*As being my first post here, I'll try to post links by altering their body in order to avoid forum's script detecting them
** I don't speak English very well, so if you don't understand something I typed here, ask me to better elaborate.
Since hax0r released EWCryptTool, it was possible to literally edit the game .lua files, allowing me to make progress in my hobby (editing the game's user interface - a.k.a translating other servers language and making the game's structure more suitable to me).
His tool can be encontered in this link: progamercity.net/game-files/5303-release-elsword-encrypt-decrypt-tool.html and was created thanks to inesbrasil's request made in this thread: progamercity.net/ghack-tut/5296-tutorial-luajit-decompiling-lua-scripts.html
This tool is still working on some servers (at least the Brazillian one), but unfortunately on the "main" server (Korean - receives updates before all of them) it isn't anymore and this fact will lead to an eventually tool obsolescence. It seems that they changed that "unkown algorithm" reffered by hax0r and I'm kindly requesting updating the tool (or making another "version" until all servers adopt the new algorithm).
I'm attaching the same .lua file (CheckSumFileList.lua), one from Brazillian server (works with EWCryptTool) and another from Korean server (doesn't work with the tool). The file output should be this single line:
You'll need luadec from code.google.com/p/luadec/ to decrypt it after EWCryptTool's process.Code:CheckSumFileList = {"data.kom", "x2.exe"}
Client download links:
Brazillian server: levelupgames.uol.com.br/elsword/guia-do-jogo/download.lhtml
Korean server: elsword.nexon.com/pds/download.aspx
If you wish to download specific files use the following links (they are always updated):
Brazillian server: patch.elsword.levelup.com.br/ (put the file name you want like data/data001.kom - major .lua scripts are in data036.kom) - Example: patch.elsword.levelup.com.br/data/data036.kom
Korean server: get files path (changes every update) with elsword-nexon17.ktics.co.kr/SERVICE/PATCH/PatchPath.dat
If any other information is needed, please let me know.
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