Author: Necrolis
The D3TexConv tool dumps the data from 1 or more tex files, outputting dds files for the image(s) and tab delimited txt files for the embedded atlas data for each image.
Just drag and drop one or more tex files onto the executable, or use a script file if you so please. The files will be generated in the same folder as the tex file, with the same name (but different extensions).
The output files will be outputted to where the source tex file was, so if you have a file, "C:\Diablo III\Textures\MyTexture.tex" and you drop it onto D3TexConv.exe, your ouputted files will be:
- "C:\Diablo III\Textures\"
- "C:\Diablo III\Textures\MyTexture.txt" (if there is any atlas data)
Windows XP seems to have a problem with drag and drop processing, so output files land up in "Documents & Settings\<Current User>"
Currently Supported Formats
Currently only the following input formats (internal to the tex file) are supported:
- DXT1
- DXT3
- DXT5
- A8R8G8B8
- A1R5G5B5
- L8
If any formats are found that do not decode (with an unsupported format message), please notify me with the file name and format
Change Log
Version 0.9
- Added support for A1R5G5B5 for the two files that use it
- Added support for L8 for the only file in 9k textures that uses it
- All currently used formats are now supported
Version 0.8
Added support for A8R8G8B8 textures (note: D3 has some non power of 2 textures, which fill fail on some readers, infranview opens them though)
Version 0.7
- Fixed DXT1 decompression
- Fixed some other misc bugs
- Added proper Mip support
- Fixed the atlas output and made it nicer, tab delimited data (you now get float and int outputs)
Version 0.6
Initial public version
Credits: plash, Fiel, npd2006
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