Thanks, I'm still studying Delphi. My logic programming is already very good! Later I can study other languages like C + +
Thanks, I'm still studying Delphi. My logic programming is already very good! Later I can study other languages like C + +
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you can watch it youtube.
I would say either C# or Delphi... your going to find alot more documentation on C# though.
If you want to be a master then go with Assembly all the way
Well folks, after much study my programming logic is good. Now I need a little help to start in some language means that a direction of where to start and where to look. Thank des of already
Thank you!
Bom gente, depois de muito estudo minha lógica de programação está boa. Agora preciso de uma ajudinha pra iniciar em alguma linguagem meio que uma orientação de por onde começar e onde procurar. Agradeço des de já
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better is to study Logic programming and algoritm first....
In this part I think I'm okay, now I'm kinda unsure where to start. What I wanted to be an aid only through q for hacks on games for the tutorials is not always to programming in general it takes a lot of time reading and training. I think perhaps not nescessário it all just for programming a hack.
I thank those who despuser to help me, via Skype or PM.
Since already grateful. Thank you!
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I think you should learn C or Python.
I am learning C..
Depends what you want.
Start with C# ....get the game , watewer , first creat some litl prog to send keystrokes to it . Then excitment will get you and you ll know wat you need and wat you want .
Maybe you need just some place to run up your post count on this forum ?. so many posts was here alredy about where to start .