North America version only.
- Step 0: Run NgMC.exe as admin and leave it open
- Step 1: Locate your DragonNest folder and run DNLauncher.exe
- Step 2: Repeat Step 1 until you have desired number of Launchers
- Step 3: Click play on one of the launchers and login to the game.
- Step 4: Repeat Step 3 until you have all your accounts are logged in
- Step 5: Enjoy your multi-client! You can leave NgMC running or close it!
Note: The latest version of DragonNest allows you to login without using the website or DNCP.
Note: IF you downloaded a previous version of NgMC be sure to delete d3d8thk.dll, it is no longer required!
Tip: Make a shortcut to DNLauncher.exe and put it in your NgMC folder so you don't have to locate it every time!
Tip: If your computer is struggling to handle multiple clients, try reducing the Game Resolution!
Note: Just run as admin, it would work for me if not run as admin
For SEA players, the multiclient may work but you will probably get d/c'd after a few minutes.
DragonNest Multiclient for compatible with 32bit Windows
Install Steps
- Make a copy of your original DNLauncher (Just in case!)
- Place d3d8thk.dll
Usage Steps
- Run DNLauncher.exe as many times as you want
- Click play!
- An error message may or may not occur when you click play! If it does just click CLOSE, the clients should run fine.
- Enjoy your multiclient!
By NocturnalG
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