Grand Fantasia Bot source
A script which allows us to wander arround, selecting NPCs, doing Rep Quests, Buying Pots, ... whatever you like
HotKeySet("{F6}", "_createWPfile") create a new Waypointfile.
HotKeySet("{F7}", "_setWP") add your current Coords to the created file. Do a Circle ! The Last Waypoint hast to be near the first or else the wanderer gets probably stuck. No Antistuck available
HotKeySet("{F8}", "_setNPC") select the NPC and move your player as near as you can to the NPC. Then press F8 to addthis NPC to the list.
HotKeySet("{F9}", "_wander") starts the whole process (wandering, mousclicking, NPC moving, ...)
HotKeySet("{F10}", "_MouseClickLeft") move your mouse to the position and press F10
HotKeySet("{F11}", "_MouseClickright") move your mouse to the position and press F11
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "_exit") press ESC to exit the bot..
$playerbase=0x009A6FF0 has to be changed to your pointer. This pointer is for the german version ... Search in CE. Must be somewhere near 040D2XXX...
->added EN Pointer
Value = float
Value between. Search your x Coordinate... First "Value between" Value hast to be set to Xcoord MINUS 3 and second has to be set Xcoord +3. The Displayed Value is NOT the real value. So the Pointervalue might differ a bit from the displayed one.
Code:#include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3> #include <NomadMemory.au3> #include <Array.au3> #Include <String.au3> #include <math.au3> AutoItSetOption ( "SendKeyDownDelay", 100) Local $name="none", $MID, $PROCESSNAME, $PID, $PlayerX, $PlayerY, $node, $rotate[2], $koords, $cnt_koord = 1 const $pPI = 3.14159265358979 $playerbase=0x009A6FF0 $mobbase=0x00454568 $moboffx = dec("FFFFFFFC") $moboffy = 0 $moboffz = dec("4") $playoffx = dec("14") $playoffy = dec("18") $playoffz = dec("1C") $viewAc = dec("2C") $viewBc = dec("30") HotKeySet("{F6}", "_createWPfile") HotKeySet("{F7}", "_setWP") HotKeySet("{F8}", "_wander") Func _init($processname) $PROCESSNAME = $processname WinWait($PROCESSNAME) $PID = WinGetProcess($PROCESSNAME) WinActivate($PROCESSNAME) SendKeepActive($PROCESSNAME) $MID = _MEMORYOPEN($PID) EndFunc Func _createWPfile() ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Creates XML File with Name = $name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- Global $name = InputBox("Name of Waypointfile", "Please enter a name for the new waypointfile") &".xml" _XMLCreateFile(@scriptdir&"waypoints"&$name,"Koordinaten",True) EndFunc Func _setWP() ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Opens XML File with Name = $name ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- _XMLFileOpen(@scriptdir&"waypoints"&$name) ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Reads Player Values ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- $PlayerX = _MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffx), $MID, "float") $PlayerY = _MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffy), $MID, "float") ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Writing XML File ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- _XMLCreateRootChild ( 'WP', 'x="'&Ceiling($PlayerX)&'" y="'&Ceiling($PlayerY)&'"', "" ) EndFunc Func _parseWP() ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Parsing XML File. Array $koords contains all values ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- $node = _XMLGetValue( "./*") Global $koords[$node[0]+1][2] For $i = 1 to $node[0] $search1 = _StringBetween($node[$i], 'x="', '"') $search2 = _StringBetween($node[$i], 'y="', '"') $koords[$i][0] = $search1[0] $koords[$i][1] = $search2[0] Next EndFunc Func _wander() while True If $name = "none" then Global $name = InputBox("Name of Waypointfile", "Please enter the name for the waypointfile") &".xml" _XMLFileOpen(@scriptdir&"waypoints"&$name) EndIf _parseWP() $PlayerX = _MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffx), $MID, "float") $PlayerY = _MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffy), $MID, "float") $winkel = _ATAN2($koords[$cnt_koord][1]-$PlayerY, $koords[$cnt_koord][0]-$PlayerX) $rotate[0] = Sin($winkel+1.5*$pPI) $rotate[1] = -Cos($winkel+1.5*$pPI) ConsoleWrite($winkel&" Koords: "&$koords[$cnt_koord][0]&"|"&$koords[$cnt_koord][1]&@CRLF&"@"&$rotate[0]&" - "&$rotate[1]&@CRLF&@CRLF) _MEMORYWRITE("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $viewAc), $MID, $rotate[0] , "float") _MEMORYWRITE("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $viewBc), $MID, $rotate[1] , "float") sleep(50) Send("{NUMLOCK toggle}") $distance_old = _getDistance(_MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffx), $MID, "float"),_MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffy), $MID, "float"),$koords[$cnt_koord][0], $koords[$cnt_koord][1] ) Do ;insert AtkBot here ... sleep(500) If _getDistance(_MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffx), $MID, "float"),_MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffy), $MID, "float"),$koords[$cnt_koord][0], $koords[$cnt_koord][1] ) = $distance_old Then sleep(50) Send("{NUMLOCK toggle}") EndIf until _getDistance(_MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffx), $MID, "float"),_MEMORYREAD("0x" & Hex(_MEMORYREAD($playerbase, $MID) + $playoffy), $MID, "float"),$koords[$cnt_koord][0], $koords[$cnt_koord][1] ) < 3 Send("{NUMLOCK toggle}") If $cnt_koord = ubound($koords)-1 Then $cnt_koord=1 Else $cnt_koord+=1 EndIf Wend EndFunc Func _getDistance($px, $py, $mx, $my ) return Sqrt((Abs($mx-$px))^2 + (Abs($my-$py))^2) EndFunc _init("Grand Fantasia") while True WEnd[/autoit] added new func to nomadmemory.au3... [autoit] ;=============================================================================== ?================== ; Function: _MemoryPointerRead ($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $av_Offset(, $sv_Type)) ; Description: Reads a chain of pointers and returns an array containing the destination ; address and the data at the address. ; Parameter(s): $iv_Address - The static memory address you want to start at. It must be in ; hex format (0x00000000). ; $ah_Handle - An array containing the Dll handle and the handle of the open ; process as returned by _MemoryOpen(). ; $av_Offset - An array of offsets for the pointers. Each pointer must have an ; offset. If there is no offset for a pointer, enter 0 for that ; array dimension. (Offsets must be in decimal format, NOT hex!) ; $sv_Type - (optional) The "Type" of data you intend to read at the destination ; address. This is set to 'dword'(32bit(4byte) signed integer) by ; default. See the help file for DllStructCreate for all types. ; Requirement(s): The $ah_Handle returned from _MemoryOpen. ; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns an array containing the destination address and the value ; located at the address. ; On Failure - Returns 0 ; @Error - 0 = No error. ; 1 = $av_Offset is not an array. ; 2 = Invalid $ah_Handle. ; 3 = $sv_Type is not a string. ; 4 = $sv_Type is an unknown data type. ; 5 = Failed to allocate the memory needed for the DllStructure. ; 6 = Error allocating memory for $sv_Type. ; 7 = Failed to read from the specified process. ; Author(s): Nomad ; Note(s): Values returned are in Decimal format, unless a 'char' type is selected. ; Set $av_Offset like this: ; $av_Offset[0] = NULL (not used) ; $av_Offset[1] = Offset for pointer 1 (all offsets must be in Decimal) ; $av_Offset[2] = Offset for pointer 2 ; etc... ; (The number of array dimensions determines the number of pointers) ;=============================================================================== ?================== Func _MemoryPointerRead ($iv_Address, $ah_Handle, $av_Offset, $sv_Type = 'dword') If IsArray($av_Offset) Then If IsArray($ah_Handle) Then Local $iv_PointerCount = UBound($av_Offset) - 1 Else SetError(2) Return 0 EndIf Else SetError(1) Return 0 EndIf Local $iv_Data[2], $i Local $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate('dword') For $i = 0 to $iv_PointerCount If $i = $iv_PointerCount Then $v_Buffer = DllStructCreate($sv_Type) If @Error Then SetError(@Error + 2) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Address = '0x' & hex($iv_Data[1] + $av_Offset[$i]) DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Data[1] = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) ElseIf $i = 0 Then DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Data[1] = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) Else $iv_Address = '0x' & hex($iv_Data[1] + $av_Offset[$i]) DllCall($ah_Handle[0], 'int', 'ReadProcessMemory', 'int', $ah_Handle[1], 'int', $iv_Address, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($v_Buffer), 'int', DllStructGetSize($v_Buffer), 'int', '') If @Error Then SetError(7) Return 0 EndIf $iv_Data[1] = DllStructGetData($v_Buffer, 1) EndIf Next $iv_Data[0] = $iv_Address Return $iv_Data EndFunc”Example XML file - talks to NPCs, calls postbox, buys some items”
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<NPC>x="244.923553466797" y="422.993408203125" name="Benjamin"</NPC>
<MouseClick>xm="397" ym="345" type="right"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="492" ym="480" type="left"</MouseClick>
<NPC>x="245.996353149414" y="422.763519287109" name="Peggy"</NPC>
<MouseClick>xm="397" ym="338" type="right"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="498" ym="482" type="left"</MouseClick>
<NPC>x="246.005966186523" y="423.847351074219" name="Ludaumann"</NPC>
<MouseClick>xm="392" ym="310" type="right"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="380" ym="348" type="left"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="490" ym="482" type="left"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="490" ym="482" type="left"</MouseClick>
<WP>x="248.048156738281" y="408.347290039063"</WP>
<WP>x="242.535598754883" y="409.919647216797"</WP>
<MouseClick>xm="384" ym="277" type="right"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="502" ym="478" type="left"</MouseClick>
<WP>x="246.440567016602" y="409.496124267578"</WP>
<WP>x="259.605590820313" y="414.211883544922"</WP>
<MouseClick>xm="399" ym="195" type="right"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="583" ym="503" type="left"</MouseClick>
<WP>x="258.856964111328" y="408.979187011719"</WP>
<NPC>x="270.831298828125" y="410.110076904297" name="Caroline"</NPC>
<MouseClick>xm="398" ym="314" type="right"</MouseClick>
<MouseClick>xm="392" ym="346" type="left"</MouseClick>
<WP>x="272.171813964844" y="403.863433837891"</WP>
Author: oOldsqL
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