Grand Fantasia AutoIT Bot
This bot is a modified version of FeonDust’s original creation. Since he's not going to play anymore, I decided to at least improve it. I will not be liable for any loss, bans, or whatever damage it may do your account.
How To:
- Run GrandFantasia and Login
- Run the bot.
- Set waypoints (if you don’t, it will crash)
- Set Camper or Non-Camper mode
- Hit PgUp
Way to find pointers for v0.1.1:
- CharName: Put your name then Scantype = Search for text. Valuetype = text. check "Case Sensitive." uncheck "Unicode." use the address which starts with 009xxxxx
- PlayerBase: Use CharName pointer, offset it by F4
- Follow Rache's POINTER SCANNING TUTORIAL for the MonsterAddress and Pointer.
- TargetX: Use MonsterAddress pointer, offset it by 4.
- TargetY: Use MonsterAddress pointer, offset it by 8.
Test your pointers by using my Pointer Tester.
Latest version:
[v0.1.2] 2010-09-17
- -found and fixed a bug that sets the default attackradius to "5" instead of the actual config.
-fixed a few bugs that cause the bot to be idle(partially)
-revised sitting for HP/MP. Now checks HP/MP accurately.
-now follows a safepoint(experimental)
-replaced child lock with SET SAFEWAYPOINT.
-added HPPOT ability while running to safepoint.
-now acts as a child process of Grand Fantasia
Author: SpoonLove
Application type:
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