what IDA PRO say about function is it __fastcall?
I see that edx is used.. but it is used as function address so probably not parameter..
if it is fastcall try.. typedef'ing it
typedef void (__fastcall * t_Mob)(int param);
t_Mob mobFunction = (t_Mob)0x7c29e0;
mobFunction(&0xa48e40); //<-- find out what is at 0xa48e40 offset.. maybe it is buffer
In other words if not fastcall function..
you must fix stack.. Try this
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ecx,WID // to read WID im using ReadInt(0xa48e40)+0x320
mov edx,0x7c29e0 // function adress
push ecx //
mov ecx,[0xa48e40]
call edx // call function