Hi Friends. I have a problem. I used Delphi to make a bot attack skills but did not work, I used the following command:
does anyone know how to use it effectively?Code:keybd_event (49, 0, 0, 0);
Hi Friends. I have a problem. I used Delphi to make a bot attack skills but did not work, I used the following command:
does anyone know how to use it effectively?Code:keybd_event (49, 0, 0, 0);
Friend search correctly code the button that you want to be pressed to take action. Enable the form for the main function KeyPreview truth. Then try to take on this solution.
remember paste this code into the button of the desired property keydown.
Code:procedure TForm1.Button1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin If Key = VK_F10 Then timer1.interval:= strtoint(edit1.text); timer1.enabled:= true; end;
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