Part 11:
* Operators = + - / * %
* Integer/Float/Char Casting/Truncation
Part 12:
* const
* bool
* Operators += -= *= /= %=
Part 13:
* Operators ++ -- (prefix/postfix)
* if/else statements intro
Correction at 5:25 = using a variable (like y in the video) before intializing it with some value has the effect of (not runtime error but rather) "Undefined Behaviour" and the program may seem to work when really theres a big bug in there.
Even more so: in this particular example using the code
++y = x++
Things are yet again undefined as to what happens first; does x get assigned to y first? do they increment first? This is undefined which means maybe your compiler will decide on a certain order of operations that'll make things work out, or maybe things will /look/ like they work out, or maybe they wont work at all
its undefined. Use parentheses in such situations.
The point being taught here though is not to perform operations on a variable that doesnt have some value already assigned to it.
Part 14:
* if/else statements
* Operators equals/more-than/less-than
Part 15:
* operators not-equals/more-or-equals/less-or-equals
* nested if/else statements
Part 16:
* More on if/else statements
* Braces
* When the if/else statement is over
Part 17:
* Logical Operators
* Operator Precedence problem
* Parenthesis and clarity
Wrap 1 @ video 17
wrap 2 @ video 17
wrap 3 @ video 17
wrap 4 @ video 17
Part 18:
* Function definitions
* Declaration order
* Calling/returning
Part 19:
* Functions' returning values / return type
Part 20: (update 1)
* void and returning
* Returning immediately
* More than one return statement
* Variable scope/visibility