Knowledge is the best choice, give me the fish and I will be grateful for a moment or teach to fish and I will be grateful for a lifetime!
Melhor escolha é o conheçimento,me de o peixe e eu serei grato por um momento ou ensine a pescar e eu serei grato o resto da vida!!
If i Helped Give me a Thank
FusionTrainer-WinXP-22-08 - Released!
Tested only on 32 bits
Working in Windows XP 32 bits! Good Work topera! very thanks!!!!
<---- If Was Useful to You! Please Thank in Side Thanks Button!!!
Therefore, I should simply like to say 'thank you'.
Windows XP 32 bit! Topera Good job! thank you!
great job: Yahoo:
so would like to receive the password
Good time, I was interested in your project, whether it can be implemented on other servers? Ready to help any infoy and tests!
Topera, for win xp i have only to download the xp version or i have to replace some version ?
Topera me of a help here! =]
Like when I click now to enter aika, is opening a lot of window then one after another without stopping, just to open that window when I close aika! While still not closing these little windows opening'll put the picture here!
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Topera me da um help aqui! =]
Tipo quando clico agora para entrar no aika, começa a abrir um monte de janela em seguida uma atras da outra sem parar, so para de abrir essa janela quando eu fecho o aika! Enquanto não fecho continua abrindo essas janelinhas vou colocar a imagem aqui!
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