesting in our case)
    dta examination give no result, except file header, which equal “ISD1”

    As we can see, all data inside archive are packed or even encrypted, and without detailed reversing of executable files we are unable to get something valuable.

    Part I. Basics,
    So, shall we begin?

    From this moment I will explain major ways, or you can call them basic steps, in retrieving, catching and tracking data, which loaded by application. These steps can be implemented in any application and in any cases, and if you will get an idea how it’s going, you will be able to do everything what you want in a future.
    Of course, if you already know how to set breakpoints on “CreateFile” call, and you know how to search string etc, just skip these steps and immediately turn to sections bellow.
    Open “ChameleonSetup.exe” in OllyDbg. Let’s try to find functions, which are liable for operation with .dta archive. It means that we should find some codes with dta initialization, or something where “.dta” appears.
    Choose “Search for -> All referenced text strings” in context menu,

    then scroll string list to the top and call “Search for text” from the context menu

    Uncheck “Case sensitive” and press OK. Now, just set breakpoints (BP) on each address with “.dta”.
    You can limit yourself with following 4 BP

    Address=00405749, Text string=UNICODE "\isdata.dta"
    Address=00405764, Text string=UNICODE "isdata.dta"
    Address=00405951, Text string=UNICODE "\isdata.dta"
    Address=0040596C, Text string=UNICODE "isdata.dta"
    But to be sure in successful result, we need additional BP in kernel to catch all files IO calls.
    By using command box, enter and call following lines one by one
    • BP CreateFileW
    • BP ReadFile
    • BP SetFilePointer

    Let me make small remark about each function

    CreateFileW - Creates or opens an object, and returns a handle that can be used to access that object.
    HANDLE CreateFileW
      LPCWSTR             filename,           //[In]    pointer to filename to be accessed.
      DWORD                 access, //[In]    access mode requested.
      DWORD                 sharing, //[In]    share mode.
      LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa, //[In]    pointer to security attributes.
      DWORD                 creation, //[In]    how to create the file.
      DWORD                 attributes, //[In]    attributes for newly created file.
      HANDLE                template //[In]    handle to file with extended attributes to copy.
    ReadFile - Reads data from the specified file or input/output (I/O) device. Reads occur at the position specified by the file pointer if supported by the device.
    BOOL WINAPI ReadFile(
      __in         HANDLE hFile,
      __out        LPVOID lpBuffer,
      __in         DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
      __out_opt    LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead,
      __inout_opt  LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped
    SetFilePointer - Moves the file pointer of the specified file.
    DWORD WINAPI SetFilePointer(
      __in         HANDLE hFile,
      __in         LONG lDistanceToMove,
      __inout_opt  PLONG lpDistanceToMoveHigh,
      __in         DWORD dwMoveMethod
    BP on these functions provides us with ample opportunity to catch nearly everything, e.g. we can get the data right after it is read.

    What we got at this moment: breakpoints in functions, which are manipulating with .dta archive names. Even if we fail and these BP will not work, we will definitely catch file accessing routines due BP in system functions.

    Note: finding strings with archives names or archive extension is a common way in identifying “archives functions”. It works in 70%. In other 30% we need breakpoints in kernel functions

    Run application by pressing F9. We will immediately break on CreateFileW.

    7C8107F0 > $  8BFF          mov     edi, edi
    7C8107F2   .  55            push    ebp
    7C8107F3   .  8BEC          mov     ebp, esp
    7C8107F5   .  83EC 58       sub     esp, 0x58
    7C8107F8   .  8B45 18       mov     eax, dword ptr [ebp+0x18]
    7C8107FB   .  48            dec     eax   
    7C8107FC   .  0F84 46FF0100 je      7C830748
    In stack we have all parameters with which the function was called.

    0012D110   7C801A53  /CALL to CreateFileW from kernel32.7C801A4E
    0012D114   7FFDFC00  |FileName = "Chameleon\ISdata.dta"
    0012D118   80000000  |Access = GENERIC_READ
    0012D11C   00000001  |ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ
    0012D120   00000000  |pSecurity = NULL
    0012D124   00000003  |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
    0012D128   10000080  |Attributes = NORMAL|RANDOM_ACCESS
    0012D12C   00000000  \hTemplateFile = NULL
    0012D130   003C06D8
    0012D134   100021D7  RETURN to rw_data.100021D7 from kernel32.CreateFileA
    Wonderful! Application tries to open “ISdata.dta” and the main call was made in rw_data.100021D7 (RETURN to rw_data.100021D7 from kernel32.CreateFileA).
    Click in stack window on line with address 0012D134, and call context menu to follow return pointer in disassembler (or simple press Enter):

    I think that we can remove BP in kernel CreateFileW and just set BP on CreateFileA in rw_data

    100021AE  |.  53               push    ebx                                   ; /hTemplateFile
    100021AF  |.  894D 08          mov     dword ptr [ebp+0x8], ecx              ; |
    100021B2  |.  8B7D 0C          mov     edi, dword ptr [ebp+0xC]              ; |
    100021B5  |.  0BFA             or      edi, edx                              ; |
    100021B7  |.  68 80000010      push    10000080                              ; |Attributes = NORMAL|RANDOM_ACCESS
    100021BC  |.  6A 03            push    0x3                                   ; |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
    100021BE  |.  897D 0C          mov     dword ptr [ebp+0xC], edi              ; |
    100021C1  |.  8BBC24 6C010000  mov     edi, dword ptr [esp+0x16C]            ; |
    100021C8  |.  53               push    ebx                                   ; |pSecurity
    100021C9  |.  6A 01            push    0x1                                   ; |ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ
    100021CB  |.  68 00000080      push    0x80000000                            ; |Access = GENERIC_READ
    100021D0  |.  57               push    edi                                   ; |FileName
    100021D1  |.  FF15 10000110    call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.CreateFileA>]   ; \CreateFileA
    You can restart application and see how it works (you will break again on 100021D1 with accessing “ISdata.dta");
    Now, by pressing F8, trace until ReadFile call on 10002205 (also you can remove BP from kernel32.ReadFile, ‘cuz we already found it)

    0012D140   00000070  |hFile = 00000070 (window)
    0012D144   0012D168  |Buffer = 0012D168
    0012D148   00000004  |BytesToRead = 4
    0012D14C   0012D16C  |pBytesRead = 0012D16C
    0012D150   00000000  \pOverlapped = NULL
    Actualize in dump buffer address 0012D168 (Buffer = 0012D168) and make one more step with F8. Now ReadFile has been called and in dump we have dword with 49534431

    It’s logical to assume that if we read something, we should check it. Below we will stumble on checking routine (begins from 10002246)

    10002246  |> \8B4424 14          mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+0x14]    ;  move first dword to eax
    1000224A  |.  C745 20 FFFFFFFF   mov     dword ptr [ebp+0x20], -0x1
    10002251  |.  3D 49534430        cmp     eax, 0x30445349              ;  compare with ISD0
    10002256  |.  75 05              jnz     short 1000225D
    10002258  |.  895D 20            mov     dword ptr [ebp+0x20], ebx    ;  if ISD0, mov 0
    1000225B  |.  EB 0E              jmp     short 1000226B
    1000225D  |>  3D 49534431        cmp     eax, 0x31445349              ;  compare with ISD1
    10002262  |.  75 07              jnz     short 1000226B
    10002264  |.  C745 20 01000000   mov     dword ptr [ebp+0x20], 0x1    ;  if ISD1, mov 1

    We have ISD1… Now trace until the RET (on 100023E5) and leave this function. We still in rw_data, more exactly – in rw_data.dtaCreate. OK, completely leave rw_data.dtaCreate and trace Chameleon until (004052F6).

    004052F2   .  33C7               xor     eax, edi
    004052F4   .  52                 push    edx
    004052F5   .  50                 push    eax
    004052F6   .  FF53 0C            call    dword ptr [ebx+0xC]
    Why this call? Of course, as far as possible, we should check every call in order to know what happen in every routine. And you can do it manually, but only instruction on 004052F6 will lead us to the useful content. You can press F7 to trace into 10002440, or press F8 if you want to break directly on kernel function SetFilePointer.
    Current function calls SetFilePointer and sets pointer in file on second dword, then again sets pointer to zero… Never mind, ‘cuz we should pay attention on ReadFile (100025BB)

    100025B5   .  57                 push    edi                                   ; /pOverlapped
    100025B6   .  51                 push    ecx                                   ; |pBytesRead
    100025B7   .  6A 18              push    0x18                                  ; |BytesToRead = 18 (24.)
    100025B9   .  55                 push    ebp                                   ; |Buffer
    100025BA   .  52                 push    edx                                   ; |hFile
    100025BB   .  FF15 08000110      call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadFile>]      ; \ReadFile
    This read into buffer 0x18 bytes from the beginning of “ISData.dta”. Stack:

    0012D240   0000004C  |hFile = 0000004C (window)
    0012D244   003C08C0  |Buffer = 003C08D0
    0012D248   00000018  |BytesToRead = 18 (24.)
    0012D24C   0012D264  |pBytesRead = 0012D264
    0012D250   00000000  \pOverlapped = NULL
    Instruction on 100025C3

    100025C3   . /75 32              jnz     short 100025F7                                 ;  data read
    denotes, that data has been successfully read, and the next instruction

    cmp     dword ptr [esp+0x10], 0x18
    checks how many bytes has been read (in our case 0x18 byres)
    OK, probably we close to decrypting/unpacking routine. What we have right now: piece of code, which moves to stack some values and call function. Let examine it more precisely.

    10002630   > \8B4424 74          mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+0x74]                      ;  mov some dword1
    10002634   .  8D75 04            lea     esi, dword ptr [ebp+0x4]                       ;  esi: file in buffer + 0x4
    10002637   .  B9 05000000        mov     ecx, 0x5
    1000263C   .  8D7C24 3C          lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+0x3C]
    10002640   .  F3:A5              rep     movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]       ;  copy 0x14 byte from second dword to the stack
    10002642   .  8B4C24 70          mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+0x70]                      ;  mov some dword2
    10002646   .  50                 push    eax                                            ;  to stack: dword1
    10002647   .  51                 push    ecx                                            ;  to stack: dword2
    10002648   .  8D5424 44          lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+0x44]                      ;  get buffer address
    1000264C   .  6A 14              push    0x14                                           ;  size
    1000264E   .  52                 push    edx                                            ;  to stack: buffer address
    1000264F   .  E8 5C690000        call    10008FB0
    Our buffer in stack contains 0x14 bytes from “ISData.dta” (beginning from the second dword)

    0012D290  F6 DD 75 DE F2 44 DC DE 82 DD 75 DE D2 21 DC DE  цЭuЮтDЬЮ‚ЭuЮТ!ЬЮ
    0012D2A0  4B D5 75 DE                                      KХuЮ
    Interesting. Let’s trace into “call 10008FB0”. Inside we have

    10008FB0  /$  8B4C24 08          mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+0x8]
    10008FB4  |.  55                 push    ebp
    10008FB5  |.  8BC1               mov     eax, ecx
    10008FB7  |.  56                 push    esi
    10008FB8  |.  C1E8 03            shr     eax, 0x3
    10008FBB  |.  57                 push    edi
    10008FBC  |.  8D14C5 00000000    lea     edx, dword ptr [eax*8]
    10008FC3  |.  2BCA               sub     ecx, edx
    10008FC5  |.  895424 14          mov     dword ptr [esp+0x14], edx
    10008FC9  |.  8BE9               mov     ebp, ecx
    10008FCB  |.  8BC8               mov     ecx, eax
    10008FCD  |.  48                 dec     eax
    10008FCE  |.  85C9               test    ecx, ecx
    10008FD0  |.  74 36              je      short 10009008
    10008FD2  |.  8B5424 10          mov     edx, dword ptr [esp+0x10]
    10008FD6  |.  8B7C24 1C          mov     edi, dword ptr [esp+0x1C]
    10008FDA  |.  53                 push    ebx
    10008FDB  |.  8B5C24 1C          mov     ebx, dword ptr [esp+0x1C]
    10008FDF  |.  8D14C2             lea     edx, dword ptr [edx+eax*8]
    10008FE2  |.  8D70 01            lea     esi, dword ptr [eax+0x1]
    10008FE5  |>  8B02               /mov     eax, dword ptr [edx]
    10008FE7  |.  8B4A 04            |mov     ecx, dword ptr [edx+0x4]
    10008FEA  |.  F7D0               |not     eax
    10008FEC  |.  F7D1               |not     ecx
    10008FEE  |.  33C3               |xor     eax, ebx
    10008FF0  |.  33CF               |xor     ecx, edi
    10008FF2  |.  F7D0               |not     eax
    10008FF4  |.  F7D1               |not     ecx
    10008FF6  |.  8902               |mov     dword ptr [edx], eax
    10008FF8  |.  894A 04            |mov     dword ptr [edx+0x4], ecx
    10008FFB  |.  4E                 |dec     esi
    10008FFC  |.  83EA 08            |sub     edx, 0x8
    10008FFF  |.  85F6               |test    esi, esi
    10009001  |.^ 77 E2              \ja      short 10008FE5
    10009003  |.  8B5424 18          mov     edx, dword ptr [esp+0x18]
    10009007  |.  5B                 pop     ebx
    10009008  |>  8B4424 10          mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+0x10]
    1000900C  |.  8D0C02             lea     ecx, dword ptr [edx+eax]
    1000900F  |.  8BD5               mov     edx, ebp
    10009011  |.  4D                 dec     ebp
    10009012  |.  85D2               test    edx, edx
    10009014  |.  74 21              je      short 10009037
    10009016  |.  8D7C24 18          lea     edi, dword ptr [esp+0x18]
    1000901A  |.  8D0429             lea     eax, dword ptr [ecx+ebp]
    1000901D  |.  2BF9               sub     edi, ecx
    1000901F  |.  8D75 01            lea     esi, dword ptr [ebp+0x1]
    10009022  |>  8A08               /mov     cl, byte ptr [eax]
    10009024  |.  F6D1               |not     cl
    10009026  |.  8808               |mov     byte ptr [eax], cl
    10009028  |.  8A1407             |mov     dl, byte ptr [edi+eax]
    1000902B  |.  32D1               |xor     dl, cl
    1000902D  |.  4E                 |dec     esi
    1000902E  |.  F6D2               |not     dl
    10009030  |.  8810               |mov     byte ptr [eax], dl
    10009032  |.  48                 |dec     eax
    10009033  |.  85F6               |test    esi, esi
    10009035  |.^ 77 EB              \ja      short 10009022
    10009037  |>  5F                 pop     edi
    10009038  |.  5E                 pop     esi
    10009039  |.  5D                 pop     ebp
    1000903A  \.  C2 1000            retn    0x10
    Voila, function with cycles, XORs, NOTs… Also, this function has lots of local calls…
    Now we should trace it and in every cycle check our incoming buffer with 0x14 encrypted data.
    First cycle take third and fourth dword from buffer, not them, xor them with dwords DE75DDF2, DEDC644B (which has been passed to the main function). We can assume that these strange dwords are keys: key1 and key2.

    10008FE5  |> /8B02               /mov     eax, dword ptr [edx]       ;  3th dword from buffer
    10008FE7  |. |8B4A 04            |mov     ecx, dword ptr [edx+0x4]   ;  4th dword from buffer
    10008FEA  |. |F7D0               |not     eax                        ;  not dword3
    10008FEC  |. |F7D1               |not     ecx                        ;  not dword4
    10008FEE  |. |33C3               |xor     eax, ebx                   ;  xor (not dword3) with key1
    10008FF0  |. |33CF               |xor     ecx, edi                   ;  xor (not dword4) with key2
    10008FF2  |. |F7D0               |not     eax                        ;  not(xor (not dword3) with key1)
    10008FF4  |. |F7D1               |not     ecx                        ;  not(xor (not dword4) with key2)
    10008FF6  |. |8902               |mov     dword ptr [edx], eax       ;  write result: dword3
    10008FF8  |. |894A 04            |mov     dword ptr [edx+0x4], ecx   ;  write result: dword4
    10008FFB  |. |4E                 |dec     esi                        ;  decrease counter
    10008FFC  |. |83EA 08            |sub     edx, 0x8
    10008FFF  |. |85F6               |test    esi, esi
    10009001  |.^\77 E2              \ja      short 10008FE5
    But our buffer isn’t completely decrypted.
    Second cycle in current function

    10009022  |> /8A08               /mov     cl, byte ptr [eax]       ;  mov byte from the end of buffer
    10009024  |. |F6D1               |not     cl                       ;  not byte
    10009026  |. |8808               |mov     byte ptr [eax], cl       ;  write it back
    10009028  |. |8A1407             |mov     dl, byte ptr [edi+eax]   ;  get byte from the key
    1000902B  |. |32D1               |xor     dl, cl
    1000902D  |. |4E                 |dec     esi
    1000902E  |. |F6D2               |not     dl
    10009030  |. |8810               |mov     byte ptr [eax], dl
    10009032  |. |48                 |dec     eax
    10009033  |. |85F6               |test    esi, esi
    10009035  |.^\77 EB              \ja      short 10009022
    do the same thing as previous cycle, but decrypt data byte-by-byte.
    So, at the end our buffer contains

    0012D290  04 00 00 00 B9 20 00 00 70 00 00 00 99 45 00 00   ...№ ..p...™E..
    0012D2A0  B9 08 00 00                                      № ..

    As a result, decryption turns into a simple steps:
    1. get encrypted byte
    2. NOT encrypted byte
    3. XOR by key
    4. NOT result
    5. save result

    C++ example:
    unsigned char keys[8];
     ((DWORD)keys)[0] = key2;
     ((DWORD)keys)[1] = key1;
     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        data[i] = (unsigned char)(~((~data[i]) ^ key[i%8]));
    From this point, we can fully describe parameters of our call on 1000264F
    10002646   .  50                 push    eax                          ;  to stack: key1
    10002647   .  51                 push    ecx                          ;  to stack: key2
    10002648   .  8D5424 44          lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+0x44]    ;  get buffer address
    1000264C   .  6A 14              push    0x14                         ;  size
    1000264E   .  52                 push    edx                          ;  to stack: buffer address
    1000264F   .  E8 5C690000        call    10008FB0                     ;  decrypt
    Wait a minute! One reasonable question: how we get decryption keys? Basically we can forget about them, because they do not change for each Chameleon archive. Keys for each archive in Mafia and H&D2 we can picked from stack before calling decryption function. More details you can find in appendix.

    Let’s get back to the subject.
    After decryption we have only 20 decrypted bytes in DTA header
    struct DtaHeader
        char    signature[4];   // “ISD1”
        DWORD   d1;             // 04 00 00 00 - 4
        DWORD   d2;             // B9 20 00 00 - 8377
        DWORD   d3;             // 70 00 00 00 - 112
        DWORD   d4;             // 99 45 00 00 - 17817
    By tracing down we stopped on another SetFilePointer at 10002892

    1000288C   .  6A 00              push    0x0                                ; /Origin = FILE_BEGIN
    1000288E   .  6A 00              push    0x0                                ; |pOffsetHi = NULL
    10002890   .  51                 push    ecx                                ; |OffsetLo
    10002891   .  52                 push    edx                                ; |hFile
    10002892   .  FF15 04000110      call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetFilePoint>; \SetFilePointer
    0012D244   00000070  |hFile = 00000070 (window)
    0012D248   000020B9  |OffsetLo = 20B9 (8377.)
    0012D24C   00000000  |pOffsetHi = NULL
    0012D250   00000000  \Origin = FILE_BEGIN
    Function moves file pointer to 0x20B9 (dword d2 in DTA header). Next, ReadFile on 100028B5 loads data, beginning from 20B9, and loads 0x70 bytes (dword d3 in DTA header).
    0012D240   00000070  |hFile = 00000070 (window)
    0012D244   003C08D0  |Buffer = 003C08D0
    0012D248   00000070  |BytesToRead = 70 (112.)
    0012D24C   0012D264  |pBytesRead = 0012D264
    0012D250   00000000  \pOverlapped = NULL
    By switching to our hex editor, we notice, that 0x20B9 + 0x70 offset leads us to the end of dta. If you don’t want to trace in Olly and wait again unpacked data, you can take advantage of 010Editor script (or make your own small tool) and decrypt this block by yourself.

    That’s all for this function. After returning to the Chameleon, we have DTA header and record with files data (file table).
    As we can see, dta header contains following data:
    struct DtaHeader
        char    signature[4];
        DWORD   numOfFiles;       // Number of files in archive
        DWORD   ftOffset;         // File table offset
        DWORD   ftSize;           // File table size
        DWORD   extra1;
    Let’s try to identify something in the file table. Each data entry has a fixed length of 28 bytes
    50 00 01 00 18 00 00 00 3E 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

    It’s clear, that the latest 16 bytes reserved for file name. By comparing other 3 entries, we can say that the third word is a file name length

    typedef struct
        ubyte   unknown;
        ubyte   unknown;
        WORD    fileNameSize;    //File name length
        DWORD   unknown;
        DWORD   unknown;
        char    fileName[16];

    Part II. Code tracing. Unpacking data

    In Part 1 we have finished with decryption, dta file header and got some internal structure of given archive.
    Let’s continue.
    Don’t forget that we work with installer, and after needed data has been decrypted, installer manually reads files from the archive.

    004052F4   .  52                 push    edx                      ;  push key1
    004052F5   .  50                 push    eax                      ;  push key2
    004052F6   .  FF53 0C            call    dword ptr [ebx+0xC]      ;  read dta header and file list
    004052F9   .  84C0               test    al, al                   ;  data decrypted
    004052FB   .  74 38              je      short 00405335
    004052FD   .  6A 00              push    0x0
    004052FF   .  68 3CD74000        push    0040D73C                 ;  ASCII "idata.txt"
    00405304   .  E8 DB390000        call    <jmp.&rw_data.w_data.>   ;  rw_data.dtaOpen, open "idata.txt"
    We jumped again into rw_data (rw_data.dtaOpen). And first called kernel function is CreateFileA with following parameters
    0012D028   0040D73C  |FileName = "idata.txt"
    0012D02C   80000000  |Access = GENERIC_READ
    0012D030   00000001  |ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ
    0012D034   00000000  |pSecurity = NULL
    0012D038   00000003  |Mode = OPEN_EXISTING
    0012D03C   00000080  |Attributes = NORMAL
    0012D040   00000000  \hTemplateFile = NULL
    If after execution we will get EAX = -1, the "idata.txt" will be read from the archive, otherwise – from hdd
    Trace down until 1000377C

    10003774  |> \8B8C24 80020000    mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+0x280]
    1000377B  |.  51                 push    ecx                                      ; /Arg1
    1000377C  |.  E8 8F020000        call    10003A10                                 ; \rw_data.10003A10
    and step inside call 10003A10. It’s a really long function… If everything OK (there are some checks at the beginning, like “if needed file located in archive” and so on), you will come to another SetFilePointer call

    10003CFC  |.  A1 A4BC0110        ||mov     eax, dword ptr [0x1001BCA4]
    10003D01  |.  53                 ||push    ebx                                    ; /Origin
    10003D02  |.  53                 ||push    ebx                                    ; |pOffsetHi
    10003D03  |.  8B8C07 18010000    ||mov     ecx, dword ptr [edi+eax+0x118]         ; |
    10003D0A  |.  8B1407             ||mov     edx, dword ptr [edi+eax]               ; |
    10003D0D  |.  8B4C0E 04          ||mov     ecx, dword ptr [esi+ecx+0x4]           ; |
    10003D11  |.  51                 ||push    ecx                                    ; |OffsetLo
    10003D12  |.  52                 ||push    edx                                    ; |hFile
    10003D13  |.  FF15 04000110      ||call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.SetFilePointer>] ; \SetFilePointer
    which will set file pointer to 0x44 (68.)

    0012CD00   00000070  |hFile = 00000070 (window)
    0012CD04   00000044  |OffsetLo = 44 (68.)
    0012CD08   00000000  |pOffsetHi = NULL
    0012CD0C   00000000  \Origin = FILE_BEGIN
    OK, why 0x44? Take a look into record with "idata.txt", because this value was taken from the File table

    91 02 09 00 44 00 00 00 72 00 00 00 49 44 41 54 41 2E 54 58 54 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
    And we can define another value - structure offset

    typedef struct
        ubyte   unknown;
        ubyte   unknown;
        WORD    fileNameSize;    //File name length
        DWORD   structOffset;    //structure offset, contains additional data
        DWORD   unknown;
        char    fileName[16];
    Step over until ReadFile call at 10003E1E

    10003E1E  |.  FF15 08000110      ||call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadFile>]       ; \ReadFile
    0012CCFC   00000070  |hFile = 00000070 (window)
    0012CD00   0012CDC0  |Buffer = 0012CDC0
    0012CD04   00000020  |BytesToRead = 20 (32.)
    0012CD08   0012CD28  |pBytesRead = 0012CD28
    0012CD0C   00000000  \pOverlapped = NULL
    We see, that there 32 bytes will be read from 68 offset and will be decrypted on 10003E77

    10003E77  |.  E8 34510000        ||call    10008FB0  ;  decrypt
    Now we got another structure, which adds some more information about file "idata.txt" inside archive.

    Continue tracing until ReadFile call on 10003F96

    10003F96  |.  FF15 08000110      ||call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadFile>]       ; \ReadFile
    If you are an attentive person, you will notice that the BytesToRead parameter calculated some instruction before and new data will be read from the current file pointer (right after previous 32 bytes). For our "idata.txt" we read 9 bytes (value comes from latest file structure + 0x1C), and decrypt them on 1000401B

    1000401B  |.  E8 904F0000        ||call    10008FB0                               ;  decrypt
    We got full filename

    After that, our new filename converted to uppercase and compares with filename from the first data block (from File table)
    Some instruction after we read one dword after filemame, and then read another byte at 100043AB. At this moment we can’t guess the purpose of these values.
    And… maybe you will not believe in that, but it was only preparation before unpacking.
    We decrypt file metadata (file name, size etc), we decrypt some other values and now we come nearer to unpacking routine

    Let’s summarize our data.

    Now just trace and trace, and soon without fail you land on this function

    00403D60  /$  6A FF         push    -0x1                       ;  read and unpack
    00403D62  |.  68 5B8F4000   push    00408F5B                   ;  SE handler installation
    00403D67  |.  64:A1 0000000>mov     eax, dword ptr fs:[0]
    00403D6D  |.  50            push    eax
    00403D6E  |.  64:8925 00000>mov     dword ptr fs:[0], esp
    00403D75  |.  81EC 24080000 sub     esp, 0x824
    00403D7B  |.  53            push    ebx
    00403D7C  |.  56            push    esi
    00403D7D  |.  57            push    edi
    00403D7E  |.  68 48D74000   push    0040D748                   ;  UNICODE "Chameleon.exe"
    00403D83  |.  6A 15         push    0x15
    00403D85  |.  E8 E6FBFFFF   call    00403970
    00403D8A  |.  83C4 08       add     esp, 0x8
    00403D8D  |.  33FF          xor     edi, edi
    00403D8F  |.  57            push    edi
    00403D90  |.  68 3CD74000   push    0040D73C                   ;  ASCII "idata.txt"
    00403D95  |.  E8 4A4F0000   call    <jmp.&rw_data.w_data.>     ;  check dta
    Here we again check and retrieve data from dta. Then we get 5th dword from the “file extra data” block (for "idata.txt" it’s 0x00002BB4)
    00403DB7  |> \55                 push    ebp
    00403DB8  |.  57                 push    edi
    00403DB9  |.  6A 02              push    0x2
    00403DBB  |.  56                 push    esi
    00403DBC  |.  E8 1D4F0000        call    <jmp.&rw_data.w_data.>
    Subtract 2 from received value and allocate memory with size (0x00002BB4 – 2)

    00403DC1  |.  83EB 02            sub     ebx, 0x2                       ;  unpacked size - 2
    00403DC4  |.  53                 push    ebx                            ; /size
    00403DC5  |.  FF15 B8A34000      call    dword ptr [<&MSVCRT.malloc>]   ; \malloc
    Definitely this value is Unpacked File Size

    And now we a going to main unpacking routine on 00403DD3, passing to this function buffer size, buffer address and 1
    00403DD0  |.  53                 push    ebx                            ;  size
    00403DD1  |.  55                 push    ebp                            ;  buffer
    00403DD2  |.  56                 push    esi
    00403DD3  |.  E8 004F0000        call    <jmp.&rw_data.w_data.>         ;  read end unpack
    We jump in rw_data.dtaRead. Bla-bla-bla, instruction and instruction… Continue tracing… We should stop on SetFilePointer (100053B3) and check offset value

    001249E4   00000070  |hFile = 00000070 (window)
    001249E8   00000072  |OffsetLo = 72 (114.)
    001249EC   00000000  |pOffsetHi = NULL
    001249F0   00000000  \Origin = FILE_BEGIN
    0x72… where we saw 0x72? It was in the first data block “File table”, for "idata.txt" entry.

    typedef struct
        ubyte   b1;
        ubyte   flags;
        WORD    fileNameSize;    //File name length
        DWORD   structOffset;    //structure offset, contains additional data
        DWORD   dataOffset;      //data offset
        char    fileName[16];
    read data from 0x72 to the stack
    10005434  |.  50                 push    eax                               ; |Buffer
    10005435  |.  57                 push    edi                               ; |hFile
    10005436  |.  FF15 08000110      call    dword ptr [<&KERNEL32.ReadFile>]  ; \ReadFile
    Now function should decide what to do with data: whether they are encrypted, packed or something else.
    If data is encrypted, we decrypt it before unpacking
    10005629  |> \8A4424 1F        mov     al, byte ptr [esp+0x1F]        ; get flag
    1000562D  |.  84C0             test    al, al
    1000562F  |.  74 21            je      short 10005652                 ;  data was crypted
    10005631  |.  A1 6CBC0110      mov     eax, dword ptr [0x1001BC6C]
    10005636  |.  8B4C24 10        mov     ecx, dword ptr [esp+0x10]      ;  compressed size
    1000563A  |.  8B5428 44        mov     edx, dword ptr [eax+ebp+0x44]  ;  key2
    1000563E  |.  8B4428 40        mov     eax, dword ptr [eax+ebp+0x40]  ;  key1
    10005642  |.  52               push    edx
    10005643  |.  50               push    eax
    10005644  |.  8D9424 89000000  lea     edx, dword ptr [esp+0x89]
    1000564B  |.  51               push    ecx
    1000564C  |.  52               push    edx
    1000564D  |.  E8 EE390000      call    10009040                       ;  decrypt before unpacking
    At this moment all data are stored in stack (the size of “extra data” is equal 0x80 bytes)

    and they are ready for unpacking.
    Main unpacking cycle begins from 100056F6. As I think, this is some kind of dictionary coder

    A dictionary coder, also sometimes known as a substitution coder, is a class of lossless data compression algorithms which operate by searching for matches between the text to be compressed and a set of strings contained in a data structure (called the 'dictionary') maintained by the encoder. When the encoder finds such a match, it substitutes a reference to the string's position in the data structure.

    Maybe, LZ77 variation, but without questions, this algorithm works quite well.

    100056F6  |> /8B4424 30        /mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+0x30]
    100056FA  |> |8A5424 17         mov     dl, byte ptr [esp+0x17]
    100056FE  |. |84D2             |test    dl, dl
    10005700  |. |75 23            |jnz     short 10005725
    10005702  |. |66:0FB68434 8000>|movzx   ax, byte ptr [esp+esi+0x80]
    1000570B  |. |66:0FB69434 8100>|movzx   dx, byte ptr [esp+esi+0x81]
    10005714  |. |C1E0 08          |shl     eax, 0x8
    10005717  |. |03C2             |add     eax, edx
    10005719  |. |C64424 17 10     |mov     byte ptr [esp+0x17], 0x10
    1000571E  |. |894424 30        |mov     dword ptr [esp+0x30], eax
    10005722  |. |83C6 02          |add     esi, 0x2
    10005725  |> |F6C4 80          |test    ah, 0x80
    10005728  |. |75 15            |jnz     short 1000573F                ;  just copy bytes to the result buffer
    1000572A  |. |8B5424 38        |mov     edx, dword ptr [esp+0x38]
    1000572E  |. |8A8434 80000000  |mov     al, byte ptr [esp+esi+0x80]   ;  extra data + 0x80 + counter
    10005735  |. |46               |inc     esi                           ;  inc counter
    10005736  |. |880411           |mov     byte ptr [ecx+edx], al        ;  write byte
    10005739  |. |41               |inc     ecx
    1000573A  |. |E9 CD000000      |jmp     1000580C
    1000573F  |> |8A8434 81000000  |mov     al, byte ptr [esp+esi+0x81]   ;  extra data + 0x81 + counter
    10005746  |. |33DB             |xor     ebx, ebx
    10005748  |. |8A9C34 80000000  |mov     bl, byte ptr [esp+esi+0x80]   ;  extra data + 0x80 + counter
    1000574F  |. |8BD0             |mov     edx, eax
    10005751  |. |81E2 FF000000    |and     edx, 0xFF                     ;  get only byte
    10005757  |. |C1E3 04          |shl     ebx, 0x4
    1000575A  |. |C1EA 04          |shr     edx, 0x4
    1000575D  |. |03DA             |add     ebx, edx
    1000575F  |. |895C24 64        |mov     dword ptr [esp+0x64], ebx
    10005763  |. |75 55            |jnz     short 100057BA
    10005765  |. |66:0FB69434 8200>|movzx   dx, byte ptr [esp+esi+0x82]
    1000576E  |. |66:0FB6C0        |movzx   ax, al
    10005772  |. |C1E0 08          |shl     eax, 0x8
    10005775  |. |8D5C02 0F        |lea     ebx, dword ptr [edx+eax+0xF]
    10005779  |. |33D2             |xor     edx, edx
    1000577B  |. |81E3 FFFF0000    |and     ebx, 0xFFFF
    10005781  |. |895C24 4C        |mov     dword ptr [esp+0x4C], ebx
    10005785  |. |8D43 01          |lea     eax, dword ptr [ebx+0x1]
    10005788  |. |85C0             |test    eax, eax
    1000578A  |. |7E 25            |jle     short 100057B1
    1000578C  |. |33C0             |xor     eax, eax
    1000578E  |> |8B7C24 38        |/mov     edi, dword ptr [esp+0x38]
    10005792  |. |8A9C34 83000000  ||mov     bl, byte ptr [esp+esi+0x83]
    10005799  |. |03C1             ||add     eax, ecx
    1000579B  |. |42               ||inc     edx
    1000579C  |. |881C38           ||mov     byte ptr [eax+edi], bl
    1000579F  |. |8B5C24 4C        ||mov     ebx, dword ptr [esp+0x4C]
    100057A3  |. |8BC2             ||mov     eax, edx
    100057A5  |. |25 FFFF0000      ||and     eax, 0xFFFF
    100057AA  |. |8D7B 01          ||lea     edi, dword ptr [ebx+0x1]
    100057AD  |. |3BC7             ||cmp     eax, edi
    100057AF  |.^|7C DD            |\jl      short 1000578E
    100057B1  |> |83C6 04          |add     esi, 0x4
    100057B4  |. |8D4C19 01        |lea     ecx, dword ptr [ecx+ebx+0x1]
    100057B8  |. |EB 52            |jmp     short 1000580C
    100057BA  |> |24 0F            |and     al, 0xF
    100057BC  |. |33D2             |xor     edx, edx
    100057BE  |. |66:0FB6C0        |movzx   ax, al
    100057C2  |. |83C0 02          |add     eax, 0x2
    100057C5  |. |25 FFFF0000      |and     eax, 0xFFFF
    100057CA  |. |894424 4C        |mov     dword ptr [esp+0x4C], eax
    100057CE  |. |8D78 01          |lea     edi, dword ptr [eax+0x1]
    100057D1  |. |85FF             |test    edi, edi
    100057D3  |. |7E 2C            |jle     short 10005801
    100057D5  |. |33C0             |xor     eax, eax
    100057D7  |. |EB 04            |jmp     short 100057DD
    100057D9  |> |8B5C24 64        |/mov     ebx, dword ptr [esp+0x64]
    100057DD  |> |8BE9             | mov     ebp, ecx
    100057DF  |. |2BEB             ||sub     ebp, ebx
    100057E1  |. |03E8             ||add     ebp, eax
    100057E3  |. |03C1             ||add     eax, ecx                     ;  inc counter
    100057E5  |. |8BDD             ||mov     ebx, ebp
    100057E7  |. |8B6C24 38        ||mov     ebp, dword ptr [esp+0x38]    ;  outbuffer address
    100057EB  |. |42               ||inc     edx
    100057EC  |. |8A1C2B           ||mov     bl, byte ptr [ebx+ebp]
    100057EF  |. |881C28           ||mov     byte ptr [eax+ebp], bl       ;  write byte
    100057F2  |. |8BC2             ||mov     eax, edx
    100057F4  |. |25 FFFF0000      ||and     eax, 0xFFFF
    100057F9  |. |3BC7             ||cmp     eax, edi
    100057FB  |.^|7C DC            |\jl      short 100057D9
    100057FD  |. |8B4424 4C        |mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+0x4C]
    10005801  |> |8B6C24 60        |mov     ebp, dword ptr [esp+0x60]
    10005805  |. |83C6 02          |add     esi, 0x2
    10005808  |. |8D4C01 01        |lea     ecx, dword ptr [ecx+eax+0x1]
    1000580C  |> |8B7C24 30        |mov     edi, dword ptr [esp+0x30] 
    10005810  |. |8A5424 17        |mov     dl, byte ptr [esp+0x17] 
    10005814  |. |8B4424 54        |mov     eax, dword ptr [esp+0x54]     ;  size + 1
    10005818  |. |D1E7             |shl     edi, 1 
    1000581A  |. |FECA             |dec     dl 
    1000581C  |. |3BF0             |cmp     esi, eax
    1000581E  |. |897C24 30        |mov     dword ptr [esp+0x30], edi 
    10005822  |. |885424 17        |mov     byte ptr [esp+0x17], dl 
    10005826  |.^\0F82 CAFEFFFF    \jb      100056F6
    Finally, after passing unpacking cycles, function checks how many bytes have been unpacked and after that copy everything into the output buffer.

    100058E6  |.  F3:A5            rep     movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi]   ;  copy data from temp buffer to the normal
    We finished with direct code tracing, and from now we will concentrate on coding dta unpacker.

    P.S. Parts of this tutorial were written in a different time. If you found mismatches or mistakes, let me know
    P.P.S. Wait for Part3 and Part4...

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    Finally. Thanks .

    PS: Wings of War used same format (Chameleon) but encrypted only FileTable (first 16 bytes of filename).

    Here decrypting function for Chameleon (using rw_data.dll)

    PHP Code:
    typedef unsigned char _BYTE;
    typedef unsigned short _WORD;
    typedef unsigned int _DWORD;

    void Chameleon_Decrypt(void *bufferunsigned int byteCount){
    unsigned int v4;
    int v5;
    int v6;
    int v7;
    unsigned int v8;
    int v9;
    unsigned int v10;
    unsigned int v11;
    int v12;
    int v13;
    signed int v14;
    int result;
    int v16;
    int v17;
    int v18;
    char *v19;
    int v20;
    char v21;
    int v22;
    unsigned int key1key2;

    key1 0xDE75DDF2;
    key2 0xDEDC644B;

    v4 byteCount >> 3;
    v5 * (byteCount >> 3);
    v6 byteCount v5;
    v22 * (byteCount >> 3);
    v7 v6;
    v8 v4;
    v9 v4 1;
      if ( 
    v8 )
    v10 key2;
    v11 key1;
    v12 = (int)((char *)buffer v9);
    v13 v9 1;
    v14 = ~(v10 ^ ~*(_DWORD *)(v12 4));
    _DWORD *)v12 = ~(v11 ^ ~*(_DWORD *)v12);
    _DWORD *)(v12 4) = v14;
    v12 -= 8;
        while ( 
    v13 );
    v5 v22;
    result = (int)buffer;
    v16 = (int)((char *)buffer v5);
    v17 v7;
    v18 v7 1;
      if ( 
    v17 )
    result v16 v18;
    v19 = (char *)&key1 v16;
    v20 v18 1;
    v21 = ~*(_BYTE *)result;
    _BYTE *)result v21;
    _BYTE *)result = ~(v21 v19[result]);
        while ( 
    v20 );

    Wings of War used

    PHP Code:
    key1 0x00000000;
    key2 0x00000000
    Correct set encryption keys

    PHP Code:
    char temp_byte;
    int temp_dword;
    __int64 password;
    __int64 temp_qword;
    __int16 temp_word;

    int __cdecl _rand()
    temp_dword 214013 temp_dword 2531011;
      return (
    temp_dword >> 16) & 0x7FFF;

    result) {
    mov     ecxresult
            mov     esi
    [esi+50h], eax
            call    _rand
            mov     temp_word
            movzx    eax
            shld    edx
            shl        eax
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
    +4,    edx
            call    _rand
            mov        edi
    dword ptr temp_qword
            mov        ecx
    dword ptr temp_qword+4
            mov        temp_word
            movzx    eax
    or        eaxedi
    or        edxecx
            shld    edx
            shl        eax
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
    +4,    edx
            call    _rand
            mov        ebx
    dword ptr temp_qword
            mov        edi
    dword ptr temp_qword+4
            mov        temp_word
            movzx    eax
    or        ebxeax
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
    or        ediedx
            mov        ecx
            mov        ebx
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
    +4,    edi
            mov        dword ptr password
            mov        dword ptr password
            call    _rand
            mov        ecx
    dword ptr temp_qword
            mov        edi
    dword ptr temp_qword+4
            shld    edi
            mov        temp_word
            movzx    eax
            shl        ecx
    or        ecxeax
    or        ediedx
            mov        edx
    dword ptr password
    xor        edxecx
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
            mov        ecx
    dword ptr password+4
    xor        ecxedi
            mov        dword ptr temp_qword
    +4,    edi
            mov        dword ptr password
            mov        dword ptr password
            mov        ecx
    , [esi+50h]
    test    ecxecx
            jz        short loc_1009DC83
            mov        edx
    dword ptr password+4
            mov        eax
    , [ecx]
    push    edx
            mov        edx
    dword ptr password
            push    edx
            call    dword ptr 
    mov        temp_byteal

    mov        ecx, [esi+50h]
    test    ecxecx
            jz        short loc_1009DCBD
            mov        al
            test    al
            jz        short loc_1009DCBD
            mov        edi
    , [ecx]
    call    dword ptr [edi+10h]
    eaxdword ptr password
    xor        edxdword ptr password+4
    xor        eaxdword ptr temp_qword
    xor        edxdword ptr temp_qword+4
            mov        ecx
    , [esi+50h]
    push    edx
            push    eax
            call    dword ptr 
    mov        temp_byteal


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    When is continue ?
    Last edited by h4x0r; 2012-08-10 at 02:29 PM.

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    In structure of additional data extra5 it's nums of compressed blocks. After filename you can see array DWORD's, it's compressed blocks size for each block > & 0x7FFF. Here decompress algo.

    PHP Code:
    // by Luigi Auriemma
    #define FLAG_COPY             0x80

    int sfl_decompress_block (const byte *srcbyte *dstword src_sizeint max_dstsz)
    word SymbolAddress;
    word ChunkSize;
    word Counter;
    word Command 0;
    word src_index 1;
    word dst_size 0;
    byte Bit 0;

        if (
    src [0] == FLAG_COPY)
            for (
    dst_size 1dst_size src_sizedst_size++) {
    dst_size max_dstsz) return(-1);
    dst [dst_size 1] = src [dst_size];
            return (
    src_size 1);
        while (
    src_index src_size)
            if (
    Bit == 0)
    Command  src [src_index++] << 8;
    Command += src [src_index++];
    Bit 16;
            if (
    Command 0x8000)
    SymbolAddress =  (word) (src [src_index++] << 4);
    SymbolAddress += (word) (src [src_index] >> 4);
                if (
    ChunkSize = (word) (src [src_index++] & 0x0f) + 3;
    SymbolAddress dst_size SymbolAddress;
    SymbolAddress 0) return(-1);
    dst_size ChunkSize) > max_dstsz) return(-1);
    SymbolAddress ChunkSize) > max_dstsz) return(-1);
                    for (
    Counter 0Counter ChunkSizeCounter++) {
    dst [dst_size++] = dst [SymbolAddress++];
    ChunkSize  = (word) (src [src_index++] << 8);
    ChunkSize += (word) (src [src_index++] + 16);
    dst_size ChunkSize) > max_dstsz) return(-1);
                    for (
    Counter 0Counter ChunkSizeCounter++) {
    dst [dst_size++] = src [src_index];
            else {
    dst_size >= max_dstsz) return(-1);
    dst [dst_size++] = src [src_index++];
    Command <<= 1;
        return (

    Last edited by h4x0r; 2014-03-22 at 07:43 PM.

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    Chameleon DTA files format.


    In the Czech and Russian versions of this game, the file "tables.dta" is normally found in the "DTA" directory.
    In my Polish edition of Chameleon there is no tables.dta file that should be in the DTA directory with the game
    installed. The content of this file "tables.dta" (627 files) is located In the file "protect0.dat" this file is
    part of the starforce 3 security system. I was able to extract all 627 files from the "protect0.dat" file (With
    appropriate tools) which should normally be in a single "tables.dta" file. Would someone be able to pack my 627
    files into one "tables.dta" file, or just write the paker to that file format ?




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