First add:
2 Buttons (Standard tab)
1 Timer (System tab)
1 Edit (Standard tab)
Click in the Form1 and change the "Caption" to "Auto Click".
Click in the Timer and on the "Enabled", change the "True" to "False".
Change the "Caption" from Button1 to "On" or "Enable."
And add the following code:
Code:timer1.interval:= strtoint(edit1.text); timer1.enabled:= true;
Change the "Caption" from Button2 to "Off" or "Disable."
And add the following code:
Code:timer1.enabled:= false;
Now in the Timer add the following code:
Code:mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN,0,0,0,0); mouse_event(MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP,0,0,0,0);
To avoid any possible errors at compile time, delete whatever is in the "Text" of Edit1, look in the "Object Inspector".
Now make a nicer appearance. Click on the "Additional" and add an image. Click on "Picture" and add an image to your liking.
Also I use the VCLSkin, add 1 SkinData and 1 SkinCaption, then just go and pick SkinStore.
Do not forget to change in the SkinData "Active" to "True."
After only give F9 and if nothing is wrong, Auto Click done.
Then just save your project, done that open the new file "Project1", compile it and your program is ready to be used.
How to Install VCLSkin