Hi , I want say only a thing ! When you strat to play the first thing is drop every object and sell them but not armors and weapons! you would buy a Extraction Tools at 1000kinah and use it on your old and weaker armors to have a enchanter stone! Don't use them immediatly but wait for lv 20 to use only lower stones and when you have a good number of enchanter stone at lv 30 maybe a abyss set you can up-power all it sudden!
you can sell them also for good and find some special stone that you can sell at 3kk from broker
For mana stones if you need to put 4 stones and have 2 mana with lower level first put them than upper! you could waste a lot of manas very good if you put first a lv50 than a lv30, then you can even extract them !!
I hope to help someone! sorry for bad english very elementary