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    Post Win32 API

    The main difference between DOS and Windozy coding, is that you don't have
    Interrupts to use anymore. Windozy tells the low-level programmer to ****
    off, you now have to *LINK* the functions you want, no more "Do this now!"
    oh no, you have to *ASK* the ****ing OS to let you do it. Let's face it,
    it's a pile of shit, but none-the-less, we have to get used to it!

    The closest you could get to DOS in Win32 ASM is by hitting the VxD Calls
    this is okay, apart from the fact the calls are quite undocumented (but you
    can find the information about) and I've noticed some debugger's won't
    debug any program which does not import ANY API's! SUCKS!

    So, how the hell do we use these API's? First we have to let our compiler
    and linker know what API functions we want... So in your ASM module, you
    would require some code such as...
    Extrn   <API Name>:PROC
    The API name *IS* Case Sensitive!!!! eg. ExitProcess <> EXITPROCESS
    So for example, to include the ExitProcess function into your ASM prog. you
    will need the following line
    Extrn   ExitProcess:PROC
    So, you've learnt how to define your API's! So, now you want to be able to
    use them! Well, that's easy!
    For this example, we'll use GetProcAddress, as it has parameters, a return
    value, and the two params are of diffent types...

    From your API source --
       FARPROC      GetProcAddress (
            HMODULE hModule                 // Handle to DLL Module
            LPCSTR  lpProcName              // Address of function
    So what are all those words? Let's snap it down
     FARPROC - The type of return value, in this case it is a DWORD
               containing the address of the Procedure!
     HMODULE - A *VALUE*, which is the handle to the DLL!
     LPCSTR  - A *POINTER* to an ASCIIZ string!
    So in code, you call, with your parameters, and the output value is
    returned to you in EAX.
    Fine, but what about calling with the parameters? Well, depending on which
    compiler your using, the syntax is slightly different, although there is a
    global way.
     MASM has a function called INVOKE
       INVOKE       <API Name>,<Param 1>,<Param 2>.....<Param n>
     TASM has an extended call
       CALL         <API Name>,<Param 1>,<Param 2>.....<Param n>
     Global coding method
       PUSH         <Param n>
        :               :
       PUSH         <Param 2>
       PUSH         <Param 1>
       CALL         <API Name>
    So, lets test out the API..
            .model flat
    Extrn   GetProcAddress:PROC
    Kern    equ     0BFF70000h      ;<- Win9x Kernel handle
    xIt     db      'ExitProcess',0
    start:  push    offset xIt      ;<- Push POINTER of xIt
            push    Kern            ;<- Kern Module handle
            call    GetProcAddress  ;<- Call API
            push    eax             ;<- EAX holds address of ExitProcess
            ret                     ;<- Exit Program! :)
            end start
    From what you've read, this means all API's has to be linked. However, you
    can't have them linked to a virus, unless you're a spawning virus or
    companion! So that's why we have GetProcAddress! If you can get access to
    this function, you can use it to get the address' of the API you need, and
    call them. If you don't expect to return (eg. ExitProcess) then you can
    code like in the example above where you push the address (EAX) and
    "Return", otherwise you need to CALL it!
            .model flat
    Extrn   GetProcAddress:PROC
    Kern    equ     0BFF70000h      ;<- Win9x Kernel handle
    Usr     db      'USER32',0
    GetMod  db      'GetModuleHandleA',0
    xIt     db      'ExitProcess',0
    start:  push    offset GetMod   ;<- Push POINTER to GetModHand
            push    Kern            ;<- Kern Module handle
            call    GetProcAddress  :<- Call API
            xchg    edi,eax         ;<- Put API address into EDI
    ; DWORD GetModuleHandleA(LPCSTR lpModuleName);
            push    offset Usr      ;<- Pointer to USER32 ASCIIZ string
            call    [edi]           ;<- Call API address
    ;Here, EAX = Handle of User32, EDI = Address of GetModuleHandleA
            push    offset xIt      ;<- Push POINTER of xIt
            push    Kern            ;<- Kern Module handle
            call    GetProcAddress  ;<- Call API
            push    eax             ;<- EAX holds address of ExitProcess
            ret                     ;<- Exit Program! :)
            end start
    By Rat Heart /ASM

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