Hey there guys,
Does anyone know the game Kings of Chaos or KoC ? I used to play it when I was a kid but now I started playing again and the game is more interesting, it's a browser online game when basically you have to get soldiers or farm people with higher TFF(Total Fighting Force) then you and get SA,DA,Spy and Sentry weapons out of it to outcome your enemies, has scripts that help a lot in game and are allowed to use (some :p) and more then one recruiter programers for you to click more and increse the TFF, it's and easy game and I have tools that can help anyone out in the begging, now the ages last longer, used to be 6 months now can reach 10 months but you won't get borred 'cause you can use very different game styles, even if it doesn't look like, and it isn't 100% needed to log in daily. If you guys be interest PM and I can give you some tools. Game +- like it : RuinsOfChaos.
P.S- iMacros can help out also and it's a simple program, you can use it also in other games like TheCrims to moniturate some actions, I also have a macro with random times to don't look like a human, and log off times also :p