Func SendPacket($PACKET, $SIZE)
$PACKET = StringReplace($PACKET, " ", "")
_ByteWrite(0x005D7F80, $PACKET) ; Escreve o pak
$aRet = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", 'int', 'VirtualProtectEx', 'int', $hProcess, 'ptr', 0x005D7F80, _
'ulong_ptr', 52, 'dword', 0x40, 'dword*', '')
_ByteWrite(0x5D7F10, "55 8B EC 6A" & $SIZE & "68 80 7F 5D 00 E8 C8 03 F7 FF 8B E5 5D C3")
$hThread_2 = CreateRemoteThread($hProcess, "", "", 0x5D7F10, "", 0, "") // execute func
EndFunc ;==>SendPacket
5D7F10> Address codecave function ASM
005D7F80> Address packet
What does this do?
Write the address in a packet codecave, picks up the packet size and calculates the address responsible for sending the
Credits: BabyLoves