i want to create a teleport hack, so i know that i have to study a lot, but i'm trying, anyone can help me?
i'm new in this world of programing, so i will post the code that i write, if can you say me if is correct or no i thank you.
the code that i make:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
int main()
HWND FindPlace = FindWindow(0,"AikaClient");
DWORD ReceiveAddresx;
DWORD ReceiveAddresy;
HANDLE openP = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,ReceiveAddresx);
int cordX = (99999);//colocar a coordenada
DWORD Byte = sizeof(cordX);
HANDLE openP2 = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,ReceiveAddresy);
int cordY = (99999);//colocar a coordenada
DWORD Byte1= sizeof(cordY);
if(WriteProcessMemory(openP,(LPVOID)0x00000/*colocar address*/:,&cordX,Byte,0)&&WriteProcessMemory(openP,(LPVOID)0x00000/*colocar address*/,&cordY,Byte1,0)){
cout<<"not ok";}
return 0;