AdminMod commands:
admin_help - help commands are listed. It can be used to list all possible commands and also for more detailed description of the desired command.
admin_version - Information AdminMod and lists the plugins that are installed.
admin_status - Shows the level of user access to the console.
admin_login - Allows users to log in with your password, granting Admin access if the user is registered as the Server Admin.
admin_password - Works the same way that the admin_login, ie, is an alternative way to log into the server as Admin.
ADMIN_CMD - Allows use of normal console commands. Ex: admin_command sv_restartround time / s.
admin_abort_vote - Aborts a vote that is in progress.
admin_autokick <1 or 0> - mp_autokick on or off. 512 level is required for any change is made.
admin_autoteambalance <0 or 1> - Sets the mp_autoteambalance. 512 level is required for any change is made.
ADMIN_BAN <nick or WONID or IP> <tempo/min.> - Bans a user. Time 0 means permanent ban.
admin_banip <nick or WONID or IP> <tempo/min.>: - Bans a user by ip address. Time 0 means permanent ban.
admin_bury <user> - "Bury" the specified user.
admin_buytime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_buytime. 512 level is required for any change is made.
admin_cancelvote - Cancels the vote that is in progress.
admin_cfg file> [FONT=arial, sans-serif]configuration[/FONT]> - Execute Server configuration files.
admin_chat <message> - Messages restricted only to admins.
admin_chattime <#> - Sets the mp_chattime.
admin_consistency <#> - Sets the mp_consistency.
admin_csay [Color English] <message> - Messages in the center of the screen.
admin_ct <user> - Pass the user to the Counter-Terrorist team.
admin_c4timer <time/s> - Adjusts mp_c4timer.
admin_denymap <mapa> - Removes all votes for a map.
admin_disco - players change color with time.
admin_dmesg <identificação> <userid> usuário> <message> - Message sent to the specified user.
admin_execall <command> - Forces all users to run the specified command.
admin_execclient <user> <command> - Force the user to run the specified command.
admin_execteam <equipe> <command> - Force team (CT or RT) to run the specified command.
admin_fadetoblack <1 or 0> - mp_fadetoblack on or off.
admin_flashlight <1 or 0> - mp_flashlight on or off.
admin_footsteps <1 or 0> - mp_footsteps on or off.
admin_forcecamera <#> - Sets the mp_forcecamera.
admin_forcechasecam <#> - Sets the mp_forcechasecam.
admin_fraglimit <value> - Adjusts mp_fraglimit Server.
admin_freezetime <time/s> - Adjusts mp_freezetime.
admin_friendlyfire <1 = ON / 0 = disabled> - Sets the mp_friendlyfire Server.
admin_fun <"on" | "off"> - Fun mode.
admin_gag <user> <tempo/min.> - Mutes the user. Time 0 implies muting user permanently.
admin_ghostfrequency <#> - Sets the mp_ghostfrequency.
admin_glow <color in English> <"on" | "off"> - Lets you color.
admin_godmode <user> <"on" | "off"> - Sets the mode of invincibility to the specified user.
admin_gravity <value> - Adjusts sv_gravity Server.
admin_hostname <Description> - Sets the name server's hostname.
admin_hostname <Description> - Sets the name server's hostname.
admin_hpenalty <#> - Sets the mp_hostagepenalty.
admin_kick <user> <razão> - Kick the specified user.
admin_kickpercent <#> - Sets the mp_kickpercent.
admin_llama <user> - Change username to Llama.
admin_listmaps - Lists the maps contained in the mapcycle.
admin_listspawn - List all items of the server.
admin_map <map> - Changes the map.
admin_mapvoteratio <#> - Sets the mp_mapvoteratio.
admin_maxrounds <#> - Sets the mp_maxrounds.
admin_messagemode <command> - Sets which command message that will be executed when pressing "Y" is used.
admin_movespawn <item> <X> <Y> <Z> <XÂngulo> <YÂngulo> <ZÂngulo> - Moves the item to the specified location.
admin_nextmap - Shows what the next map.
admin_noclip <user> <"on" | "off"> - Sets the mode "without barriers" to the specified user.
admin_nomessagemode - Turn the key "Y" to its original function.
admin_nopass - Remove the password from the server.
admin_pass <password> - Sets the password server.
admin_pause - Pause Server.
admin_playerid <#> - Sets the mp_playerid.
admin_psay <user> <message> - Send a private message to the specified user.
admin_rcon <command> - Execute rcon commands.
admin_reload - Reloads files AdminMod.
admin_removespawn <item> - Removes an item from the site.
admin_restartround - Restarts the game.
admin_restart - Restarts the game.
admin_restrict - View / Configure / Save the restrictions on guns. Everyone can view the restrictions.
admin_restrictmenu - Changes the restriction on gun menu. Requires that the menu is enabled.
admin_roundtime <tempo/s> - Adjusts mp_roundtime.
admin_say <message> - Send a message identifying it as admin.
admin_servercfg <configuration file> - Sets what will be the default configuration file server.
admin_slap <user> - Hit the user. Each execution of the command implies the loss of 5 points.
admin_slay <user> - kills the user.
admin_slayteam <equipe> - Kills the specified time.
admin_spawn <class> <X> <Y> <Z> <XÂngulo> <YÂngulo> <ZÂngulo>: - Creates a new item.
admin_ssay <message> - Send message admin but without identification.
admin_stack - Does everyone get over you.
admin_startmoney <800/16000> - Set the mp_startmoney.
admin_startvote - Starts vote.
admin_t <user> - Pass the user to the Terrorist team.
admin_teamplay <teamplay> - Adjusts mp_teamplay Server.
admin_teleport <user> <X> <Y> <Z> - Teleports the user to the specified coordinates.
admin_timelimit <tempo/min> - Adjusts mp_timelimit Server.
admin_tkpunish: <1 or 0> - mp_tkpunish on or off.
admin_tsay [color English] <message> - Sends a message in the left corner of the screen.
admin_unban <WONID or IP> - Desbani the specified user.
admin_unbury <user> - Unearth the specified user.
admin_ungag <user> - Desmuta the user.
admin_unllama <user> - Removes status Llama user.
admin_unpause - Despausa Server.
admin_unrestrict - Remove restrictions on guns.
admin_userlist <name> - Shows the list of users.
admin_userorigin <user> - Returns the coordinates X, Y, Z.
admin_vote_kick <user> - Starts a vote to kick the user specified.
admin_vote_map <map> - Starts a vote to change map.
admin_vote_restart - Starts a vote to restart the game.
admin_vsay <message> - Starts a vote on the matter given in the message.
admin_winlimit <#> - Sets the mp_winlimit.
currentMap say - which will indicate the name of the current map.
nextmap say - Indicates what the next map.
say timeleft - Check the time remaining on the map.
say glow <cor English | "off"> - Lets the user color. Works only with the Fun mode enabled.
Translated by Google Translator GMX9, is missing something please correct me.
Source:CS Online BR