Api hooking TechniqueHooking api is one of many ways we can control the way windows & 3rd party software behaves under certain circumstances. This technique shown here is a global api hook for the current process address space.
It works by putting together a buffer with machine code instructions that cause a jump to a place in memory when executed. So when we hook the specific api, we place this code inside of the exported function causing an unconditional jump when the export is called.
Code:#include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> DWORD HookFunction(LPCSTR lpModule, LPCSTR lpFuncName, LPVOID lpFunction, unsigned char *lpBackup); BOOL UnHookFunction(LPCSTR lpModule, LPCSTR lpFuncName, unsigned char *lpBackup); int MyMessageBoxA(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType); BYTE hook[6]; void WinMainCRTStartup() { HookFunction("user32.dll", "MessageBoxA", MyMessageBoxA, hook); MessageBox(0, "HEY", "", MB_OK); } int MyMessageBoxA(HWND hWnd, LPCSTR lpText, LPCSTR lpCaption, UINT uType) { UnHookFunction("user32.dll", "MessageBoxA", hook); char msg[strlen(lpText)]; sprintf(msg, "HOOKED!!nn%s", lpText); int x = MessageBox(hWnd, msg, lpCaption, uType); HookFunction("user32.dll", "MessageBoxA", MyMessageBoxA, hook); return x; } DWORD HookFunction(LPCSTR lpModule, LPCSTR lpFuncName, LPVOID lpFunction, unsigned char *lpBackup) { DWORD dwAddr = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(lpModule), lpFuncName); BYTE jmp[6] = { 0xe9, //jmp 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, //address 0xc3 }; //retn ReadProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)dwAddr, lpBackup, 6, 0); DWORD dwCalc = ((DWORD)lpFunction - dwAddr - 5); //((to)-(from)-5) memcpy(&jmp[1], &dwCalc, 4); //build the jmp WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)dwAddr, jmp, 6, 0); return dwAddr; } BOOL UnHookFunction(LPCSTR lpModule, LPCSTR lpFuncName, unsigned char *lpBackup) { DWORD dwAddr = (DWORD)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle(lpModule), lpFuncName); if (WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), (LPVOID)dwAddr, lpBackup, 6, 0)) return TRUE; return FALSE; }Author: ANUBIS
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