Hello to all PGC !!!!
Today, i'm gonna teach you guys how to do an Perfect Agros Bot with the use of
•Your BRAIN for sure!
•Blue eye Macro, and some Paint of Photoshop if you want to..
•And patience!
Why patience??
Well, cause this one is gonna be a little big, and hard to make, but this will always be usefull !!!
From the start we'll need to learn how to use some properties of BEM..
1. How to use Investigate.
Click the "Investigate" button found on your BlueEyeMacro. It should then bring you to a window with a blank page in the middle. Go back to Aika, and take a screenshot at whatever you want. If you check the Investigate window, your screenshot will be automatically be saved there. Then, you can check, pixel by pixel, loads and loads of information, including RGB codes and x & y axis.
But the one that we will make use of is the save picture function. Right click and drag any area that you want within the screenshot on your investigate window, and a menu with "Save as image" and "Copy to clipboard" will show. Click "Save as image," choose a location folder, hit save, and that area you selected will be saved.
Image os Investigator Example : Click Here
2. Creating a New Macro
Go to Developer Tab, and click Create.
After that, in the new window opened in the "Specifications" and "Triggers" Set something like this.
In the NAME part, use anything you like, this will be the name of your macro..
In Key combination use the CTRL + Something you want, to Start the macro and Stop it..[THIS WILL BE VERY IMPORTANT CAUSE IF YOU GET SOME TROUBLE YOU'LL NEED TO KNOW THAT CTRL+NUMBER TO STOP THE MACRO]
3. Code For Perfect Agros Bot
You'll Copy and Paste the Code (In the END OF POST) in the "Code View" Tab in the window you are!
You'll get something like this.
4. Editing the Pictures/Putting in the Code
First, you'll use the Section 1 to get the pictures showed in the END OF POST, after that you'll need to save everything in a paste, that's easy to acess!
Okey, now Let's go back in the BEM and get in the TAB DESIGN VIEW AND CLICK IN CHECKNAME....
You'll get something like this.
NOTE:Well, you'll note that the PATH is the way to the pictures you've taken..So, this Code I'm giving to you guys have the paths of MY COMPUTER, so you'll need to change that to the PASTE OF YOUR PICTURES...Then how to do that??
Putting in the Code:
Just erase it and analyze it to know what Pic we are talking about...
Here we are taking the PATH : C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\NOME.png -> So we are talking about the picture that have NAME on it (You can found the names of the PIC in the END OF THE POST).
Now that you know how to do that..You'll have to do that for all parts (emptyroom,checkname,enterroom and checkroom), and change tha Paths of the pictures you've taken..
Ok.. Now just SAVE/CLOSE your Macro, and go to the Agros..
Go to the Waiting Room, and Active your macro (USING THE TRIGGERS YOU'VE SELECTED BEFORE).
Keep watching, and see if it goes right (It can take a while)....
Okey now you have your perfect agros bot!
Any question?? Ask below, i'll be happy to help you!!
Liked it ?? Thanks doesnt hurt you!! ^^
Hope you've liked it!!
PICTURES YOU WILL NEED (USE INVESTIGATOR OR PHOTOSHOP)Code:begin Function.Execute("checkroom") Function.Execute("enterroom") Function.Execute("checkname") Function.Execute("emptyroom") end function("checkroom") if Image.Can not be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\24pessoas.png", "100") and Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Atualizar.png", "100") begin Mouse.Move to image near coordinate("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\pontoperfeito.png", "100", "750", "658") begin loop() Mouse.Click at image closest to coordinate("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Pontoproximapagina.png", "90", "750", "658", "left") Mouse.Click("left") Mouse.Click at image closest to coordinate("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Pontoproximapagina.png", "90", "750", "658", "left") if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\24pessoas.png", "100") begin Macro.Break from loop("no") end end end function function("enterroom") if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\24pessoas.png", "100") begin Mouse.Move to image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\24pessoas.png", "100") begin loop() Mouse.Click("left") Mouse.Click("left") if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\NOME.png", "100") begin Macro.Break from loop("no") end end end function function("checkname") if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\NOME.png", "100") begin Macro.Pause("1000") Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\pronto.png", "100", "Left") Macro.Pause("500") Mouse.Move to coordinate("0", "0") end function function("emptyroom") if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\SALASEM12PESSOAS.png", "100") and Image.Can not be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\NOME.png", "100") begin Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\pronto.png", "100", "left") Macro.Pause("1000") Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Sair.png", "100", "left") Macro.Pause("1000") end if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Amanhecer0.png", "100") and Image.Can not be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\NOME.png", "100") begin Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\pronto.png", "100", "left") Macro.Pause("1000") Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Sair.png", "100", "left") Macro.Pause("1000") end if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Crepusculo0.png", "100") and Image.Can not be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\NOME.png", "100") begin Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\pronto.png", "100", "left") Macro.Pause("1000") Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Sair.png", "100", "left") Macro.Pause("1000") end if Image.Can be located on screen("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Começar.png", "100") begin Mouse.Click at image("C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\TESTES\Sair.png", "100", "left") Macro.Pause("1000") end function
24 pessoas :
Amanhecer0 :
Atualizar :
Começar :
Crepusculo0 :
Espera :
Nome :
Pagina1 :
Pontoperfeito :
Pontoproximapagina :
Pronto :
Sair :
Salasem12pessoas :![]()