I tried the Bug Hestia
To be able to turn into gold
However, he did not buy the item
Not comes the item and do not spend the gold
Can someone help me with this
with tips
I tried the Bug Hestia
To be able to turn into gold
However, he did not buy the item
Not comes the item and do not spend the gold
Can someone help me with this
with tips
If possible add me on msn leeonardo_pgc@live.com, I also managed to bring up the same way the video, but they also can not buy, but not like you changed the memory, maybe we can discuss and eventually found the full bug.
É pra ficar com medo?
Apenas observo...
Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.
I'll add, my msn is in trouble here to add little
Could also change the amount of light for gold and not consigui buy, if I find the problem am sending to you.
tell me how you did it ~^?
poderia me dizer como fez isso ^~ ?
Unable to buy.
É pra ficar com medo?
Apenas observo...
Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.
Eu vi um tutorial esses dias por ex : ele teve que comprar tal coisa para criar o valor e depois fazer a modificação , será que não é isso?
I saw a tutorial these days eg he had to buy such a thing to create value and then make the change, does not it?
Tests with any account that has powerful aid, the video that was released was the player with the aid may have something there
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I think so using the item and currency but the determination and someone knows how to and changes in value even if not at all want to learn ^ ^
eu acho que o item que tao usando e moeda da determinaçao mas e ae alguem sabe como altera valor mesmo que nao de em nada quero aprender ^^