Script by Tsukihime
Unpack Script - for unpack u need QuickBMS.
HOW TO Use:PHP Code:
#Dragon Oath AXP extractor
#quickbms script
#by Tsukihime
get idstring long
get unk1 long
get null long
get unk2 long
get offsetBlock long #this block gives the offsets and data sizes
get files long #includes the (list) block which holds all filenames and their data size
get unk3 long
get startOffset long #not important, but the data for first file starts here.
get unk4 long
goto offsetBlock
savepos offsetPtr
get folder basename
#get the (list) offset
math temp = files
math temp -= 1
math temp *= 12
math temp += offsetBlock
goto temp
get listOfs long
#go to the first filename
goto listOfs
goto 9 0 SEEK_CUR
savepos listPtr
findloc newline string "\n"
math newline += 1
goto newline
savepos listPtr
#list pointer is now set
for i = 0 < files
#======Get offset and size======
goto offsetBlock
get offset long
get size long
get unk long #always 0x0000008
savepos offsetBlock #remember where we are
#======Get Filename=============
#find the pipe character 0x7C
goto listPtr
findloc pipeOfs string "|"
#calculate string length
math stringlen = pipeOfs
math stringlen -= listPtr
#get the string name
getdstring name stringlen
#update position of list pointer
math listPtr = pipeOfs
math listPtr += 19
goto listPtr
#========save file===============
set outName = folder
string outName += "/"
string outName += name
log outName offset size
next i
Added: AXPUnpack Tool Supported AXP files from Tian Long Ba BuCode:quickbms "" "AXP_FILE_PATH" "DIR_FOR_UNPACK"
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