Easiest way to gain gold in PlayDGN.
Either with Board Quest or None.
1) Go to Dark Tower Magic Institute Portal,
then run in ABYSS mode. (See attachments DTMI Photo.)
2) Complete the dungeon and loot all(golds, craft mats, jewels. (See attachments DTMI Loots Photo.)
green(Magic rarity) items like gems/jewels and SPECIALLY THE 'RUSTY MUSIC BOX',
white(Normal rarity) items, Open the Bunny Chest for Fragments and Keys.
DTMI's Boss and mobs at the boss chamber gives 8-12g per run.
It also drops Rusty Music Box 0/1/3/7/8 in a random order.
Rusty Music Box is equals to 3gold 33silver 58copper if sold in NPC.
Easy isnt it?..
Now for the computation.
(Minimum) Lets say we have a 8gold dungeon run, + 1rusty music box + 25pcs frags + 3 keys.
8g+3.3g+2.5g+3g= almost 20g right?
Lets say you have this 20g per dungeon run.
And you just finish this dungeon in only a minute.
So, We'll have this computation now..
20*30 = 600g for every 30mins.
Now for the maximum dungeon run.
Say we have.. 12g per dungeon run + 8pcs rusty music box + 25frags + 3keys.
Well compute it like this.
12g + (3.33*8) + 2.5g + 3g = 47-48g. And that is only one dungeon run.
Say we have 47g per dungeon minute multiply it to 30 ( 30 times or 30 minutes. )
47 * 30 = 1,410 gold every 30minutes.
For me i calculate every 17th dungeon run.
And i accumulate 380g.
Hope this will help ya'll out.
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