I do have a question, what is this program for? is it to create/making own new design used by gaming artis?
I do have a question, what is this program for? is it to create/making own new design used by gaming artis?
well guys trying get .mesh original with bones and fail today I get that thanks a lot chrox for this great script and Dwar too anyway good job, here a model load.
Correct Script.
PHP Code:
if (heapSize < 20000000) then
heapSize = 200000000 -- allow ~ 40 MB instead of just 7.5 MB. Prevents "Runtime Error: Out of scripter memory"
fname = getOpenFileName \
caption:"Open Aika Model File" \
types:"Aika Model File(*.msh)|*.msh" \
f = fopen fname "rb"
h = getFilenameFile fname
gg = substring h 1 4 + ".bon"
g2 = getFilenamePath fname + gg
g = fopen g2 "rb"
print g
total_size = getFileSize g2 / 8
boneparentidarray = #()
for a = 1 to total_size Do (
boneparentid = readlong g
realboneid = readlong g
printoffset boneparentid
print realboneid
append boneparentidarray boneparentid
fn PrintOffset Var =
local Var = Var
print ("This is the offset 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)
fn PrintCount Var =
local Var = Var
print ("This is the Count 0x" + (bit.intAsHex Var) as string)
fn Readword fstream = (
return readshort fstream #unsigned
fn ReadFixedString bstream fixedLen =
local str = ""
for i = 1 to fixedLen do
str += bit.intAsChar (ReadByte bstream #unsigned)
struct Mesh_Info_Struct
struct Offset_Info_Struct
unk01 = readlong f
unk02 = readlong f
unk03 = readlong f
Count01 = readlong f
VertSize = readlong f
unk06 = readlong f
BoneCount = readlong f
VertCount= readlong f
FaceCount = readlong f
struct Bone_Table_Data
BoneStart = (ftell f)
fseek f (0x40 * BoneCount) #seek_cur
Bone_ID_Array = #()
for i = 1 to BoneCount Do (
boneid = readlong f
append Bone_ID_Array boneid
fseek f BoneStart #seek_set
BNArr = #()
for i = 1 to BoneCount Do (
m11 = readfloat f; m12 = readfloat f; m13 = readfloat f; m14 = readfloat f
m21 = readfloat f; m22 = readfloat f; m23 = readfloat f; m24 = readfloat f
m31 = readfloat f; m32 = readfloat f; m33 = readfloat f; m34 = readfloat f
m41 = readfloat f; m42 = readfloat f; m43 = readfloat f; m44 = readfloat f
tfm2 = matrix3 [m11,m12,m13] [m21,m22,m23] [m31,m32,m33] [m41,m42,m43]
tfm = inverse tfm2
if isvalidnode (getnodebyname ("Bone_" + Bone_ID_Array[i] as string)) == true then (
append BNArr (getnodebyname ("Bone_" + Bone_ID_Array[i] as string))
if isvalidnode (getnodebyname ("Bone_" + Bone_ID_Array[i] as string)) != true then (
newBone = bonesys.createbone \
tfm.row4 \
(tfm.row4 + 0.01 * (normalize tfm.row1)) \
(normalize tfm.row3)
newBone.name = ("Bone_" + Bone_ID_Array[i] as string)
newBone.width = 0.03
newBone.height = 0.03
newBone.transform = tfm
newBone.wirecolor = yellow
newbone.showlinks = true
newBone.setBoneEnable false 0
newBone.pos.controller = TCB_position ()
newBone.rotation.controller = TCB_rotation ()
append BNArr newBone
for i = 1 to BoneCount Do (
select (getnodebyname ("Bone_" + (Bone_ID_Array[i]) as string))
if boneparentidarray[Bone_ID_Array[(i)]] != 0 then
$.parent = (getnodebyname ("Bone_" + boneparentidarray[Bone_ID_Array[(i)] + 1] as string))
boneid = readlong f
print boneid
print (getnodebyname ("Bone_" + boneparentidarray[Bone_ID_Array[(i)]] as string))
struct weight_data
Vert_array = #()
Normal_array = #()
UV_array = #()
Face_array = #()
Weight_array = #()
for a = 1 to VertCount Do (
vx = readfloat f --read xyz coordinates
vy = readfloat f
vz = readfloat f
if VertSize == 0x24 do (
bone1 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone2 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone3 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone4 = readbyte f#unsigned
weight1 = readfloat f
weight1 = 1.0
weight2 = 0
weight3 = 0
weight4 = 0
fseek f 0x8#seek_cur
if VertSize == 0x28 do (
weight1 = readfloat f
weight2 = 0
bone1 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone2 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone3 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone4 = readbyte f#unsigned
weight3 = 0
weight4 = 0
fseek f 0xC#seek_cur
if VertSize == 0x2C do (
weight1 = readfloat f
weight2 = readfloat f
bone1 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone2 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone3 = readbyte f#unsigned
bone4 = readbyte f#unsigned
weight3 = 0
weight4 = 0
fseek f 0xC#seek_cur
tu = readfloat f
tv = readfloat f * -1
w = (weight_data boneids:#() weights:#())
maxweight = 0
if(weight1 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + weight1
if(weight2 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + weight2
if(weight3 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + weight3
if(weight4 != 0) then
maxweight = maxweight + weight4
if(maxweight != 0) Do
if(weight1 != 0) Do
w1 = weight1 as float
append w.boneids (bone1+1)
append w.weights w1
if(weight2 != 0) Do
w2 = weight2 as float
append w.boneids (bone2+1)
append w.weights w2
if(weight3 != 0) Do
w3 = weight3 as float
append w.boneids (bone3+1)
append w.weights w3
if(weight4 != 0) Do
w4 = weight4 as float
append w.boneids (bone4+1)
append w.weights w4
append Vert_array [vx,vy,vz] --save verts to Vert_array
append UV_array [tu,tv,0] --save UVs to UV_array
append Weight_array w
for i = 1 to facecount / 3 do (
f1 = (readshort f) + 1 --read face indices, games are start form 0, but Max start from 1
f2 = (readshort f) + 1 --so we add 1 to each index
f3 = (readshort f) + 1
append Face_array [f1,f2,f3] --save faces to Face_array
msh = mesh vertices:Vert_array faces:Face_array
msh.numTVerts = UV_array.count
buildTVFaces msh
--msh.name = Mesh_Name_array[a]
for j = 1 to UV_array.count do setTVert msh j UV_array[j]
for j = 1 to Face_array.count do setTVFace msh j Face_array[j]
for j = 1 to Normal_array.count do setNormal msh j Normal_array[j]
max modify mode
select msh
skinMod = skin ()
addModifier msh skinMod
for i = 1 to BNArr.count do
maxbone = getnodebyname BNArr[i].name
if i != BNArr.count then
skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 0
skinOps.addBone skinMod maxbone 1
modPanel.setCurrentObject skinMod
for i = 1 to Weight_array.count do
w = Weight_array[i]
bi = #() --bone index array
wv = #() --weight value array
for j = 1 to w.boneids.count do
boneid = w.boneids[j]
weight = w.weights[j]
append bi boneid
append wv weight
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights skinMod i bi wv
max create mode
printoffset (ftell f)
fclose f
fclose g
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got an error on 3dsMax 2012
--Runtime error: Unable to increase heap size to:200000000
Hi guys,
i've expolored all file in mesh's folder but i can't find the weapon.
Maybe they are in objects' folder, but the format of this kind of files is "MS3".
Someone that have exported from this game can help me?
When i use the script. i always getting an error
Dwar, where to place the script? on any software?
Gift A Thanks Please...If I Did Helped You ^^~
what mean where put script? copy text and paste into notepad, after that save but with extention .ms, this is a maxscript file, after that, open max and open Maxscript and load script from there.