Well guys, how you see, have a new Gold/Enr. Extracts B hacker. I'll explain, this is a "GM Store", the price are so slow, if I not mistake, 4 of gold each Extract and other itens. Eh, not exactly a "Gold Hack", you buy the Extract for a low price, and re-sell for a better price, then a "Bug Gold".
Of this way that some people have a lot, you can say "How these people already have?", AikaMaster sent the hack for another people, and this people shared this, but don't worry, there the hack ^^, enjoy
How to use:
Put .dll inside Aika folder;
Log in game and go near Lilola
F8 - Open GM store.
F9 - Start.
End - Finish/Cancel.
For who have problem with .dll, download the file ".dll's".
Put inside, system32 folder.
Credits to AikaMaster.
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